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Fórum Group Data Within 5 Hours Maximum

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Compilation time: 0,17 sec, absolute running time: 0,13 sec, cpu time: 0,12 sec, average memory usage: 15 Mb, average nr of threads: 3 
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	➡ Master1, Child1
3	Dn of 3	08.09.2016 05:00:01	Master1	Child1	3
4	Dn of 4	08.09.2016 09:00:01	Master1	Child1	1

	➡ Master1, Child2
1	Dn-of-1	08.09.2016 03:00:01	Master1	Child2	1

	➡ Master2, Child1
2	Dn-of-2	08.09.2016 04:00:01	Master2	Child1	1

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