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TSql - Unroll inventory transactions and compute daily average
create table PartWhse (PartNum varchar(5) not null, OnHandQty int not null); create table PartTran (PartNum varchar(5) not null, TranDate date not null, TranQty int not null); insert into PartWhse (PartNum, OnHandQty) values ('P1', 30), ('P2', 2); insert into PartTran (PartNum, TranDate, TranQty) values ('P1', '20160628', 5), ('P1', '20160626', 3), ('P1', '20160626', -1), ('P1', '20160615', 2), ('P2', '20160615', 1); with trn as ( select PartNum, TranDate, TranQty from PartTran union all select PartNum, cast('20160601' as date), 0 from PartWhse union all select PartNum, cast('20160630' as date), 0 from PartWhse ), qty as ( select t.PartNum, t.TranDate, min(w.OnHandQty) + sum(t.TranQty) - sum(sum(t.TranQty)) over (partition by t.PartNum order by t.TranDate desc) as DailyOnHand, coalesce(lead(t.TranDate) over (partition by t.PartNum order by t.TranDate), dateadd(day, 1, t.TranDate)) as NextTranDate -- if lead() isn't available... -- coalesce( -- (select min(t2.TranDate) from trn as t2 where t2.PartNum = t.PartNum and t2.TranDate > t.TranDate), -- dateadd(day, 1, t.TranDate) -- ) as NextTranDate from PartWhse as w inner join trn as t on t.PartNum = w.PartNum where t.TranDate between '20160601' and '20160630' group by t.PartNum, t.TranDate ) select PartNum, sum(datediff(day, TranDate, NextTranDate) * DailyOnHand) * 1.00 / sum(datediff(day, TranDate, NextTranDate)) as DailyAvg from qty group by PartNum; -- works but unnecessarily complicated; there's really no need to densify the dates. with z(n) as ( select 0 union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 ), numbers(num) as ( select z1.n * 6 + z0.n from z as z0 cross join z as z1 where z1.n * 6 + z0.n between 1 and 31 ), trn as ( select PartNum, TranDate, TranQty from PartTran union all select PartNum, cast('20160601' as date), 0 from PartWhse ), qty as ( select t.PartNum, TranDate, min(w.OnHandQty) + sum(t.TranQty) - sum(sum(t.TranQty)) over (partition by t.PartNum order by t.TranDate desc) as DailyOnHand from PartWhse as w inner join trn as t on t.PartNum = w.PartNum where t.TranDate between '20160601' and '20160630' group by t.PartNum, t.TranDate ), dense as ( select p.PartNum, dateadd(day, n.num - 1, '20160601') as Dt, q.DailyOnHand from (select num from numbers where num <= datepart(day, dateadd(month, 1, dateadd(day, -1, '20160601')))) as n cross join (select distinct PartNum from qty) as p left outer join qty as q on q.PartNum = p.PartNum and datepart(day, q.TranDate) = n.num ) select d.PartNum, avg(coalesce(d.DailyOnHand, mrq.DailyOnHand) * 1.00) from dense d outer apply ( select max(q.TranDate) as MRTranDate from qty as q where q.PartNum = d.PartNum and q.TranDate < d.Dt and d.DailyOnHand is null ) as mr outer apply ( select DailyOnHand from qty as q where q.PartNum = d.PartNum and q.TranDate = mr.MRTranDate ) as mrq group by d.PartNum; -- not sure if your query matches up to mine declare @StartDate date = '20160601'; select [PartTran].[PartNum] as [Part_PartNum], (max(PartWhse.OnHandQty)*datediff(day,@StartDate, getdate())+ sum(PartTran.TranQty*datediff(day,@StartDate,PartTran.TranDate))) / DATEDIFF(day, @StartDate, getdate()) as [???] --,(WeightedSum/DATEDIFF(day, @StartDate, getdate())) as [Calculated_AverageOnHand] from PartTran as PartTran inner join PartWhse as PartWhse on PartTran.PartNum = PartWhse.PartNum group by [PartTran].[PartNum];
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