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Lua properties

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Absolute running time: 0.18 sec, cpu time: 0.02 sec, memory peak: 5 Mb, absolute service time: 0,23 sec 
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	setter: table: 0x5655475bc960[x] = 22
custom setter found on key x
	setter: table: 0x5655475bc960[y] = -10
	getter: table: 0x5655475bc960[x]
custom getter found on key x
	getter: table: 0x5655475bc960[y]
	getter: table: 0x5655475bc960[unitid]
	setter: table: 0x5655475bc960[unitid] = HvsH
	getter: table: 0x5655475bc960[unitid]
	setter: table: 0x5655475bc960[x] = function: 0x5655475b9310
custom setter found on key x
error: x must be 'number' type 
	getter: table: 0x5655475bc960[x]
custom getter found on key x

	setter: table: 0x5655475bc960[x] = nil
custom setter found on key x
error: x must be 'number' type 
	getter: table: 0x5655475bc960[x]
custom getter found on key x

	getter: table: 0x5655475bc960[posx]