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BinTree palyground
//Title of this code #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <queue> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; struct BinTree { int data; BinTree *left; BinTree *right; BinTree(int d, BinTree* l, BinTree* r): data(d), left(l), right(r) {} }; int depth(BinTree* root, int d) { if (!root) return d; return max(depth(root->left, d + 1), depth(root->right, d + 1)); } int maxDepth(int nodeCount) { int i = 0; while(nodeCount > 0) { nodeCount >>= 1; ++i; } return i; } void inorder(BinTree* root) { if (!root) return; inorder(root->left); cout << root->data << " "; inorder(root->right); } void resetTree(BinTree* root, vector<BinTree*>& t) { if (!root) return; resetTree(root->left, t); t.push_back(root); resetTree(root->right, t); root->left = NULL; root->right = NULL; } void BuildNew(vector<BinTree*>& t, BinTree*& root, int begin, int end) { if (begin > end) return; int mid; if (begin == end) mid = begin; else mid = (end - begin) / 2 + begin; root = t[mid]; BuildNew(t, root->left, begin, mid - 1); BuildNew(t, root->right, mid + 1, end); } void print(vector<BinTree*>& t) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i){ cout << t[i]->data << " "; } cout << endl; } void printLevels(BinTree* root) { queue<BinTree*> *nodesCur = new queue<BinTree*>(); queue<BinTree*> *nodesNext = new queue<BinTree*>(); nodesCur->push(root); do { while (!nodesCur->empty()) { BinTree *cur = nodesCur->front(); nodesCur->pop(); cout << cur->data << " "; if (cur->left) nodesNext->push(cur->left); if (cur->right) nodesNext->push(cur->right); } cout << endl; swap(nodesCur, nodesNext); } while (!nodesCur->empty()); } bool isBST(BinTree* root, int minVal, int maxVal) { if (!root) return true; if (root->data > minVal && root->data < maxVal) return isBST(root->left, minVal, root->data) && isBST(root->right, root->data, maxVal); return false; } int treeHeight(BinTree* root) { if (!root) return 0; return max(treeHeight(root->left), treeHeight(root->right)) + 1; } int treeDiameter(BinTree* root) { if (!root) return 0; int lheight = treeHeight(root->left); int rheight = treeHeight(root->right); int ldiameter = treeDiameter(root->left); int rdiameter = treeDiameter(root->right); return max(lheight + rheight + 1, max(ldiameter, rdiameter)); } bool nodeCompare(BinTree* n1, BinTree* n2) { return n1->data < n2->data; } int main() { BinTree *ggg = new BinTree(6, NULL, NULL); BinTree *gg = new BinTree(18, NULL, ggg); BinTree *ddd = new BinTree(1, NULL, NULL); BinTree *dd = new BinTree(2, ddd, NULL); BinTree *hh = new BinTree(13, NULL, NULL); BinTree *j = new BinTree(10, NULL, NULL); BinTree *h = new BinTree(14, hh, NULL); BinTree *g = new BinTree(17, NULL, gg); BinTree *f = new BinTree(12, j, h); BinTree *e = new BinTree(7, NULL, NULL); BinTree *d = new BinTree(3, dd, NULL); BinTree *c = new BinTree(15, f, g); BinTree *b = new BinTree(5, d, e); BinTree *root = new BinTree(9, b, c); cout << treeDiameter(root) << endl; //cout << treeHeight(root) << endl; printLevels(root); cout << boolalpha << isBST(root, 0, 100) << endl; vector<BinTree*> t; inorder(root); cout << endl; cout << depth(root, 0); cout << endl; resetTree(root, t); sort(t.begin(), t.end(), nodeCompare); root = t[t.size() / 2]; BuildNew(t, root, 0, t.size() - 1); inorder(root); cout << endl; cout << depth(root, 0); cout << endl; cout << boolalpha << isBST(root, 0, 100) << endl; printLevels(root); }
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