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Segment Tree Impl
//Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.00.23506 for x86 #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> using namespace std; void buildSTUtil(vector<int>& arr, vector<int>& st, int arrStart, int arrEnd, int stPos) { if(arrStart == arrEnd) { // we have reached the leaf. st[stPos] = arr[arrStart]; return; } int mid = arrStart + ((arrEnd - arrStart) >> 1); int leftRootPos = (stPos * 2) + 1; int rightRootPos = (stPos * 2) + 2; // construct left and right sub trees of the segment tree. buildSTUtil(arr, st, mid+1, arrEnd, rightRootPos); buildSTUtil(arr, st, arrStart, mid, leftRootPos); // fill the current node, which is the max of left and right subtree summary nodes. st[stPos] = max(st[leftRootPos], st[rightRootPos]); // cout << "pos: " << stPos << " left: " << leftRootPos << " rightPos: " << rightRootPos << " st[pos]: " << st[stPos] << endl; } vector<int> buildST(vector<int> arr) { // calculate number of levels in final tree int N = arr.size(); int height = (int)((ceil)(log2(N))); int stSize = 2 * pow(2, height) - 1; // allocate segment tree. vector<int> st(stSize, 0); buildSTUtil(arr, st, 0, arr.size()-1, 0); return st; } void updateSTUtil(vector<int>& arr, vector<int>& st, int arrStart, int arrEnd, int offset, int value, int stPos) { if(offset < arrStart || offset > arrEnd) return; st[stPos] = max(st[stPos], value); if(arrStart == arrEnd) return; int mid = arrStart + ((arrEnd - arrStart) >> 1); updateSTUtil(arr, st, arrStart, mid, offset, value, stPos * 2 + 1); updateSTUtil(arr, st, mid+1, arrEnd, offset, value, stPos * 2 + 2); } // update array at offset with given value. void updateST(vector<int>& arr, vector<int>& st, int offset, int value) { int oldValue = arr[offset]; arr[offset] = value; updateSTUtil(arr, st, 0, arr.size()-1, offset, value, 0); } int getMax(vector<int>& arr, vector<int>& st, int arrStart, int arrEnd, int stPos, int i, int j) { // if the range completely consumes the st node, then return node's value if(i <= arrStart && j >= arrEnd) return st[stPos]; if(j < arrStart || i > arrEnd) return INT_MIN; int mid = arrStart + ((arrEnd - arrStart) >> 1); return max(getMax(arr, st, arrStart, mid, stPos * 2 + 1 , i , j) , getMax(arr, st, mid+1, arrEnd, stPos * 2 + 2, i, j)); } int main() { vector<int> arr = {1,2,3,4}; auto st = buildST(arr); // update array at offset 1 with value 6, // and also update the corresponding segment tree. updateST(arr, st, 1, 6); for(auto& elem : st) { cout << elem << " " << endl; } // get maximum in range i, j int maxInRange = getMax(arr, st, 0, arr.size()-1,0, 1,3); cout << "Max: " << maxInRange << endl; }
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