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create table salesman (salesman_id char(6), name char(12), city char(20), commission decimal(2,2)); Insert into salesman values('5001', 'James Hoog', 'New York', 0.15) Insert into salesman values('5002 ', 'Nail Knite', 'Paris', 0.13); Insert into salesman values('5005 ', 'Pit Alex', 'london', 0.11); Insert into salesman values('5003 ', 'Lauson Hen',' ', 0.12); Insert into salesman values('5006 ', 'Mc Lyon ','Paris ', 0.14); Insert into salesman values('5007 ', 'Paul Adam ','Romes ', 0.13); Insert into salesman values('9007 ', 'Paul Adam ','Romes ', 0.13); create table customer (customer_id char(6), cust_name char(12), city char(20), grade decimal(6), salesman_id char(6)); Insert into customer values('3002', 'Nick Rimando', 'New York', 100, '5001'); Insert into customer values('3005', 'Graham Zusi ', 'California', 200, '5002'); Insert into customer values('3001', 'Brad Guzan', 'London ', 0 , '5005'); Insert into customer values('3004', 'Fabian Johns', 'Paris ', 300, '5006'); Insert into customer values('3001', 'Brad Guzan', 'London ', 0 , '5005'); Insert into customer values('3001', 'Brad Guzan', 'London ', 0 , '5005'); Insert into customer values('3009', 'Geoff Camero', 'Berlin ', 100, '5003'); Insert into customer values('3008', 'Julian Green', 'London ', 300, '5002'); Insert into customer values('3003', 'Jozy Altidor', 'Moscow ', 200, '5007'); Delete from customer where cust_name = ' Brad Guzan '; Delete from customer where cust_name = 'Brad Guzan'; Insert into customer values('3001', 'Brad Guzan', 'London ', 0 , '5005'); Insert into customer values('3007', 'Brad Davis ', 'New York ', 200, '5001'); create table order1 (ord_no decimal(7,0), purch_amt decimal(6,2), ord_date date, customer_id char(6), salesman_id char(6)); Insert into order1 values(70001, 150.5, '2012-10-05', '3005', '5002'); Insert into order1 values(70009, 270.65, '2012-09-10', '3001 ', '5005'); Insert into order1 values(70002, 65.26, '2012-10-05', '3002 ', '5001'); Insert into order1 values(70007, 948.5, '2012-09-10', '3005 ', '5002'); Insert into order1 values(70004, 110.5, '2012-08-17', '3009 ', '5003'); Insert into order1 values(70005, 2400.6, '2012-07-27', '3007 ', '5001'); Insert into order1 values(70008, 5760, '2012-09-10', '3002 ', '5001'); Insert into order1 values(70010, 1983.43, '2012-10-10', '3004 ', '5006'); Insert into order1 values(70003, 2480.4, '2012-10-10', '3009 ', '5003'); Insert into order1 values(70012, 250.45, '2012-06-27', '3008 ', '5002'); Insert into order1 values(70011, 75.29 , '2012-08-17', '3003 ', '5007'); Insert into order1 values(70013, 3045.6, '2012-04-25', '3002 ', '5001'); Insert into customer values('3050', 'BradGuzanNEW', 'London ', 350 , '5005'); select customer.customer_id,customer.cust_name,isnull(cnt,0) as cnt1 from customer left outer join (select customer_id ,count(*) cnt from order1 group by customer_id) a on customer.customer_id = a.customer_id; select customer_id, cust_name, (select count(*) from order1 where order1.customer_id = customer.customer_id) as num_ord from customer; select customer.cust_name, customer.customer_id,count(order1.ord_no) from customer left outer join order1 on customer.customer_id = order1.customer_id group by customer.cust_name,customer.customer_id; select customer.cust_name,,order1.ord_no,order1.ord_date, order1.purch_amt,, salesman.commission from customer left outer join order1 on customer.customer_id = order1.customer_id left outer join salesman on customer.salesman_id = salesman.salesman_id; Insert into customer values('3060', 'TestGuzanNEW', 'London ', 350 , ' '); Select * from salesman; Select * from Customer; Select * from order1; Select * from Salesman s Left join (Select c.customer_id, c.cust_name, c.salesman_id, o.ord_no from customer c left join order1 o on c.customer_id=o.customer_id and c.salesman_id = o.salesman_id) a On s.salesman_id = a.salesman_id; Select s.salesman_Id,,, isnull(a.customer_ID, ' ') as 'Customer Id', isnull(a.cust_name, 'NoOrdByLinkdCust') as 'Cust Name', case isnull(a.Ord_no, 0) when 0 then 'NoOrder' End, isnull(a.ord_no, 0) 'Order No', isnull(a.purch_amt,0) 'Purchase Amt'from Salesman s LEFT JOIN (Select c.customer_id, c.cust_name, c.salesman_id, o.ord_no, o.purch_amt from customer c LEFT JOIN order1 o ON c.customer_id=o.customer_id and c.salesman_id = o.salesman_id ) a On s.salesman_id = a.salesman_id; Select s.salesman_Id,,, isnull(a.customer_ID, ' ') as 'Customer Id', isnull(a.cust_name, 'NoOrdByLinkdCust') as 'Cust Name', case isnull(a.Ord_no, 0) when 0 then 'NoOrder' End, isnull(a.ord_no, 0) 'Order No', isnull(a.purch_amt,0) 'Purchase Amt'from Salesman s LEFT JOIN (Select c.customer_id, c.cust_name, c.salesman_id, o.ord_no, o.purch_amt from customer c LEFT JOIN order1 o ON c.customer_id=o.customer_id and c.salesman_id = o.salesman_id where o.purch_amt >2000 and c.grade<>0 ) a On s.salesman_id = a.salesman_id; select * from customer; select * from order1; Insert into order1 values(70014, 150.5, '2012-10-05', '3060', ' '); select * from order1; Insert into customer values('3011', 'Green', 'London ', 300, '5002'); Insert into order1 values(70015, 150.5, '2012-10-05', '3011', '5006 '); select * from customer; select * from Order1; Select c.customer_id, c.cust_name, c.salesman_id, o.ord_no, o.purch_amt from customer c LEFT JOIN order1 o ON c.customer_id=o.customer_id and c.salesman_id = o.salesman_id; Select s.salesman_Id,,, isnull(a.customer_ID, ' ') as 'Customer Id', isnull(a.cust_name, 'NoOrdByLinkdCust') as 'Cust Name', case isnull(a.Ord_no, 0) when 0 then 'NoOrder' End, isnull(a.ord_no, 0) 'Order No', isnull(a.purch_amt,0) 'Purchase Amt'from Salesman s LEFT JOIN (Select c.customer_id, c.cust_name, c.salesman_id, o.ord_no, o.purch_amt from customer c LEFT JOIN order1 o ON c.customer_id=o.customer_id and c.salesman_id = o.salesman_id ) a On s.salesman_id = a.salesman_id; select customer.customer_id, customer.cust_name,customer.grade, order1.ord_no, order1.purch_amt from customer left outer join order1 on customer.customer_id = order1.customer_id and customer.salesman_id = order1.salesman_id where order1.purch_amt >2000 and customer.grade <> 0 select * from salesman left outer join (select customer.customer_id, customer.cust_name,customer.grade, order1.ord_no, order1.purch_amt, customer.salesman_id from customer left outer join order1 on customer.customer_id = order1.customer_id and customer.salesman_id = order1.salesman_id where order1.purch_amt >= 2000 and customer.grade <> 0) as a on salesman.salesman_id = a.salesman_id select customer.customer_id, customer.cust_name,customer.grade, order1.ord_no, order1.purch_amt from customer left outer join order1 on customer.customer_id = order1.customer_id where customer.grade <> 0; select salesman.salesman_id,, customer.customer_id, customer.cust_name,customer.grade, order1.ord_no, order1.purch_amt, order1.salesman_id from salesman left join order1 on salesman.salesman_id = order1.salesman_id left join customer on customer.customer_id=order1.customer_id Where customer.grade<>0; select * from salesman left outer join (select customer.customer_id, customer.cust_name,customer.grade, order1.ord_no, order1.purch_amt, order1.salesman_id from customer left outer join order1 on customer.customer_id = order1.customer_id ) as a on salesman.salesman_id = a.salesman_id; select salesman.salesman_id,, customer.customer_id, customer.cust_name,customer.grade, order1.ord_no, order1.purch_amt, order1.salesman_id from salesman left outer join order1 on salesman.salesman_id = order1.salesman_id left outer join customer on customer.customer_id=order1.customer_id ; Select * from Salesman; Select * from Customer; Select * from order1; select * from salesman left outer join (select customer.customer_id, customer.cust_name,customer.grade, order1.ord_no, order1.purch_amt, order1.salesman_id from customer left outer join order1 on customer.customer_id = order1.customer_id where customer.grade<>0 and order1.purch_amt>=2000 ) as a on salesman.salesman_id = a.salesman_id;
FORMAT FUNCTION (New Feature of 2012 sql server)
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