Run Code
Code Wall
TREAP RANGE QUERY (but it's runtime is not that good)
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long int ll; #define mp make_pair #define pb push_back #define pii pair<int, int> // SLOWER :( struct Treap{ struct node{ ll sum, lazy, val; ll prior; ll cnt; node *l, *r; node(ll p, ll sum = 0, node* lft = NULL, node* rgt = NULL){} }; typedef node* pnode; int get_cnt(pnode p){ return p? p -> cnt : 0; } void upd_(pnode r){ if(r){ r -> cnt = get_cnt(r -> l) + get_cnt(r -> r) + 1; r -> sum = ((r -> l)? r -> l -> sum : 0) + ((r -> r)? r -> r -> sum : 0) + r -> val; } } void push(pnode root){ if(!root) return; if(root -> l){ pnode l = root -> l; l -> val += root -> lazy; l -> sum += l -> cnt * root -> lazy; l -> lazy += root -> lazy; } if(root -> r){ pnode r = root -> r; r -> val += root -> lazy; r -> sum += r -> cnt * root -> lazy; r -> lazy += root -> lazy; } root -> lazy = 0; } void split(pnode root, pnode& l, pnode& r, int ind){ if(!root) return void(l = r = NULL); push(root); int cur = get_cnt(root -> l) + 1; if(ind < cur) split(root -> l, l, root -> l, ind), r = root; else split(root -> r, root -> r, r, ind-cur), l = root; upd_(root); } void merge(pnode &root, pnode l, pnode r){ push(l), push(r); if(!l || !r) return void(root = l? l : r); if(l -> prior > r -> prior) merge(l -> r, l -> r, r), root = l; else merge(r -> l, l, r -> l), root = r; upd_(root); } void update(int l, int r, ll val){ pnode t1, t2, t3; split(root, t1, t2, l-1); split(t2, t2, t3, r - (l-1)); /*cout << t2 -> sum << " " << val << " " << t2 -> cnt << endl; print(t2); cout << endl;*/ t2 -> sum += t2 -> cnt*val; t2 -> lazy += val; t2 -> val += val; merge(t2, t2, t3); merge(root, t1, t2); } void insert(int pos, ll val){ ll p = rand(); pnode cur = new node(p, val); cur -> cnt = 1; pnode l, r; split(root, l, r, pos-1); merge(l, l, cur); merge(root, l, r); } ll query(int l, int r){ pnode t1, t2, t3; split(root, t1, t2, l-1); split(t2, t2, t3, r-(l-1)); ll ans = t2 -> sum; merge(t2, t2, t3); merge(root, t1, t2); return ans; } void print(pnode root){ if(!root) return; print(root -> l); cout << "(" << root -> val << " " << root -> lazy << ") "; print(root -> r); } void print(){ print(root); cout << endl; } Treap() : root (NULL){} private : pnode root; }; int main(){ ios_base :: sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); int t; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--){ int n, c; scanf("%d %d",&n ,&c); Treap tp; for(int j = 1; j <= n; j++) tp.insert(j, 0); //tp.print(); while(c--){ int typ, p, q; scanf("%d %d %d",&typ, &p ,&q); if(typ == 0){ int val; scanf("%d",&val); tp.update(p, q, val); //tp.print(); } else printf("%lld\n",tp.query(p, q)); } } return 0; }
Print reverese string non repeated chars
Expected GCD
Handling new types without using RTTI
Compare boost optional with the actual value
Exempel 4