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dsu on tree(264E BLOOD COUSIN RETURNS)
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define pb push_back #define sz(v) (int)v.size() typedef long long int ll; struct query{ int i, h; query(int ind, int height) : i(ind), h(height){} }; const int N = 1e5 + 1; vector<int> g[N]; ll big[N] = {0}, sub[N], col[N], total[2*N] = {0}, ans[N] = {0}; vector<query> q[N]; void dfs(int s, int p){ sub[s] = 1; for(auto &i : g[s]) if(i != p){ dfs(i, s), sub[s] += sub[i]; if(sub[i] > sub[g[s][0]]) swap(i, g[s][0]); } } map<int, int> cnt_[N]; void add(int s, int p, int v, int lvl){ int cur = col[s]; int &cnt = cnt_[cur][lvl]; cnt += v; if(cnt == 1 && v == 1) total[lvl]++; else if(cnt == 0 && v == -1) total[lvl]--; for(auto i : g[s]) if(i != p && !big[i]) add(i, s, v, lvl+1); } void dfs_dsu(int s, int p, bool keep, int lvl){ int x = g[s][0]; //cout << s << " " << p << " " << lvl << " " << x << endl; for(auto i : g[s]) if(i != x && i != p) dfs_dsu(i, s, 0, lvl+1); if(x != p) dfs_dsu(x, s, 1, lvl+1), big[x] = 1; add(s, p, 1, lvl); for(auto i : q[s]){ const int &h = i.h; ans[i.i] = total[lvl+h]; } if(x != p) big[x] = 0; if(!keep) add(s, p, -1, lvl); } map<string, int> m; int ind = 1; int main(){ ios_base :: sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); vector<int> roots; int n; cin >> n; for(int j = 1; j <= n; j++){ string s; cin >> s; int &cur = m[s]; if(cur == 0) cur = ind, col[j] = ind, ind++; else col[j] = cur; int p; cin >> p; if(p == 0) roots.pb(j), g[j].pb(0); else g[j].pb(p), g[p].pb(j); } int m; cin >> m; for(int j = 0; j < m; j++){ int u, h; cin >> u >> h; q[u].pb(query(j, h)); } for(auto j : roots){ dfs(j, 0); dfs_dsu(j, 0, 0, 1); } for(int j = 0; j < m; j++) cout << ans[j] << endl; //cout << endl; return 0; }
Two-phase sample with GCC
Вариант универсального указателя.
without HLD range Quey can be handled by just using segment tree on the FLATTENED TREE (euler tour)
Example of range-base for loop
Web Browser History - LIST
LRU cache
Simulare 2022