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VC++. G3log timestamp formatting.
//Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.00.23506 for x86 #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <chrono> #include <string> #include <iomanip> #include <cassert> namespace g3 { typedef std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> system_time_point; typedef std::chrono::milliseconds milliseconds; typedef std::chrono::microseconds microseconds; namespace internal { const std::string date_formatted = "%Y/%m/%d"; const std::string time_formatted = "%H:%M:%S %f6"; enum class Fractional {Millisecond, Microsecond, Nanosecond, NanosecondDefault}; Fractional getFractional(const std::string& format_buffer, size_t pos); std::string to_string(const g3::system_time_point& ts, Fractional fractional); std::string localtime_formatted_fractions(const g3::system_time_point& ts, std::string format_buffer); // %f: fractions of seconds (%f is nanoseconds) // %f3: milliseconds, 3 digits: 001 // %6: microseconds: 6 digits: 000001 --- default for the time_format // %f9, %f: nanoseconds, 9 digits: 000000001 const std::string kFractionalIdentier = "%f"; const size_t kFractionalIdentierSize = 2; Fractional getFractional(const std::string& format_buffer, size_t pos) { char ch = (format_buffer.size() > pos + kFractionalIdentierSize ? + kFractionalIdentierSize) : '\0'); Fractional type = Fractional::NanosecondDefault; switch (ch) { case '3': type = Fractional::Millisecond; break; case '6': type = Fractional::Microsecond; break; case '9': type = Fractional::Nanosecond; break; default: type = Fractional::NanosecondDefault; break; } return type; } // Returns the fractional as a string with padded zeroes // 1 ms --> 001 // 1 us --> 000001 // 1 ns --> 000000001 std::string to_string(const g3::system_time_point& ts, Fractional fractional) { auto duration = ts.time_since_epoch(); auto sec_duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(duration); duration -= sec_duration; auto ns = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(duration).count(); auto zeroes = 9; // default ns auto digitsToCut = 1; // default ns, divide by 1 makes no change switch (fractional) { case Fractional::Millisecond : { zeroes = 3; digitsToCut = 1000000; break; } case Fractional::Microsecond : { zeroes = 6; digitsToCut = 1000; break; } case Fractional::Nanosecond : case Fractional::NanosecondDefault: default: zeroes = 9; digitsToCut = 1; } ns /= digitsToCut; auto value = std::string(std::to_string(ns)); return std::string(zeroes - value.size(), '0') + value; } std::string localtime_formatted_fractions(const g3::system_time_point& ts, std::string format_buffer) { // iterating through every "%f" instance in the format string auto identifierExtraSize = 0; for (size_t pos = 0; (pos = format_buffer.find(g3::internal::kFractionalIdentier, pos)) != std::string::npos; pos += g3::internal::kFractionalIdentierSize + identifierExtraSize) { // figuring out whether this is nano, micro or milli identifier auto type = g3::internal::getFractional(format_buffer, pos); auto value = g3::internal::to_string(ts, type); auto padding = 0; if (type != g3::internal::Fractional::NanosecondDefault) { padding = 1; } // replacing "%f[3|6|9]" with sec fractional part value format_buffer.replace(pos, g3::internal::kFractionalIdentier.size() + padding, value); } return format_buffer; } } // internal // This mimics the original "std::put_time(const std::tm* tmb, const charT* fmt)" // This is needed since latest version (at time of writing) of gcc4.7 does not implement this library function yet. // return value is SIMPLIFIED to only return a std::string std::string put_time(const struct tm* tmb, const char* c_time_format) { #if (defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__)) && !defined(__MINGW32__) std::ostringstream oss; oss.fill('0'); // BOGUS hack done for VS2012: C++11 non-conformant since it SHOULD take a "const struct tm* " oss << std::put_time(const_cast<struct tm*> (tmb), c_time_format); return oss.str(); #else // LINUX const size_t size = 1024; char buffer[size]; // IMPORTANT: check now and then for when gcc will implement std::put_time. // ... also ... This is way more buffer space then we need auto success = std::strftime(buffer, size, c_time_format, tmb); // In DEBUG the assert will trigger a process exit. Once inside the if-statement // the 'always true' expression will be displayed as reason for the exit // // In Production mode // the assert will do nothing but the format string will instead be returned if (0 == success) { assert((0 != success) && "strftime fails with illegal formatting"); return c_time_format; } return buffer; #endif } /** return time representing POD struct (ref ctime + wchar) that is normally * retrieved with std::localtime. g3::localtime is threadsafe which std::localtime is not. * g3::localtime is probably used together with @ref g3::systemtime_now */ tm localtime(const std::time_t& ts) { struct tm tm_snapshot; #if (defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(__GNUC__)) localtime_s(&tm_snapshot, &ts); // windsows #else localtime_r(&ts, &tm_snapshot); // POSIX #endif return tm_snapshot; } /** format string must conform to std::put_time's demands. * WARNING: At time of writing there is only so-so compiler support for * std::put_time. A possible fix if your c++11 library is not updated is to * modify this to use std::strftime instead */ std::string localtime_formatted(const g3::system_time_point& ts, const std::string& time_format) { auto format_buffer = internal::localtime_formatted_fractions(ts, time_format); auto time_point = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(ts); std::tm t = localtime(time_point); return g3::put_time(&t, format_buffer.c_str()); // format example: //"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"); } } int main() { // test auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); std::ostringstream entry; entry << "g3log test timestamp: %a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y: " << g3::localtime_formatted(now, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y") << "\n"; std::cout << entry.str() << std::endl; auto now_formatted = g3::localtime_formatted(now, {g3::internal::date_formatted + " " + g3::internal::time_formatted}); std::cout << "date timestamp formatted: " << now_formatted << std::endl; }
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