Run Code
Code Wall
F-Random Strings
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define pb push_back struct SuffixTree{ int cur, prv, pos, phase, extn; vector<int> l, r, p, link; vector< vector<int> > node, child; int N, n; string s; vector<int> sum; SuffixTree(string x){ s = x + "$"; N = s.length()*2 + 5; l.resize(N, 0), r.resize(N, 0), p.resize(N, 0), link.resize(N, -1), sum.resize(N, 0); node.resize(N, vector<int>(27, -1)); child.resize(N); cur = 0, prv = -1, pos = 0, l[0] = r[0] = -1, link[0] = 0, n = 1; build(); dfs(0); } inline int get(char ch){ if(ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') return (ch - 'a'); if(ch == '$') return 26; assert(1 == 0); } void insert(int x){ // cout << x << endl; while(extn < phase){ if(pos <= r[cur]){ if(get(s[pos]) == x){ // RULE 3 pos++; break; } extn ++; int md = n, leaf = n+1; n += 2; if(prv != -1) link[prv] = md; prv = md; p[md] = p[cur], p[cur] = p[leaf] = md; l[md] = l[cur], r[md] = pos-1, l[cur] = pos, l[leaf] = phase, r[leaf] = s.length() - 1; node[p[md]][get(s[l[md]])] = md, node[md][get(s[l[cur]])] = cur, node[md][get(s[l[leaf]])] = leaf; child[md].pb(get(s[l[cur]])), child[md].pb(get(s[l[leaf]])); cur = link[p[md]], pos = l[md] + (p[md] == 0? 1 : 0); while(pos <= r[md]) cur = node[cur][get(s[pos])], pos += (r[cur] - l[cur] + 1); if(pos == (r[md] + 1)) pos = r[cur] + 1; else pos = r[cur] - (pos - r[md] - 1) + 1; } else{ if(prv != -1) link[prv] = cur; prv = -1; if(node[cur][x] != -1){ // RULE 3 cur = node[cur][x], pos = l[cur] + 1; break; } child[cur].pb(x); node[cur][x] = n, l[n] = phase, r[n] = s.length() - 1, p[n] = cur, n += 1; cur = link[cur], pos = r[cur]+1; extn++; } } if(prv != -1) link[prv] = 0, prv = -1; } void follow_suffix(int &cur, int& pos){ pos --; int t = link[p[cur]], p2 = l[cur] + (p[cur] == 0? 1 : 0); while(p2 <= pos) t = node[t][get(s[p2])], p2 += (r[t] - l[t] + 1); if(p2 == pos+1) p2 = r[t]+1; else p2 = r[t] - (p2 - (pos + 1)) + 1; cur = t, pos = p2; } void build(){ phase = 0, extn = -1; while(phase < s.length()) insert(get(s[phase])), phase ++; } int dfs(int cur){ if(cur == -1) return 0; if(r[cur] == ((int)s.length() - 1)){ // leaf node sum[cur] = 1; return 1; } int ans = 0; for(int j = 0; j < 27; j++) ans += dfs(node[cur][j]); return (sum[cur] = ans); } bool solve(int& cur, int& pos, int shift, string& s2, int& i){ if(cur == -1) return 0; // cout << pos << " " << shift << " " << s2.length() << endl; while(pos <= r[cur] && shift){ if(s2[i++] == s[pos++]) shift --; else return 0; } if(!shift) return 1; if(i == s2.length()) return 0; int at = node[cur][get(s2[i])]; if(at == -1) return 0; pos = l[at]; for(; pos <= r[at] && shift; shift--) if(s[pos++] != s2[i++]) return 0; cur = at; if(!shift) return 1; return solve(cur, pos, shift, s2, i); } }; typedef long long int ll; const int N = 2e5+5; const int mod1 = 1e9+7; const int mod2 = 1e9+9; vector<ll> pwr1(N, 1), pwr2(N, 1); vector<ll> inv_pwr1(N, 1), inv_pwr2(N, 1); ll fast_pow(ll a, ll b, int mod){ ll ans = 1; while(b){ if(b&1) ans = (ans * a) % mod; a = (a * a) % mod; b /= 2; } return ans; } int foo(int l1, int r1, int l2, int r2, int st1, int st2, vector<ll>& pre1, vector<ll>& pre2){ if(l1 == r1) return (st1 - l1 + 1); int m1 = (l1+r1) >> 1; int m2 = (l2+r2) >> 1; ll lft1 = ((pre1[m1+1] - pre1[st1-1] + mod1) % mod1 * inv_pwr1[st1]) % mod1; ll rgt1 = ((pre1[m2+1] - pre1[st2-1] + mod1) % mod1 * inv_pwr1[st2]) % mod1; ll lft2 = ((pre2[m1+1] - pre2[st1-1] + mod2) % mod2 * inv_pwr2[st1]) % mod2; ll rgt2 = ((pre2[m2+1] - pre2[st2-1] + mod2) % mod2 * inv_pwr2[st2]) % mod2; if(lft1 == rgt1 && lft2 == rgt2) return foo(m1+1, r1, m2+1, r2, st1, st2, pre1, pre2); return foo(l1, m1, l2, m2, st1, st2, pre1, pre2); } int lex_small(vector<ll>& pre1, vector<ll>& pre2, string& s, int i1, int i2, int K){ int ind = foo(i1-K+1 + 1, i1+1, i2-K+1 +1, i2+1, i1-K+1+1, i2-K+1+1, pre1, pre2); if(ind == 1 && s[i1-K+1] != s[i2-K+1]) ind --; // cout << "HERE --> " << ind << " " << i1 << " " << i2 << endl; if(s[ind+(i1 - K + 1)] > s[ind+(i2 - K + 1)]) return i2; return i1; } int solve(string& s1, string& s2, int K){ SuffixTree st1(s1), st2(s2); int m = s2.length(), cur1 = 0, cur2 = 0; vector<ll> pre1(m+2, 0), pre2(m+2, 0); for(int j = 1; j <= m; j++) pre1[j] = (pre1[j-1] + pwr1[j]*((int)s2[j-1]) % mod1) % mod1; for(int j = 1; j <= m; j++) pre2[j] = (pre2[j-1] + pwr2[j]*((int)s2[j-1]) % mod2) % mod2; int pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0, st = 0; int ans = 0, ind = -1, i1 = 0, i2 = 0; for(int j = K-1; j < m; j++){ if((j - st + 1) < K) continue; int x1 = st1.solve(cur1, pos1, (j - i1 + 1), s2, i1); int x2 = st2.solve(cur2, pos2, (j - i2 + 1), s2, i2); // cout << st << " " << j << " -> " << i1 << " " << i2 << endl; if(!x1 || !x2){ st = i1 = i2 = i1 + 1; j = st + (K - 1); cur1 = cur2 = pos1 = pos2 = 0; j--; continue; } int aft = st1.sum[cur1] + st2.sum[cur2]; // cout << aft << " -> " << st1.sum[cur1] << " " << st2.sum[cur2] << endl; if(aft > ans) ans = aft, ind = j; else if(aft == ans) ind = lex_small(pre1, pre2, s2, ind, j, K); st++; st1.follow_suffix(cur1, pos1); st2.follow_suffix(cur2, pos2); // cout << cur1 << " " << st1.l[cur1] << " " << st1.r[cur1] << " " << pos1 << ", " << pos2 << endl; } return ind; } int main(){ ios_base :: sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); const int PRM1 = 37, PRM2 = 29; for(int j = 1; j < N; j++) pwr1[j] = (pwr1[j-1] * PRM1) % mod1, inv_pwr1[j] = fast_pow(pwr1[j], mod1-2, mod1); for(int j = 1; j < N; j++) pwr2[j] = (pwr2[j-1] * PRM2) % mod2, inv_pwr2[j] = fast_pow(pwr2[j], mod2-2, mod2); int t; cin >> t; while(t--){ int n, m, K; cin >> n >> m >> K; string s1, s2; cin >> s1 >> s2; int ans = solve(s1, s2, K); if(ans == -1) cout << ans << '\n'; else{ string x = ""; for(int j = ans-K+1; j <= ans; j++) x += s2[j]; cout << x << '\n'; } } return 0; }
Common elements in 3 sorted vectors with extra space
check Prime
Square of maximum