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/* //------------------------------------------------------------------------// Name: CHINATN PATEL Roll number: PG-33 Assignment: BST(insert, delete, copy, mirror) //------------------------------------------------------------------------//*/ //----------------------------header files #include<iostream> #include<string.h> #include<cstring> using namespace std; //----------------------------treenode class class treenode { char keyword[50]; char meaning[100]; treenode *left; treenode *right; friend class tree; }; //----------------------------dictionary tree class class tree { treenode *root; public: tree() { root = NULL; } //----------------------------functions void create(); void delete_nr(); void copy_r(tree *); treenode* copy_r(treenode *); void mirror_r(); void mirror_r(treenode *); void mirror_nr(); void breadthfd_nr(); void inorder_r(); void inorder_r(treenode*); }; //----------------------------non recursive function void tree::create() { char ch; do { //----------------------------adding root to tree if( root == NULL) { root = new treenode; cout<<"\nenter data: "; cout<<"\n\tkeyword: "; cin>>root->keyword; cout<<"\n\tmeaning: "; cin>>root->meaning; root->left = NULL; root->right = NULL; } //----------------------------adding nodes to tree else { int flag = 0; treenode *temp = new treenode; temp = root; treenode *curr = new treenode; cout<<"\nenter data: "; cout<<"\n\tkeyword: "; cin>>curr->keyword; cout<<"\n\tmeaning: "; cin>>curr->meaning; curr->left = NULL; curr->right = NULL; while(flag == 0) { if( ( strcmp(curr->keyword, temp->keyword) ) < 0 ) { if(temp->left == NULL) { temp->left = curr; flag = 1; } else temp = temp->left; } else if( ( strcmp(curr->keyword, temp->keyword) ) > 0 ) { if(temp->right == NULL) { temp->right = curr; flag = 1; } else temp = temp->right; } else { temp = curr; } } } cout<<"do you wanna continue adding node PRESS 'Y' "; cin>>ch; }while( (ch == 'Y') || (ch == 'y') ); } //----------------------------delete void tree::delete_nr() { treenode *temp = new treenode; temp = root; //----------------------------the node to be deleted treenode *curr = new treenode; //----------------------------parent node treenode *parent = new treenode; //----------------------------successor node treenode *s = new treenode; //----------------------------ask user for keyword to be deleted char key[50]; cout<<"Enter the keyword to be delete : "; cin>>key; //----------------------------search for the key in binary search tree int found = 0; while(temp != NULL) { //----------------------------if match if( ( strcmp(key, temp->keyword) ) == 0) { curr = temp; found = 1; break; } //----------------------------if key is smaller else if( ( strcmp(key, temp->keyword) ) < 0 ) { parent = temp; temp = temp->left; } //----------------------------if key is greater else if( ( strcmp(key, temp->keyword) ) > 0 ) { parent = temp; temp = temp->right; } } //----------------------------if node found deleting it if(found = 1) { //----------------------------deletion of root node if(curr == root) { if(curr->right == NULL) root = root->left; else if(curr->left == NULL) root = root->right; else if( (curr->right != NULL) && (curr->left != NULL) ) { temp = curr->left; root = curr->right; s = curr->right; while(s->left != NULL) { s = s->left; } s->left = temp; } } //----------------------------deletion of a non-root node else if(curr != root) { //----------------------------deletion of a leaf node if( (curr->left == NULL) && (curr->right == NULL) ) { if(parent->left == curr) parent->left = NULL; else parent->right = NULL; } //----------------------------deletion of a node having right child only else if(curr->left == NULL) { if(parent->left == curr) parent->left = curr->right; else parent->right = curr->right; } //----------------------------deletion of a node having left child only else if(curr->right == NULL) { if(parent->left == curr) parent->left = curr->left; else parent->right = curr->left; } //----------------------------deletion of a node having two child else if( (curr->right != NULL) && (curr->left != NULL) ) { s = curr->right; temp = curr->left; while(s->left != NULL) { s = s->left; } s->left = temp; if(parent->left == curr) parent->left = curr->right; else parent->right = curr->right; } } curr->left = NULL; curr->right = NULL; delete curr; } else { cout<<"\n\t element entered can't be found "; } } //----------------------------copy void tree::copy_r(tree *cp) { root = copy_r(cp->root); } treenode* tree::copy_r(treenode* curr) { treenode* temp; temp = NULL; if (curr != NULL) { temp = new treenode; strcpy(temp->keyword, curr->keyword); strcpy(temp->meaning, curr->meaning); temp->left = copy_r(curr->left); temp->right = copy_r(curr->right); } return temp; } //----------------------------recurssive mirror void tree::mirror_r() { mirror_r(root); } void tree::mirror_r(treenode *curr) { if(curr != NULL) { treenode *temp = new treenode; temp = curr->left; curr->left = curr->right; curr->right = temp; mirror_r(curr->left); mirror_r(curr->right); } } //----------------------------queue class for breadth-force traversal const int MAXSIZE = 50; class queue { int front; int rear; treenode *que[MAXSIZE]; public: queue() { front = rear = 0; } //----------------------------queue functions bool is_empty(); bool is_full(); void q_insert(treenode *); treenode *q_delete(); }; //----------------------------function to check emty queue bool queue::is_empty() { if(front == rear) return true; else return false; } //----------------------------function to check queue full condition bool queue::is_full() { if(rear == MAXSIZE) return true; else return false; } //----------------------------insert in queue void queue::q_insert(treenode *temp) { if(is_full()) { cout<<"the queue is full"; } else { que[rear] = temp; rear++; } } //----------------------------delete from queue treenode *queue::q_delete() { if(is_empty()) { return NULL; } else { treenode *temp = new treenode; temp = que[front]; front++; return temp; } } //----------------------------breath force traversal void tree::breadthfd_nr() { treenode *temp = new treenode; temp = root; queue q; q.q_insert(temp); while( !q.is_empty() ) { temp = q.q_delete(); cout<<"\n\n\tkeyword = "<<temp->keyword<<"\n\tmeaning = "<<temp->meaning; if(temp->left != NULL) q.q_insert(temp->left); if(temp->right != NULL) q.q_insert(temp->right); } } //----------------------------non-recurssive mirror void tree::mirror_nr() { treenode *curr = new treenode; curr = root; queue q; q.q_insert(curr); while( !q.is_empty() ) { curr = q.q_delete(); treenode *temp = new treenode; temp = curr->left; curr->left = curr->right; curr->right = temp; if(temp->left != NULL) q.q_insert(temp->left); if(temp->right != NULL) q.q_insert(temp->right); } } //----------------------------recursive inorder traversal void tree::inorder_r() { inorder_r(root); } void tree::inorder_r(treenode *temp) { if(temp != NULL) { inorder_r(temp->left); cout<<"\n\n\tkeyword = "<<temp->keyword<<"\n\tmeaning = "<<temp->meaning; inorder_r(temp->right); } } //----------------------------main function int main() { tree bst; tree cp_bst; char cont; int ch; do { //----------------------------ask user : create or traversal cout<<"\n Choose from following functions:\n\t1.Create \n\t2.Delete \n\t3.Copy \n\t4.Mirror \n\t5.Exit \n\tchoice(1/2/3/4/5):"; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { //----------------------------insert case 1: { bst.create(); cout<<"\n\tDEPTH-FORCE INORDER TRAVERSAL:"; bst.inorder_r(); cout<<"\n\tBREADTH-FORCE TRAVERSAL:"; bst.breadthfd_nr(); break; } //----------------------------delete case 2: { bst.delete_nr(); cout<<"\n\tDEPTH-FORCE INORDER TRAVERSAL FOR UPDATED TREE:"; bst.inorder_r(); cout<<"\n\tBREADTH-FORCE TRAVERSAL FOR UPDATED TREE:"; bst.breadthfd_nr(); break; } //----------------------------copy case 3: { cp_bst.copy_r(&bst); cout<<"\n\tDEPTH-FORCE INORDER TRAVERSAL FOR COPIED BST:"; cp_bst.inorder_r(); cout<<"\n\tBREADTH-FORCE TRAVERSAL FOR UPDATED TREE:"; cp_bst.breadthfd_nr(); break; } //----------------------------mirror case 4: { //----------------------------ask user: recursive or non-recursive int m_ch; cout<<"\n Choose from following functions:\n\t1.Recursive traversal \n\t2.Non - recursive traversal \n\tchoice(1/2):"; cin>>m_ch; if( (m_ch != 1) && (m_ch != 2) ) { cout<<"\n\t\t\tINVALID CHOICE"; break; } //----------------------------recursive else if(m_ch == 1) { bst.mirror_r(); cout<<"\n\tDEPTH-FORCE INORDER TRAVERSAL FOR MIRRORED TREE:"; bst.inorder_r(); cout<<"\n\tBREADTH-FORCE TRAVERSAL FOR MIRRORED TREE:"; bst.breadthfd_nr(); } //----------------------------non-recursive else if(m_ch == 2) { bst.mirror_nr(); cout<<"\n\tDEPTH-FORCE INORDER TRAVERSAL FOR MIRRORED TREE:"; bst.inorder_r(); cout<<"\n\tBREADTH-FORCE TRAVERSAL FOR MIRRORED TREE:"; bst.breadthfd_nr(); } break; } //----------------------------exit case 5: { return 0; } //----------------------------invalid input default: { cout<<"\n\t\t\tINVALID CHOICE"; } } //----------------------------ask user: want to continue cout<<"\n\tdo you want to CONTINUE to MAIN MENU(y/n): "; cin>>cont; }while( (cont == 'y') || (cont == 'Y') ); return 0; }
<string> Indirect include of <errno.h> with gcc
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Sort an array of 0s, 1s and 2s
Test 6(2020)
Smart Pointers
Expected types