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Student Management System
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Rextester { public class Student { public string name,city; public int sno,totalMarks = 0; public Student(int sno, string name, string city, int totalMarks) { this.sno = sno; = name.ToLower(); = city.ToLower(); this.setTotalMarks(totalMarks); } public void setTotalMarks(int totalMarks) { if(totalMarks < 0 || totalMarks > 100) { Console.Write("\n\n *Marks should be Non-negative and less than 100"); totalMarks = 0; } this.totalMarks = totalMarks; } } public class Program { public static List<Student> students = new List<Student>(); static int sno, totalMarks; static string name,city; public static void Main(string[] args) { string ch = ""; Console.WriteLine("\n\tSTUDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM"); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("1. New Student\n2. Update Student\n3. Delete Student\n4. View Student\n5. View All Students\n6. View Student Result\n7. Exit\n"); do{ Console.Write("\nSelect your choice : "); int choice = 0; bool IsConversionSuccessful = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out choice); if(!IsConversionSuccessful) Console.Write("\nPlease enter a valid format"); else { switch(choice) { case 1: enterDetails(); bool exists = students.Exists(x => x.sno == sno); if(exists) Console.Write("\n\n *Sno already exists"); else students.Add(new Student(sno, name, city, totalMarks)); break; case 2: updateStudent(); break; case 3: deleteStudent(); break; case 4: enterSno(); viewStudent(sno); break; case 5: viewAllStudents(); break; case 6: viewStudentResult(); break; case 7: return; default: Console.Write("\nInvalid Choice, Please enter a valid choice"); break; } do { Console.Write("\n\nDo you want to continue to the Application, Say (yes or no)"); ch = Console.ReadLine().Trim().ToLower(); if(ch != "yes" && ch != "no") Console.Write("\n\nInvalid Choice, Please say (yes or no)"); }while(ch != "yes" && ch != "no"); } }while(ch == "yes"); Console.WriteLine("\n\n *** Program Terminated *** "); } public static void enterDetails() { Console.WriteLine("\n\nPlease provide the details below"); Console.WriteLine("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); enterSno(); enterName(); enterCity(); enterTotalMarks(); } public static void enterSno() { Console.Write("\nEnter Sno : "); bool IsConversionSuccessful = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out sno); if(!IsConversionSuccessful) Console.Write("\nPlease enter a valid format"); } public static void enterName() { Console.Write("\nEnter Name : "); name = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); } public static void enterCity() { Console.Write("\nEnter City : "); city = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); } public static void enterTotalMarks() { Console.Write("\nEnter Total Marks : "); bool IsConversionSuccessful = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out totalMarks); if(!IsConversionSuccessful) Console.Write("\nPlease enter a valid format"); } public static void updateStudent() { enterDetails(); Student student = students.Find(x => x.sno == sno && == name && == city && x.totalMarks == totalMarks); if(student == null) Console.Write("\n\n\t *No matchng records found..."); else { Console.WriteLine("\n\nStudent Details"); Console.WriteLine("++++++++++++++++++"); Console.WriteLine($"Sno : {student.sno}\nName : {}\nCity : {}\nTotal Marks : {student.totalMarks}"); Console.WriteLine("\n1. Update Sno\n2. Update Name\n3. Update City\n4. Update Total Marks\n"); string ch = ""; do { Console.Write("\nSelect the property which you want to update : "); int choice = 0; bool IsConversionSuccessful = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out choice); if(!IsConversionSuccessful) Console.Write("\nPlease enter a valid format"); else { switch(choice) { case 1: enterSno(); if(sno != 0) { bool exists = students.Exists(x => x.sno == sno); if(exists) Console.Write("\n\n *Sno already exists"); else student.sno = sno; } break; case 2: enterName(); = name; break; case 3: enterCity(); = city; break; case 4: enterTotalMarks(); if(totalMarks != 0) student.setTotalMarks(totalMarks); break; default: Console.WriteLine("\nInvalid Choice"); break; } do { Console.WriteLine("\n\nDo you want to continue to update more.., Say (yes or no)"); ch = Console.ReadLine().Trim().ToLower(); if(ch != "yes" && ch != "no") Console.Write("\n\nInvalid Choice, Please say (yes or no)"); }while(ch != "yes" && ch != "no"); } }while(ch == "yes"); } } public static void deleteStudent() { enterSno(); Student student = students.Find(x => x.sno == sno); bool res = students.Remove(student); if(res) Console.Write($"\n *{student.sno}* removed successfully !!"); else Console.Write("\n\n\t *No matching records found..."); } public static Student viewStudent(int sno) { Student student = students.Find(x => x.sno == sno); if(student == null) { Console.WriteLine("\n\n\t *No matchng records found..."); return null; } else { Console.WriteLine("\n\nStudent Details"); Console.WriteLine("++++++++++++++++++"); Console.WriteLine($"Sno : {student.sno}\nName : {}\nCity : {}\nTotal Marks : {student.totalMarks}"); return student; } } public static void viewAllStudents() { Console.WriteLine("\n\nStudents Details"); Console.WriteLine("++++++++++++++++++"); if(students.Count == 0) Console.Write("\n0 records"); else { int counter = 0; foreach(Student student in students) { Console.WriteLine($"{counter++}.\tSno : {student.sno}\n\tName : {}\n\tCity : {}\n\tTotal Marks : {student.totalMarks}\n"); } } } public static void viewStudentResult() { enterSno(); Student student = viewStudent(sno); if(student != null) { if(student.totalMarks >= 75) Console.WriteLine("Result : First Class"); else if(student.totalMarks >= 50) Console.WriteLine("Result : Second Class"); else if(student.totalMarks >= 35) Console.WriteLine("Result : Third Class"); else Console.WriteLine("Result : Fail"); } } } }
Problem: rstring
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Factory Method Design Pattern
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