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DESim Example Starter Code
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <queue> #include <unordered_map> using namespace std; // define the time data type #define TimeType int // define constants used in our simulation #define TEST_SIZE 15 #define NUM_NAMES 6 string firstNames[NUM_NAMES] = {"Alice","Ambroise","Bert","Denise","Larry","Emily"}; string lastNames[NUM_NAMES] = {"Ghosh","Jones","Lee","Smith","Zhang","Zuckerman"}; #define SIM_LENGTH 100 #define MAX_DURATION 20 #define NUM_TELLERS 2 // define event types typedef enum {ARRIVAL, DEPARTURE} EventType; // define an event struct to store events typedef struct { string customerName; TimeType eventTime; TimeType duration; EventType event; } EventStruct; // a standard way of printing events void printEvent(const EventStruct & event) { cout << event.customerName; cout << ", Time: " << event.eventTime; cout << ", Duration: " << event.duration; cout << ", Event type: "; if (event.event==ARRIVAL) cout << "ARRIVAL"; else cout << "DEPARTURE"; } // how to compare event times for the priority queue struct compareEventTime { bool operator()(const EventStruct& lhs, const EventStruct& rhs) const { return lhs.eventTime > rhs.eventTime; } }; // our Discrete Event Simulation class class DESim { private: // event queue -- priority queue with events queued by event time priority_queue<EventStruct,vector<EventStruct>,compareEventTime> eventQueue; // wait queue -- priority queue with waiting customers queued by arrival time queue<EventStruct> bankQueue; TimeType currentTime = 0; bool debugOn = false; int tellersAvailable = NUM_TELLERS; public: void addEvent(const EventStruct & event); void addBankQueueCustomer(const EventStruct & event); void setDebugOn(bool value) {debugOn = value;}; void printTellerNumberChange(); void runSim(); }; // end DESim // add a priority queue event void DESim::addEvent(const EventStruct & event) { if (debugOn) {cout << "[" << currentTime <<"] Adding event: "; printEvent(event); cout << endl;} eventQueue.push(event); } // add a bank queue customer (not really an event) void DESim::addBankQueueCustomer(const EventStruct & event) { if (debugOn) {cout << "[" << currentTime <<"] Adding bank queue customer: "; printEvent(event); cout << endl;} bankQueue.push(event); } // indicate that the number of available tellers has changed void DESim::printTellerNumberChange() { if (debugOn) {cout << "[" << currentTime <<"] Current number of tellers available: " << tellersAvailable << endl;} } // run the simulation void DESim::runSim() { while (!eventQueue.empty()) { EventStruct nextEvent =; // get next event in priority queue currentTime = nextEvent.eventTime; eventQueue.pop(); switch (nextEvent.event) { case ARRIVAL: if (tellersAvailable) { // enter departure event in eventQueue nextEvent.eventTime = currentTime + nextEvent.duration; nextEvent.event = DEPARTURE; addEvent(nextEvent); tellersAvailable--; printTellerNumberChange(); } else { // no tellers available, put customer in bank queue addBankQueueCustomer(nextEvent); } break; case DEPARTURE: if(!bankQueue.empty()) { EventStruct nextCustomer = bankQueue.front(); bankQueue.pop(); nextCustomer.eventTime = currentTime + nextCustomer.duration; nextCustomer.event = DEPARTURE; addEvent(nextCustomer); } else { tellersAvailable++; printTellerNumberChange(); } break; default: cout << "ERROR: Should never get here! " << endl; } } } int main() { cout << "*** Discrete Event Simulation Example for ECE 2574 ***\n\n"; DESim mySim; mySim.setDebugOn(true); EventStruct myEvent; srand(123321); cout << "Adding " << TEST_SIZE << " events.\n\n"; for (int i=0; i<TEST_SIZE; i++) { myEvent.customerName = firstNames[rand()%NUM_NAMES] + string(" ") + lastNames[rand()%NUM_NAMES]; myEvent.eventTime = rand()%SIM_LENGTH+1; myEvent.duration = rand()%MAX_DURATION+1; myEvent.event = ARRIVAL; mySim.addEvent(myEvent); } cout << "\nRunning simulation...\n"; mySim.runSim(); return 0; }
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