Run Code
Code Wall
parameters_in_procedure-join&correlated sub-query content
-- ENJOY codding -- by alex_ogrinja create table orders (ord_no int , purch_amt float , ord_date date , customer_id int , salesman_id int); go insert into orders values (70001, 150.5 , '2012-10-05', 3005 , 5002), (70009 , 270.65 , '2012-09-10', 3001 , 5005), (70002 , 65.26 , '2012-10-05' , 3002 , 5001), (70004 , 110.5 , '2012-08-17' ,3009 , 5003), (70007 , 948.5 , '2012-09-10', 3005 , 5002), (70005 , 2400.6 , '2012-07-27', 3007 , 5001), (70008 , 5760 , '2012-09-10' , 3002 , 5001), (70010, 1983.43 , '2012-10-10', 3004 , 5006), (70003 , 2480.4 , '2012-10-10' , 3009 , 5003), (70012 , 250.45 , '2012-06-27' , 3008 , 5002), (70011 , 75.29 , '2012-08-17' , 3003 , 5007), (70013 , 3045.6, '2012-04-25' ,3002, 5001); go create table salesman (salesman_id int , name varchar(100) , city varchar(50) , commission float); go insert into salesman values (5001 , 'James Hoog', 'New York' , 0.15), (5002 , 'Nail Knite', 'Paris' , 0.13), (5005 , 'Pit Alex' , 'London' , 0.11), (5006 , 'Mc Lyon' , 'Paris' , 0.14), (5003 , 'Ogrinja Alexandru', 'Bucuresti' , 0.12), (5007 , 'Paul Adam' , 'Rome' , 0.13); go create procedure salesman_report (@nr_customers int , @nr_orders int , @sum float , @avg float , @amount_min float , @amount_max float , @order_date_min int , @order_date_max int) as begin declare @amount_null float set @amount_null= (select max(purch_amt) from orders) declare @order_date_null_min int set @order_date_null_min= (select min(month(ord_date)) from orders) declare @order_date_null_max int set @order_date_null_max= (select max(month(ord_date)) from orders) end begin select s.salesman_id, salesman_name, o.customer_id, o.ord_no order_id, o.purch_amt amount, o.ord_date from salesman s join orders o on s.salesman_id = o.salesman_id where isnull (@nr_customers,0) <= (select count(distinct customer_id) from orders where salesman_id = s.salesman_id) and isnull (@nr_orders,0) <= (select count(distinct ord_no) from orders where ord_no = o.ord_no) and isnull (@sum,0) <= (select sum(purch_amt) from orders where customer_id = o.customer_id) and isnull (@avg,0) <= (select avg(purch_amt) from orders where customer_id = o.customer_id) and isnull (@amount_min,0) <= all (select purch_amt from orders where customer_id = o.customer_id) and isnull (@amount_max,@amount_null) >= all (select purch_amt from orders where customer_id = o.customer_id) and month(o.ord_date) between isnull (@order_date_min,@order_date_null_min) and isnull(@order_date_max,@order_date_null_max) order by s.salesman_id, o.customer_id, o.ord_no, o.purch_amt, o.ord_date; end begin print '' print 'The list of salesmen whose meet the following requests:' print '' if @nr_customers is not null and @nr_customers=1 print space(5)+'- have in portfolio at least '+ cast(@nr_customers as varchar(20)) +' customer' if @nr_customers is not null and @nr_customers>1 print space(5)+'- have in portfolio at least '+ cast(@nr_customers as varchar(20)) +' customers' if @nr_orders is not null and @nr_orders=1 print space(5)+'- each of their customers have at least '+ cast(@nr_orders as varchar(20)) +' order' if @nr_orders is not null and @nr_orders>1 print space(5)+'- each of their customers have at least '+ cast(@nr_orders as varchar(20)) +' orders' if @sum is not null print space(5)+'- the orders sum of each customer is at least ' + cast(@sum as varchar(20)) if @avg is not null print space(5)+'- the average of each customer to be at least ' + cast(@avg as varchar(20)) if @amount_min is not null or @amount_max is not null print space(5)+'- the orders amount of each customer to be higher and equal then ' + cast(@amount_min as varchar(20)) + ' and lower and equal then ' + cast(@amount_max as varchar(20)) if @order_date_min is not null or @order_date_max is not null print space(5)+'- the requested period is between month ' + cast(@order_date_min as varchar(20)) + ' and month ' + cast(@order_date_max as varchar(20)) end go /* Legend: The list of salesmen whose meet the following requests: - have in portfolio at least [@nr_customers] customer(s) - each of their customers have at least [@nr_orders] order(s), - the orders sum of each customer is at least [@sum], - the average of each customer to be at least [@avg], - the orders amount of each customer to be higher and equal then [@amount_min] and lower and equal then [@amount_max], - the requested period is between month [@order_date_min] and month [@order_date_max]. ! NULL value doesn't activate the request. */ exec salesman_report @nr_customers = null , @nr_orders = null , @sum = null , @avg = null , @amount_min = null , @amount_max = null , @order_date_min = null , @order_date_max = null -- ENJOY codding -- by alex_ogrinja
ms sql where ,like
SQL basics(Data Definition Language)
check constraint
Function to remove pattern occurences in a string
Using Variables