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#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; #Code validates, decodes, and encodes bitcoin addresses. #See examples at bottom. #Author: Len Schulwitz + friends at #E-mail: My last name at #AS IS CODE! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! #SHA-256 necessary for bitcoin address validation checksum check. use Digest::SHA qw(sha256); #The base58 characters used by Bitcoin. my @b58 = qw{ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k m n o p q r s t u v w x y z }; #Used to decode base58 encoded bitcoin addresses (i.e. standard bitcoin addresses). my %b58 = map { $b58[$_] => $_ } 0 .. 57; #The reverse hash, used to base58 encode addresses represented as binary decimals. my %reverseb58 = reverse %b58; #Encodes a base58 encoded bitcoin address from array of binary decimals. sub base58 { my @binary_address_to_encode = @{$_[0]}; die "Subroutine base58 needs binary decimal array to encode!\n" unless @binary_address_to_encode; #This adds slightly more processing than is necessary, but will ensure all bytes are encoded. my $base58_encoded_array_size = 2 * scalar @binary_address_to_encode; my @base58_encoded_address; #Counts number of leading 0's in decimal address. my $leading_zeroes = length $1 if join('', @binary_address_to_encode) =~ /^(0*)/; #Cycle through each binary decimal character, encoding to Base58. for my $dec_char ( @binary_address_to_encode ) { #Cycle through each index (i.e. base58 encoded character) of array holding base58 encoded result. for (my $encoded_character_index = $base58_encoded_array_size; $encoded_character_index--; ) { #See Satoshi's base58.cpp code for details. $dec_char += 256 * ($base58_encoded_address[$encoded_character_index] // 0); $base58_encoded_address[$encoded_character_index] = $dec_char % 58; $dec_char /= 58; } } #Generate encoded address with extra leading ones my $encoded_address_with_leading_1s = join('', map { $reverseb58{$_} } @base58_encoded_address); #Truncate address so that the number of leading zero bytes in the binary address are equal to the number of leading ones in the base58 encoded address. if ($encoded_address_with_leading_1s =~ /(1{$leading_zeroes}[^1].*)/){ #Return matching base58 encoded bitcoin address. return $1; } #If encoding only zero bytes... elsif ($encoded_address_with_leading_1s =~ /(1{$leading_zeroes})/){ return $1; } else{ die "Unexpected error in subroutine base58!\n"; } } #Decodes bitcoin address from its Base58 encoding into an array of binary decimals. sub unbase58 { my $bitcoin_address = $_[0]; die "Subroutine unbase58 needs base58 encoded bitcoin address to decode!\n" unless defined $bitcoin_address; die "Cannot Decode! Invalid Base58 Character(s)!\n" unless $bitcoin_address =~ /^[1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]*$/; #This is overkill, but it allows for plenty of room to store decoded bytes. my $decoded_array_size = length($bitcoin_address); my @decoded_binary_address; #Array that will hold bytes of Base58 decoded address. #Counts number of leading 1's in bitcoin address. my $leading_ones = length($1) if $bitcoin_address =~ /^(1*)/; #Cycle through each character of address, decoding from Base58. for my $b58_char ( map { $b58{$_} } $bitcoin_address =~ /./g ) { #Cycle through each index (i.e decimal byte) of array holding base58 decoded result. for (my $decoded_byte_index = $decoded_array_size; $decoded_byte_index--; ) { #See Satoshi's base58.cpp code for encoding details. $b58_char += 58 * ($decoded_binary_address[$decoded_byte_index] // 0); $decoded_binary_address[$decoded_byte_index] = $b58_char % 256; $b58_char /= 256; } } #Counts number of leading zeroes in decoded binary decimal array. my $leading_zeroes = length($1) if join('', @decoded_binary_address) =~ /^(0*)/; #If leading zeroes of decoded address don't equal leading ones of encoded address, trim them off. for (1 .. $leading_zeroes - $leading_ones){ shift @decoded_binary_address; } return @decoded_binary_address; } #Dies if address is bad, otherwise, returns address type. #See for valid address types. sub check_bitcoin_address { my $base58_address = shift; my @decoded_binary_address = unbase58 $base58_address; #See if last 4 bytes of the 25-byte base58 decoded bitcoin address (i.e. the checksum) match the double sha256 hash of the first 21 bytes. die "Invalid bitcoin address! Address is not 25 bytes!\n" if scalar @decoded_binary_address != 25; die "Invalid Bitcoin address! Bad SHA-256 checksum!\n" unless (pack 'C*', @decoded_binary_address[21..24]) eq substr sha256(sha256 pack 'C*', @decoded_binary_address[0..20]), 0, 4; #Standard bitcoin address. if ($base58_address =~ /^1/){ return "Standard Public"; } #Multi-signature bitcoin address. elsif ($base58_address =~ /^3/){ return "Multi-Signature"; } #Testnet standard bitcoin address. elsif ($base58_address =~ /^m/ or $base58_address =~ /^n/){ return "Testnet Public"; } #Testnet multi-signature bitcoin address. elsif ($base58_address =~ /^2/){ return "Testnet Multi-Signature"; } #If address is valid but not a recognized type, it is abnormal. else{ return "Abnormal"; } } #Converts standard bitcoin address to binary form as hexadecimal. sub decodebase58tohex { #Takes standard base58 encoded bitcoin address my $std_bitcoin_address = $_[0]; die "Subroutine decodebase58tohex needs base58 bitcoin address as input!\n" unless (defined $std_bitcoin_address and length $std_bitcoin_address != 0); #Base58 decodes address to binary decimal form. my @decoded_binary_address = unbase58($std_bitcoin_address); #Converts binary to hexadecimal. my $hex_binary_address = ''; foreach(@decoded_binary_address){ $hex_binary_address .= sprintf("%02X", $_); } return $hex_binary_address; } #Converts binary bitcoin address input as hexadecimal to standard Base58 address. sub encodebase58fromhex { #Takes hexadecimal representation of 25-byte binary address. my $hex_binary_address = $_[0]; die "Subroutine encodebase58fromhex needs binary address represented with hex characters as input!" unless (defined $hex_binary_address and length $hex_binary_address != 0); die "Cannot Encode! Invalid Hexadecimal Character(s)!\n" unless $hex_binary_address =~ /^[a-f0-9]*$/i; #Converts to binary decimal form. my @binary_address_to_encode = $hex_binary_address =~ /../g; for( 0 .. scalar(@binary_address_to_encode)-1 ){ $binary_address_to_encode[$_] = hex($binary_address_to_encode[$_]); } #Base58 encodes and returns standard form bitcoin address. my $std_bitcoin_address = base58(\@binary_address_to_encode); return $std_bitcoin_address; } #Sample test taken from my $base58_encoded_address = "16UwLL9Risc3QfPqBUvKofHmBQ7wMtjvM"; print "\nRunning tests for bitcoin address $base58_encoded_address\n"; print "Bitcoin address is valid. Address type: '", check_bitcoin_address($base58_encoded_address), "'.\n"; my $binary_address = decodebase58tohex($base58_encoded_address); print "Binary hexadecimal representation is: $binary_address\n"; my $reencoded_base58 = encodebase58fromhex($binary_address); print "Re-encoded back to Base58 is: $reencoded_base58\n\n";
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