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change case

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+ ] Compiler args + ] Show input
Compilation time: 0.22 sec, absolute running time: 0.14 sec, cpu time: 0.02 sec, memory peak: 8 Mb, absolute service time: 0,36 sec  
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2016-12-28 06:09:31.691 a.out[25496] autorelease called without pool for object (0x1f28fd8) of class GSCInlineString in thread <NSThread: 0x1f25a38>
2016-12-28 06:09:31.692 a.out[25496] parth ganatra
2016-12-28 06:09:31.692 a.out[25496] autorelease called without pool for object (0x1f29058) of class GSCInlineString in thread <NSThread: 0x1f25a38>
2016-12-28 06:09:31.692 a.out[25496] PARTH GANATRA
2016-12-28 06:09:31.692 a.out[25496] autorelease called without pool for object (0x206fcb8) of class NSDataMalloc in thread <NSThread: 0x1f25a38>
2016-12-28 06:09:31.692 a.out[25496] autorelease called without pool for object (0x206fec8) of class NSBitmapCharSet in thread <NSThread: 0x1f25a38>
2016-12-28 06:09:31.692 a.out[25496] autorelease called without pool for object (0x2072828) of class GSCInlineString in thread <NSThread: 0x1f25a38>
2016-12-28 06:09:31.692 a.out[25496] Parth Ganatra