Run Code
Code Wall
local lang = vRP.lang local cfg = module("cfg/inventory") -- this module define the player inventory (lost after respawn, as wallet) vRP.items = {} -- define an inventory item (call this at server start) (parametric or plain text data) -- idname: unique item name -- name: display name or genfunction -- description: item description (html) or genfunction -- choices: menudata choices (see gui api) only as genfunction or nil -- weight: weight or genfunction -- -- genfunction are functions returning a correct value as: function(args) return value end -- where args is a list of {base_idname,arg,arg,arg,...} function vRP.defInventoryItem(idname,name,description,choices,weight) if weight == nil then weight = 0 end local item = {name=name,description=description,choices=choices,weight=weight} vRP.items[idname] = item -- build give action item.ch_give = function(player,choice) end -- build trash action item.ch_trash = function(player,choice) local user_id = vRP.getUserId(player) if user_id ~= nil then -- prompt number vRP.prompt(player,lang.inventory.trash.prompt({vRP.getInventoryItemAmount(user_id,idname)}),"",function(player,amount) local amount = parseInt(amount) if vRP.tryGetInventoryItem(user_id,idname,amount,false) then vRPclient.notify(player,{lang.inventory.trash.done({vRP.getItemName(idname),amount})}) vRPclient.playAnim(player,{true,{{"pickup_object","pickup_low",1}},false}) else vRPclient.notify(player,{lang.common.invalid_value()}) end end) end end end -- give action function ch_give(idname, player, choice) local user_id = vRP.getUserId(player) if user_id ~= nil then -- get nearest player vRPclient.getNearestPlayer(player,{10},function(nplayer) if nplayer ~= nil then local nuser_id = vRP.getUserId(nplayer) if nuser_id ~= nil then -- prompt number vRP.prompt(player,lang.inventory.give.prompt({vRP.getInventoryItemAmount(user_id,idname)}),"",function(player,amount) local amount = parseInt(amount) -- weight check local new_weight = vRP.getInventoryWeight(nuser_id)+vRP.getItemWeight(idname)*amount if new_weight <= vRP.getInventoryMaxWeight(nuser_id) then if vRP.tryGetInventoryItem(user_id,idname,amount,true) then vRP.giveInventoryItem(nuser_id,idname,amount,true) vRPclient.playAnim(player,{true,{{"mp_common","givetake1_a",1}},false}) vRPclient.playAnim(nplayer,{true,{{"mp_common","givetake2_a",1}},false}) else vRPclient.notify(player,{lang.common.invalid_value()}) end else vRPclient.notify(player,{lang.inventory.full()}) end end) else vRPclient.notify(player,{lang.common.no_player_near()}) end else vRPclient.notify(player,{lang.common.no_player_near()}) end end) end end -- trash action function ch_trash(idname, player, choice) local user_id = vRP.getUserId(player) if user_id ~= nil then -- prompt number vRP.prompt(player,lang.inventory.trash.prompt({vRP.getInventoryItemAmount(user_id,idname)}),"",function(player,amount) local amount = parseInt(amount) if vRP.tryGetInventoryItem(user_id,idname,amount,false) then vRPclient.notify(player,{lang.inventory.trash.done({vRP.getItemName(idname),amount})}) vRPclient.playAnim(player,{true,{{"pickup_object","pickup_low",1}},false}) else vRPclient.notify(player,{lang.common.invalid_value()}) end end) end end function vRP.computeItemName(item,args) if type( == "string" then return else return end end function vRP.computeItemDescription(item,args) if type(item.description) == "string" then return item.description else return item.description(args) end end function vRP.computeItemChoices(item,args) if item.choices ~= nil then return item.choices(args) else return {} end end function vRP.computeItemWeight(item,args) if type(item.weight) == "number" then return item.weight else return item.weight(args) end end function vRP.parseItem(idname) return splitString(idname,"|") end -- return name, description, weight function vRP.getItemDefinition(idname) local args = vRP.parseItem(idname) local item = vRP.items[args[1]] if item ~= nil then return vRP.computeItemName(item,args), vRP.computeItemDescription(item,args), vRP.computeItemWeight(item,args) end return nil,nil,nil end function vRP.getItemName(idname) local args = vRP.parseItem(idname) local item = vRP.items[args[1]] if item ~= nil then return vRP.computeItemName(item,args) end return args[1] end function vRP.getItemDescription(idname) local args = vRP.parseItem(idname) local item = vRP.items[args[1]] if item ~= nil then return vRP.computeItemDescription(item,args) end return "" end function vRP.getItemChoices(idname) local args = vRP.parseItem(idname) local item = vRP.items[args[1]] local choices = {} if item ~= nil then -- compute choices local cchoices = vRP.computeItemChoices(item,args) if cchoices then -- copy computed choices for k,v in pairs(cchoices) do choices[k] = v end end -- add give/trash choices choices[lang.inventory.give.title()] = {function(player,choice) ch_give(idname, player, choice) end, lang.inventory.give.description()} choices[lang.inventory.trash.title()] = {function(player, choice) ch_trash(idname, player, choice) end, lang.inventory.trash.description()} end return choices end function vRP.getItemWeight(idname) local args = vRP.parseItem(idname) local item = vRP.items[args[1]] if item ~= nil then return vRP.computeItemWeight(item,args) end return 0 end -- compute weight of a list of items (in inventory/chest format) function vRP.computeItemsWeight(items) local weight = 0 for k,v in pairs(items) do local iweight = vRP.getItemWeight(k) weight = weight+iweight*v.amount end return weight end -- add item to a connected user inventory function vRP.giveInventoryItem(user_id,idname,amount,notify) if notify == nil then notify = true end -- notify by default local data = vRP.getUserDataTable(user_id) if data and amount > 0 then local entry = data.inventory[idname] if entry then -- add to entry entry.amount = entry.amount+amount else -- new entry data.inventory[idname] = {amount=amount} end -- notify if notify then local player = vRP.getUserSource(user_id) if player ~= nil then vRPclient.notify(player,{lang.inventory.give.received({vRP.getItemName(idname),amount})}) end end end end -- try to get item from a connected user inventory function vRP.tryGetInventoryItem(user_id,idname,amount,notify) if notify == nil then notify = true end -- notify by default local data = vRP.getUserDataTable(user_id) if data and amount > 0 then local entry = data.inventory[idname] if entry and entry.amount >= amount then -- add to entry entry.amount = entry.amount-amount -- remove entry if <= 0 if entry.amount <= 0 then data.inventory[idname] = nil end -- notify if notify then local player = vRP.getUserSource(user_id) if player ~= nil then vRPclient.notify(player,{lang.inventory.give.given({vRP.getItemName(idname),amount})}) end end return true else -- notify if notify then local player = vRP.getUserSource(user_id) if player ~= nil then local entry_amount = 0 if entry then entry_amount = entry.amount end vRPclient.notify(player,{lang.inventory.missing({vRP.getItemName(idname),amount-entry_amount})}) end end end end return false end -- get user inventory amount of item function vRP.getInventoryItemAmount(user_id,idname) local data = vRP.getUserDataTable(user_id) if data and data.inventory then local entry = data.inventory[idname] if entry then return entry.amount end end return 0 end -- return user inventory total weight function vRP.getInventoryWeight(user_id) local data = vRP.getUserDataTable(user_id) if data and data.inventory then return vRP.computeItemsWeight(data.inventory) end return 0 end -- return maximum weight of the user inventory function vRP.getInventoryMaxWeight(user_id) return math.floor(vRP.expToLevel(vRP.getExp(user_id, "physical", "strength")))*cfg.inventory_weight_per_strength end -- clear connected user inventory function vRP.clearInventory(user_id) local data = vRP.getUserDataTable(user_id) if data then data.inventory = {} end end -- INVENTORY MENU -- open player inventory function vRP.openInventory(source) local user_id = vRP.getUserId(source) if user_id ~= nil then local data = vRP.getUserDataTable(user_id) if data then -- build inventory menu local menudata = {name=lang.inventory.title(),css={top="75px",header_color="rgba(29, 219, 22, 1)"}} -- add inventory info local weight = vRP.getInventoryWeight(user_id) local max_weight = vRP.getInventoryMaxWeight(user_id) local hue = math.floor(math.max(125*(1-weight/max_weight), 0)) menudata["<div class=\"dprogressbar\" data-value=\""..string.format("%.2f",weight/max_weight).."\" data-color=\"hsl("..hue..",100%,50%)\" data-bgcolor=\"hsl("..hue..",100%,25%)\" style=\"height: 12px; border: 3px solid black;\"></div>"] = {function()end, lang.inventory.info_weight({string.format("%.2f",weight),max_weight})} local kitems = {} -- choose callback, nested menu, create the item menu local choose = function(player,choice) if string.sub(choice,1,1) ~= "@" then -- ignore info choices local choices = vRP.getItemChoices(kitems[choice]) -- build item menu local submenudata = {name=choice,css={top="75px",header_color="rgba(29, 219, 22, 1)"}} -- add computed choices for k,v in pairs(choices) do submenudata[k] = v end -- nest menu submenudata.onclose = function() vRP.openInventory(source) -- reopen inventory when submenu closed end -- open menu vRP.openMenu(source,submenudata) end end -- add each item to the menu for k,v in pairs(data.inventory) do local name,description,weight = vRP.getItemDefinition(k) if name ~= nil then kitems[name] = k -- reference item by display name menudata[name] = {choose,lang.inventory.iteminfo({v.amount,description,string.format("%.2f",weight)})} end end -- open menu vRP.openMenu(source,menudata) end end end -- init inventory AddEventHandler("vRP:playerJoin", function(user_id,source,name,last_login) local data = vRP.getUserDataTable(user_id) if data.inventory == nil then data.inventory = {} end end) -- add open inventory to main menu local choices = {} choices[lang.inventory.title()] = {function(player, choice) vRP.openInventory(player) end, lang.inventory.description()} vRP.registerMenuBuilder("main", function(add, data) add(choices) end) -- CHEST SYSTEM local chests = {} -- build a menu from a list of items and bind a callback(idname) local function build_itemlist_menu(name, items, cb) local menu = {name=name, css={top="75px",header_color="rgba(0,255,125,0.75)"}} local kitems = {} -- choice callback local choose = function(player,choice) local idname = kitems[choice] if idname then cb(idname) end end -- add each item to the menu for k,v in pairs(items) do local name,description,weight = vRP.getItemDefinition(k) if name ~= nil then kitems[name] = k -- reference item by display name menu[name] = {choose,lang.inventory.iteminfo({v.amount,description,string.format("%.2f", weight)})} end end return menu end -- open a chest by name -- cb_close(): called when the chest is closed (optional) -- cb_in(idname, amount): called when an item is added (optional) -- cb_out(idname, amount): called when an item is taken (optional) function vRP.openChest(source, name, max_weight, cb_close, cb_in, cb_out) local user_id = vRP.getUserId(source) if user_id ~= nil then local data = vRP.getUserDataTable(user_id) if data.inventory ~= nil then if not chests[name] then local close_count = 0 -- used to know when the chest is closed (unlocked) -- load chest local chest = {max_weight = max_weight} chests[name] = chest vRP.getSData("chest:", function(cdata) chest.items = json.decode(cdata) or {} -- load items -- open menu local menu = {name=lang.inventory.chest.title(), css={top="75px",header_color="rgba(0,255,125,0.75)"}} -- take local cb_take = function(idname) local citem = chest.items[idname] vRP.prompt(source, lang.inventory.chest.take.prompt({citem.amount}), "", function(player, amount) amount = parseInt(amount) if amount >= 0 and amount <= citem.amount then -- take item -- weight check local new_weight = vRP.getInventoryWeight(user_id)+vRP.getItemWeight(idname)*amount if new_weight <= vRP.getInventoryMaxWeight(user_id) then vRP.giveInventoryItem(user_id, idname, amount, true) citem.amount = citem.amount-amount if citem.amount <= 0 then chest.items[idname] = nil -- remove item entry end if cb_out then cb_out(idname,amount) end -- actualize by closing vRP.closeMenu(player) else vRPclient.notify(source,{lang.inventory.full()}) end else vRPclient.notify(source,{lang.common.invalid_value()}) end end) end local ch_take = function(player, choice) local submenu = build_itemlist_menu(lang.inventory.chest.take.title(), chest.items, cb_take) -- add weight info local weight = vRP.computeItemsWeight(chest.items) local hue = math.floor(math.max(125*(1-weight/max_weight), 0)) submenu["<div class=\"dprogressbar\" data-value=\""..string.format("%.2f",weight/max_weight).."\" data-color=\"hsl("..hue..",100%,50%)\" data-bgcolor=\"hsl("..hue..",100%,25%)\" style=\"height: 12px; border: 3px solid black;\"></div>"] = {function()end, lang.inventory.info_weight({string.format("%.2f",weight),max_weight})} submenu.onclose = function() close_count = close_count-1 vRP.openMenu(player, menu) end close_count = close_count+1 vRP.openMenu(player, submenu) end -- put local cb_put = function(idname) vRP.prompt(source, lang.inventory.chest.put.prompt({vRP.getInventoryItemAmount(user_id, idname)}), "", function(player, amount) amount = parseInt(amount) -- weight check local new_weight = vRP.computeItemsWeight(chest.items)+vRP.getItemWeight(idname)*amount if new_weight <= max_weight then if amount >= 0 and vRP.tryGetInventoryItem(user_id, idname, amount, true) then local citem = chest.items[idname] if citem ~= nil then citem.amount = citem.amount+amount else -- create item entry chest.items[idname] = {amount=amount} end -- callback if cb_in then cb_in(idname,amount) end -- actualize by closing vRP.closeMenu(player) end else vRPclient.notify(source,{lang.inventory.chest.full()}) end end) end local ch_put = function(player, choice) local submenu = build_itemlist_menu(lang.inventory.chest.put.title(), data.inventory, cb_put) -- add weight info local weight = vRP.computeItemsWeight(data.inventory) local max_weight = vRP.getInventoryMaxWeight(user_id) local hue = math.floor(math.max(125*(1-weight/max_weight), 0)) submenu["<div class=\"dprogressbar\" data-value=\""..string.format("%.2f",weight/max_weight).."\" data-color=\"hsl("..hue..",100%,50%)\" data-bgcolor=\"hsl("..hue..",100%,25%)\" style=\"height: 12px; border: 3px solid black;\"></div>"] = {function()end, lang.inventory.info_weight({string.format("%.2f",weight),max_weight})} submenu.onclose = function() close_count = close_count-1 vRP.openMenu(player, menu) end close_count = close_count+1 vRP.openMenu(player, submenu) end -- choices menu[lang.inventory.chest.take.title()] = {ch_take} menu[lang.inventory.chest.put.title()] = {ch_put} menu.onclose = function() if close_count == 0 then -- close chest -- save chest items vRP.setSData("chest:", json.encode(chest.items)) chests[name] = nil if cb_close then cb_close() end -- close callback end end -- open menu vRP.openMenu(source, menu) end) else vRPclient.notify(source,{lang.inventory.chest.already_opened()}) end end end end
lua5.3: ...Desktop/rextester_linux_2.0/usercode/68368288/source.lua:166: unexpected symbol near '}'
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