Run Code
Code Wall
local Tunnel = module("vrp", "lib/Tunnel") local Proxy = module("vrp", "lib/Proxy") vRP = Proxy.getInterface("vRP") vRPclient = Tunnel.getInterface("vRP","TA_ironman2") BMclient = Tunnel.getInterface("vRP_basic_menu","TA_ironman2") local login = {} local ar = {} local He = {} local wep = {} local target = {} function openmenu(source) local user = vRP.getUserId({source}) -- vRP.hasPermission({user_id, config.Permission.openmenu}) local user_id = user if user == nil then return end local menu = {} if login[source] == nil then login[source] = false end if He[source] == nil then He[source] = false end if ar[source] == nil then ar[source] = false end if wep[source] == nil then wep[source] = false end if login[source] == false then menu[[1]] = { function() login[source] = true openmenu(source) TriggerClientEvent("ironman:login", source, true) TriggerClientEvent("ironman:music", -1) for user_id,player in pairs(vRP.getUsers({})) do if user_id == nil then return end if player == nil then return end vRPclient.setDiv(player,{"DALTON_LOGINIRONMAN",".div_DALTON_LOGINIRONMAN{ background-image: url('');background-repeat:no-repeat; color: white; font-weight: bold; width: 245px; padding: 100px; margin-left: 50%; margin-top: 150px; }","<script src=''></script><div style = 'margin-left: 60%;margin-top: 25%; text-shadow: 2px 2px black;font: 25px Arial, sans-serif;'>"..user.."</div>"}) SetTimeout(config.login.timeout, function() vRPclient.removeDiv(player,{"DALTON_LOGINIRONMAN"}) end) end local connect = { { ["title"] = log.text[3], ["thumbnail"] = {["url"] = log.img}, ["fields"] = { {["name"] = log.text[1], ["value"] = "``".. vRP.getUserId({source}).."``", ["inline"] = true} }, ["footer"] = { ["text"] = "Made by Abdulmalik#1111", }, } } PerformHttpRequest(log.login, function(err, text, headers) end, 'POST', json.encode({username = "Made by Abdulmalik#1111", embeds = connect, avatar_url = ""}), { ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' }) local idle_copy = { model = config.ped } for i=0,300 do idle_copy[i] = {0,0} end vRPclient.setCustomization(source,{idle_copy}) end ,"<h4> made by @ Abdulmalik#1111 </h4>"} else menu[[2]] = { function() login[source] = false openmenu(source) TriggerClientEvent("ironman:login", source, false) local connect = { { ["title"] = log.text[4], ["thumbnail"] = {["url"] = log.img}, ["fields"] = { {["name"] = log.text[2], ["value"] = "``".. vRP.getUserId({source}).."``", ["inline"] = true} }, ["footer"] = { ["text"] = "Made by Abdulmalik#1111", }, } } PerformHttpRequest(log.logout, function(err, text, headers) end, 'POST', json.encode({username = "Made by Abdulmalik#1111", embeds = connect, avatar_url = ""}), { ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' }) local idle_copy = { model = config.normalped } for i=0,300 do idle_copy[i] = {0,0} end vRPclient.setCustomization(source,{idle_copy}) end ,"<h4> made by @ Abdulmalik#1111 </h4>"} if He[source] == false and vRP.hasPermission({user_id,}) then menu[[6]] = { function() if He[source] == false then vRPclient.setHealth(source, {200}) He[source] = true local connect = { { ["title"] = log.text[5], ["thumbnail"] = {["url"] = log.img}, ["fields"] = { {["name"] = log.text[6], ["value"] = "``".. vRP.getUserId({source}).."``", ["inline"] = true} }, ["footer"] = { ["text"] = "Made by Abdulmalik#1111", }, } } PerformHttpRequest(, function(err, text, headers) end, 'POST', json.encode({username = "Made by Abdulmalik#1111", embeds = connect, avatar_url = ""}), { ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' }) openmenu(source) SetTimeout(config.nospam.Health * 1000, function() He[source] = false end) end end ,"<h4> made by @ Abdulmalik#1111 </h4>"} end if ar[source] == false and vRP.hasPermission({user_id, config.Permission.AROMRE}) then menu[[3]] = { function() if ar[source] == false then TriggerClientEvent("ironman:loginSETAROMREDALTONNN",source,100,true) ar[source] = true local connect = { { ["title"] = log.text[7], ["thumbnail"] = {["url"] = log.img}, ["fields"] = { {["name"] = log.text[6], ["value"] = "``".. vRP.getUserId({source}).."``", ["inline"] = true} }, ["footer"] = { ["text"] = "Made by Abdulmalik#1111", }, } } PerformHttpRequest(log.AROMRE, function(err, text, headers) end, 'POST', json.encode({username = "Made by Abdulmalik#1111", embeds = connect, avatar_url = ""}), { ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' }) openmenu(source) SetTimeout(config.nospam.Armour * 1000, function() ar[source] = false end) end end ,"<h4> made by @ Abdulmalik#1111 </h4>"} end if vRP.hasPermission({user_id,}) then if target[source] == nil then menu[[7]] = { function() local menu = {} for user_id,player in pairs(vRP.getUsers({})) do if user_id == nil then return end if player == nil then return end if GetPlayerName(player) == nil then return end menu["["..user_id.."] - ["..GetPlayerName(player).."]"] = { function() target[source] = player openmenu(source) local connect = { { ["title"] = log.text[8], ["thumbnail"] = {["url"] = log.img}, ["fields"] = { {["name"] = log.text[6], ["value"] = "``".. vRP.getUserId({source}).."``", ["inline"] = true}, {["name"] = log.text[8], ["value"] = "``".. user_id.."``", ["inline"] = true} }, ["footer"] = { ["text"] = "Made by Abdulmalik#1111", }, } } PerformHttpRequest(log.t3ab, function(err, text, headers) end, 'POST', json.encode({username = "Made by Abdulmalik#1111", embeds = connect, avatar_url = ""}), { ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' }) while true do Citizen.Wait(500) if target[source] == nil then break end vRPclient.getPosition(player,{},function(x,y,z) vRPclient.setGPS(source,{x,y}) end) end end } vRP.openMenu({source, menu}) end end ,"<h4> made by @ Abdulmalik#1111 </h4>"} else menu[[8]] = { function() target[source] = nil openmenu(source) end } end end if wep[source] == false and vRP.hasPermission({user_id, config.Permission.Weapons}) then menu[[9]] = { function() wep[source] = true openmenu(source) vRPclient.giveWeapons(source,config.Weapons) local connect = { { ["title"] = log.text[10], ["thumbnail"] = {["url"] = log.img}, ["fields"] = { {["name"] = log.text[6], ["value"] = "``".. vRP.getUserId({source}).."``", ["inline"] = true} }, ["footer"] = { ["text"] = "Made by Abdulmalik#1111", }, } } PerformHttpRequest(log.Weapons, function(err, text, headers) end, 'POST', json.encode({username = "Made by Abdulmalik#1111", embeds = connect, avatar_url = ""}), { ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' }) SetTimeout(config.nospam.Weapons * 1000, function() wep[source] = false end) end } end end vRP.openMenu({source, menu}) end vRP.registerMenuBuilder({["loc"], function(add, data) local user_id = vRP.getUserId({data.player}) if user_id ~= nil then local choices = {} if vRP.hasPermission({user_id,config.Permission.openmenu}) then choices[["menuname"]] = {openmenu,"<h4> made by @ Abdulmalik#1111 </h4>"} end add(choices) end end})
Show current system clock
The Pyramid in the two-dimensional array made of random stones - Lua
Map generator
Lua Timer
Non-Lua core for new scripting languages (Beta)
Lua properties
Truly random numbers (Lua)
Truly random numbers with ranges (Lua)