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Reviews and Permissions
#MySQL 5.7.12 #please drop objects you've created at the end of the script #or check for their existance before creating #'\\' is a delimiter drop table EO_Reviews; CREATE TABLE EO_Reviews (ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, tier INTEGER, title TEXT, division TEXT, tenure_y NUMERIC, combat_yn TEXT, override_permissions TEXT, operations INTEGER, security INTEGER, performance_rating INTEGER); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(1, "Kuro", 1, "Operations Manager", "Operations", 10, "N", "Y", 9, 4, 10); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(2, "Lavender", 3, "Operations Support", "Support", 6, "N", "Y", 9, 2, 9); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(3, "Red", 1, "Operations Manager", "Operations", 15, "Y", "Y", 10, 7, 8); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(4, "Saffron", 1, "Operations Manager", "Operations", 30, "Y", "Y", 7, 6, 6); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(5, "Iro", 1, "Operations Manager", "Operations", 60, "N", "Y", 8, 6, 10); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(6, "Rose", 3, "Security Lead", "Security", 5, "Y", "Y", 46, 8, 7); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(7, "Gray", 5, "Operator", "Operations", 1, "N", "N", 7, 6, 5); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(8, "Peach", 5, "Operator", "Operations", 1, "N", "N", 8, 2, 6); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(9, "Coral", 3, "Operations Lead", "Operations", 4, "N", "Y", 9, 3, 8); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(10, "Lemon", 5, "Operator", "Operations", 1, "N", "N", 10, 2, 4); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(11, "Brown", 5, "Operator", "Operations", 1, "N", "N", 5, 3, 7); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(12, "Copper", 3, "Operations Lead", "Operations", 2, "N", "Y", 10, 4, 6); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(13, "Violet", 5, "Operator", "Operations", 2, "N", "Y", 8, 3, 8); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(14, "Thistle", 2, "Operations Reserve", "Operations", 6, "Y", "Y", 9, 7, 8); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(15, "Snow", 3, "Security Lead", "Security", 3, "Y", "Y", 4, 9, 8); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(16, "Dodger", 5, "Operator", "Operations", 2, "N", "Y", 4, 3, 3); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(17, "Scarlet", 4, "Security", "Security", 1, "Y", "Y", 3, 10, 7); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(18, "Silver", 5, "Operator", "Operations", 1, "N", "N", 2, 9, 4); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(19, "Indigo", 4, "Security", "Security", 2, "Y", "Y", 5, 6, 7); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(20, "Rusty", 4, "Security", "Security", 1, "Y", "Y", 5, 7, 5); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(21, "Zinnwald", 2, "Operations Reserve", "Operations", 7, "Y", "Y", 8, 7, 9); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(22, "Misty", 5, "Operator", "Operations", 2, "N", "Y", 9, 4, 10); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(23, "Gold", 5, "Operator", "Operations", 2, "N", "Y", 7, 4, 3); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(24, "Magenta", 4, "Security", "Security", 1, "Y", "Y", 4, 6, 5); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(25, "Cardinal", 4, "Security", "Security", 1, "Y", "Y", 1, 8, 8); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(26, "Dim", 4, "Security", "Security", 1, "Y", "Y", 3, 7, 6); INSERT INTO EO_Reviews VALUES(27, "Pumpkin", 5, "Operator", "Operations", 1, "Y", "N", 1, 10, 5); select name, title, override_permissions from EO_Reviews order by title;
Comparación de Collations general-spanish-spanish2 en MySQL
Running interval
SELECT YEAR('2019-08-15 01:02:03')+10
Charles Chung
Comparación de Collations general-spanish-latin en MySQL
MySQL subtract 8 hours