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Binary Search Tree
//Title of this code //Rextester.Program.Main is the entry point for your code. Don't change it. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace Rextester { public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { Node bst = null; Tree.Insert(ref bst, 10); Tree.Insert(ref bst, 20); Tree.Insert(ref bst, 15); Tree.Insert(ref bst, 0); Tree.Insert(ref bst, 5); Console.WriteLine("contains tests:"); Assert(Tree.Contains(bst, 10) == true, "10 exists"); Assert(Tree.Contains(bst, 4) == false, "4 does not exist"); Assert(Tree.Contains(bst, 20) == true, "20 exists"); Assert(Tree.Contains(bst, 0) == true, "0 exists"); Assert(Tree.Contains(bst, 100) == false, "100 does not exist"); Console.WriteLine("find min tests:"); Assert(Tree.FindMin(bst) == 0, "0 is the minumim"); Console.WriteLine("find max tests:"); Assert(Tree.FindMin(bst) == 20, "20 is the maximum"); Console.WriteLine("level-order traversal - can be used for printing the tree:"); Tree.LevelOrder(bst); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("pre-order traversal"); Tree.PreOrder(bst); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("in-order traversal - can be used for sorting the tree:"); Tree.InOrder(bst); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("post-order traversal"); Tree.PostOrder(bst); } public static void Assert(bool result, string message) { Console.WriteLine("ASSERT: {0}: {1}", result ? "PASS": "FAIL", message); } public static class Tree { private static Node CreateNode(int data) { Node root = new Node(); root.Data = data; return root; } public static void Insert(ref Node root, int data) { if (root == null) { root = new Node(); root.Data = data; Console.WriteLine(root.Data); return; } if (root.Data >= data) { if (root.Left == null) { root.Left = new Node(); root.Left.Data = data; Console.WriteLine(root.Data); } else { Insert(ref root.Left, data); } } else { if (root.Right == null) { root.Right = new Node(); root.Right.Data = data; Console.WriteLine(root.Data); } else { Insert(ref root.Right, data); } } } public static bool Contains(Node root, int data) { if (root == null) return false; if (root.Data == data) return true; if (root.Data >= data) { Console.WriteLine(root.Data); return Contains(root.Left, data); } else { Console.WriteLine(root.Data); return Contains(root.Right, data); } } public static int FindMin(Node root) { if (root == null) return -1; //tree is empty if (root.Left == null) return root.Data; //this is the minumum return FindMin(root.Left); } public static int FindMax(Node root) { if (root == null) return -1; //tree is empty if (root.Right == null) return root.Data; //this is the minumum return FindMin(root.Right); } public static void LevelOrder(Node root) { if (root == null) { Console.WriteLine("Tree is empty."); return; } Queue<Node> printQ = new Queue<Node>(); printQ.Enqueue(root); while (printQ.Count > 0) { Node current = printQ.Dequeue(); Console.Write("{0} ", current.Data); if (current.Left != null) printQ.Enqueue(current.Left); if (current.Right != null) printQ.Enqueue(current.Right); } Console.WriteLine(); } public static void PreOrder(Node root) { if (root == null) { Console.WriteLine(); return; } Console.Write("{0} ", root.Data); if (root.Left != null) PreOrder(root.Left); if (root.Right != null) PreOrder(root.Right); } public static void InOrder(Node root) { if (root == null) { Console.WriteLine(); return; } if (root.Left != null) InOrder(root.Left); Console.Write("{0} ", root.Data); if (root.Right != null) InOrder(root.Right); } public static void PostOrder(Node root) { if (root == null) { Console.WriteLine(); return; } if (root.Right != null) PostOrder(root.Right); Console.Write("{0} ", root.Data); if (root.Left != null) PostOrder(root.Left); } } public class Node { public int Data; public Node Left; public Node Right; } } }
dynamic object
minimal path for triangle
linq jean by Fausto