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infix to postfix v 6.0 - (exponent support + multiple digits)
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <string> using namespace std; template<class T> class Node { public: T data; Node<T> *next; Node() { data = 0; next = 0; } Node(T value, Node<T> *nxt = 0) { data = value; next = nxt; } }; template<class T> class List { private: Node<T> *head, *tail; public: List() { head = tail = 0; } int Count() { int s = 0; Node<T> *temp = head; while (temp != 0) { temp = temp->next; s++; } return s; } void Add2Head(T value) { if (head == 0) { head = tail = new Node<T>(value, 0); } else { Node<T> *temp = new Node<T>(value, 0); temp->next = head; head = temp; } } void DeleteHead(T &n) { if (head == 0) { return; } else if (head == tail) { n = (head->data); head = tail = 0; } else { n = (head->data); Node<T> *temp = head->next; delete head; head = temp; } } void DeleteHead() { if (head == 0) { return; } else if (head == tail) { head = tail = 0; } else { Node<T> *temp = head->next; delete head; head = temp; } } T GetHeadValue() { if (head == 0) { return 0; } else { return (head->data); } } bool IsEmpty() { return (head == 0); } void Print() { cout << "*****" << endl; Node<T> *temp = head; while (temp != 0) { cout << temp->data << endl; temp = temp->next; } cout << "*****" << endl; } }; template<class T> class Stack { private: List<T> l; public: void Push(T n) { l.Add2Head(n); } bool Pop(T &n) { if (l.IsEmpty()) { return false; } else { l.DeleteHead(n); return true; } } bool IsEmpty() { return l.IsEmpty(); } bool Flush() { if (l.IsEmpty()) { return false; } else { while (!l.IsEmpty()) { l.DeleteHead(); } return true; } } T Top() { return (l.GetHeadValue()); } void Print() { l.Print(); } }; void swap(int&,int&); int priority(char); bool isOperator(char); string toPostfix(string); int eval(string); int main() { string exp; getline(cin, exp); cout << toPostfix(exp) << endl; cout << eval(toPostfix(exp)) << endl; //cout << eval(exp); //system("pause"); return 0; } void swap(int &a,int &b) { int temp; temp=a; a=b; b=temp; } int priority(char o) { switch (o) { case '^': return 3; case '*': case '/': return 2; case '+': case '-': return 1; case '(': return 0; } } bool isOperator(char o) { return (o == '+' || o == '-' || o == '*' || o == '/' || o=='^'); } string toPostfix(string exp) { string result = ""; char d; char temp; Stack<char> s; for (int i = 0; i < exp.length(); i++) { d = exp[i]; if ((d >= '0' && d <= '9') || (d == ' ')) { result += d; } else if (isOperator(d)) { if ((priority(d)>priority(s.Top()) || s.IsEmpty())) { s.Push(d); } else if (priority(d) <= priority(s.Top())) { if (d == '^' && s.Top() == '^') { s.Push(d); } else { while ((priority(d) <= priority(s.Top()) && !s.IsEmpty())) { s.Pop(temp); result += " "; result += temp; } s.Push(d); } } } else if (d == '(') { s.Push(d); } else if (d == ')') { while (s.Top() != '(' && !s.IsEmpty()) { s.Pop(temp); result += " "; result += temp; } s.Pop(temp); } } while (!s.IsEmpty()) { s.Pop(temp); result += " "; result += temp; } return result; } int eval(string exp) { Stack<int> s; char d; int m,n; string temp=""; int size=0; int result=0; for (int i = 0; i < exp.length(); i++) { d = exp[i]; if (d >= '0' && d <= '9') { temp += d; size++; } else if (d == ' ' && temp!="") { for (int j=0;j<size;j++) { result += (temp[j]-'0') * pow(10,size-1-j); } cout << result << endl; s.Push(result); temp=""; size=result=0; } else if (d == '+') { s.Pop(m); s.Pop(n); s.Push(m + n); } else if (d == '-') { s.Pop(m); s.Pop(n); s.Push(n - m); } else if (d == '*') { s.Pop(m); s.Pop(n); s.Push(m * n); } else if (d == '/') { s.Pop(m); s.Pop(n); s.Push(n / m); } else if (d == '^') { s.Pop(m); s.Pop(n); s.Push(pow(n,m)); } } s.Print(); return s.Top(); }
pointer to template function
Bit count in number
‘int R::print() const’ cannot be overloaded