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MySQL : calculate overlapping periods
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ort_calendar; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ort_rule; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS shifts; CREATE TABLE shifts ( shift_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_name varchar(20) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, date_start datetime NOT NULL, date_end datetime NOT NULL, pause tinyint(3) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (shift_id), KEY idx_date_start (date_start), KEY idx_date_end (date_end) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=9 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci; /*Data for the table shifts */ insert into shifts (shift_id,user_name,date_start,date_end,pause) values (1,'Franck' ,'2014-12-08 08:00:00','2014-12-08 17:00:00',30), (2,'Kevin' ,'2014-12-09 15:00:00','2014-12-10 00:00:00',60), (3,'Michael','2014-12-10 08:00:00','2014-12-10 17:00:00',60), (4,'Franck' ,'2014-12-31 08:00:00','2014-12-31 17:00:00',90), (5,'Franck' ,'2015-01-01 08:00:00','2015-01-01 17:00:00',30), (6,'Franck' ,'2014-12-07 08:00:00','2014-12-07 17:00:00',30), (7,'Michael','2014-12-09 15:00:00','2014-12-10 00:30:00',30), (8,'Derrick','2014-12-09 15:00:00','2014-12-10 06:12:27',30); /******************************/ CREATE TABLE ort_rule ( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, ort_name varchar(80) NOT NULL, ort_type enum('daily','yearly') NOT NULL, time_start time NOT NULL, time_end time NOT NULL, factor double(5,2) NOT NULL, deleted_by int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, deleted_date datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY ort_name_idx (ort_name) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; insert into ort_rule(id,ort_name,ort_type,time_start,time_end,factor,deleted_by,deleted_date) values (1,'Overtime evening' ,'daily','18:00:00','23:59:59',1.20,NULL,NULL), (2,'Overtime Night' ,'daily','00:00:00','05:00:00',1.20,NULL,NULL), (3,'Overtime Night Extra','daily','01:00:00','03:00:00',1.30,NULL,NULL); /******************************/ CREATE TABLE ort_calendar ( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, ort_rule_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, ort_date_start datetime DEFAULT NULL, ort_date_end datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY ort_calendar_unique (ort_rule_id,ort_date_start,ort_date_end), KEY ort_date_start_idx (ort_date_start), KEY ort_date_end_idx (ort_date_end), CONSTRAINT ort_period_ort_rule_fk FOREIGN KEY (ort_rule_id) REFERENCES ort_rule (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=783 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*Data for the table ort_calendar */ insert into ort_calendar (id,ort_rule_id,ort_date_start,ort_date_end) values ( 6,1,'2014-12-08 18:00:00','2014-12-08 23:59:59'), ( 58,1,'2014-12-09 18:00:00','2014-12-09 23:59:59'), (110,1,'2014-12-10 18:00:00','2014-12-10 23:59:59'), (266,2,'2014-12-09 00:00:00','2014-12-09 05:00:00'), (318,2,'2014-12-10 00:00:00','2014-12-10 05:00:00'), (527,3,'2014-12-09 01:00:00','2014-12-09 03:00:00'), (579,3,'2014-12-10 01:00:00','2014-12-10 03:00:00'); /****************************** for shifts that span midnight, break into 2 separate shifts: 1) date_start up to 23:59:59 2) 'tomorrow' from 00:00:00 to date_end split datetimes into separate date/time parts to make time comparisons a little easier later on drag along the original shift_id, user_name, date_start/date_end (as dt_start/dt_end) so we don't have to join back to shifts later */ drop table if exists t_shifts; create temporary table if not exists t_shifts (shift_id int(10) unsigned not NULL ,user_name varchar(20) default NULL ,orig_start datetime not NULL ,orig_end datetime not NULL ,date_start date not NULL ,time_start time not NULL ,date_end date not NULL ,time_end time not NULL ); insert into t_shifts (shift_id, user_name, orig_start, orig_end, date_start, time_start, date_end, time_end) /* shifts that don't span midnight */ select shift_id, user_name, date_start, date_end, date(date_start), time(date_start), date(date_end), time(date_end) from shifts where date(date_start) = date(date_end) and date_start >= '2014-12-01 00:00:00' and date_end <= '2014-12-01 00:00:00' + interval 1 month union /* shifts that span midnight - create new shift for date_start - 23:59:59 */ select shift_id, user_name, date_start, date_end, date(date_start), time(date_start), date(date_start), cast('23:59:59' as time) from shifts where date(date_start) != date(date_end) and date_start >= '2014-12-01 00:00:00' and date_end <= '2014-12-01 00:00:00' + interval 1 month union /* shifts that span midnight - create new shift for 'tomorrow' from 00:00:00 to date_end */ select shift_id, user_name, date_start, date_end, date(date_end), cast('00:00:00' as time), date(date_end), time(date_end) from shifts where date(date_start) != date(date_end) and date_start >= '2014-12-01 00:00:00' and date_end <= '2014-12-01 00:00:00' + interval 1 month; /******************************/ drop table if exists t_time_ranges; create temporary table if not exists t_time_ranges (time_start time ,time_end time ); insert into t_time_ranges (time_start, time_end) select r1.time_start, r1.time_end from ort_rule r1 where r1.time_start != r1.time_end and not exists(select 1 from ort_rule r2 where != and ( r2.time_start between r1.time_start and r1.time_end or r2.time_end between r1.time_start and r1.time_end )) union select r1.time_start, r2.time_start from ort_rule r1 join ort_rule r2 on r2.time_start between r1.time_start and r1.time_end and != union select r1.time_start, r2.time_end from ort_rule r1 join ort_rule r2 on r2.time_end between r1.time_start and r1.time_end and r2.time_start < r1.time_start and != union select r2.time_end, r1.time_end from ort_rule r1 join ort_rule r2 on r2.time_end between r1.time_start and r1.time_end and !=; /****************************** for overlap related values we need to concatentate our separate dates/times back into datetime values */ select as ort_rule_id, or1.factor, dt.user_name, dt.shift_id, dt.orig_start as shift_start, dt.orig_end as shift_end, round( (timestampdiff(second, dt.orig_start, dt.orig_end) / 3600), 2) as shift_duration_hours, greatest(cast(concat(dt.date_start,' ',dt.r_time_start) as datetime), dt.orig_start) as overlap_start, least( cast(concat(dt.date_end ,' ',dt.r_time_end) as datetime), dt.orig_end) as overlap_end, round( (timestampdiff(second, greatest(cast(concat(dt.date_start,' ',dt.r_time_start) as datetime), dt.orig_start), least( cast(concat(dt.date_end ,' ',dt.r_time_end) as datetime), dt.orig_end) ) / 3600), 2 ) as overlap_duration_hours from ( select distinct /* shift data */ ts.shift_id, ts.user_name, ts.orig_start, ts.orig_end, ts.date_start, ts.time_start, ts.date_end, ts.time_end, /* rule/time range data */ ttr.time_start as r_time_start, ttr.time_end as r_time_end from t_shifts ts left join t_time_ranges ttr on ttr.time_start between ts.time_start and ts.time_end or ttr.time_end between ts.time_start and ts.time_end ) dt join ort_calendar oc on dt.orig_start < oc.ort_date_end and dt.orig_end > oc.ort_date_start join ort_rule or1 on = oc.ort_rule_id and dt.r_time_start >= or1.time_start and dt.r_time_end <= or1.time_end and or1.factor = (select max(or2.factor) from ort_rule or2 where dt.r_time_start >= or2.time_start and dt.r_time_end <= or2.time_end) order by dt.user_name asc, shift_start asc, overlap_start asc, or1.factor desc;
my sql
media challenge response
Funciones suma fechas MySQL
My tables