Input number of cols and rows
Input elements of matrix:
Your matrix is:
0 1 2 3
4 5 6 2
7 8 5 1
2 7 4 0
Simetric rows are:
Elements that are smaller then all their neighbours are:
0 on position 1 , 1
2 on position 4 , 1
0 on position 4 , 4
Input elements of second matrix:
Your matrix is:
7 7 2 7
7 1 2 1
2 2 2 3
7 1 3 3
Skalar products:
32 47 43 33
Maximal scalar product is: 47
Is first matrix simetrical over diagonal?
Matrix is NOT simetrical over main diagonal!
Matrix is simetrical over auxiliary diagonal!
Is second matrix simetrical over over diagonal?
Matrix is simetrical over main diagonal!
Matrix is NOT simetrical over auxiliary diagonal!
Opseg (2.50,4.75)
Odgovarajuci elementi matrice su:
3, na poziciji 1,4
4, na poziciji 2,1
4, na poziciji 4,3
Opseg (3.25,4.50)
Odgovarajuci elementi matrice su: