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Faking OOP features
%commands to the interpreter are submitted from stdin input ('show input' box below) %'halt.' will be automatically appended to stdin input. %swi-prolog 7.6.4 %Basic utilities for fake OOP. % OBJECT CREATION: % If class(Thing,Class) is true, then all terms that unify with Thing have class Class. % new(Class,X) unifies X with some term, and assert that term to be of class Class. % new/2 never uses the same term twice for this purpose in the same run. % with_object(Class,X,Q) creates a new term of class X, unifies it to X, then calls the goal Q. % It also tries to clean after itself, by calling the new object's destroy 'method' % if defined and then cleaning the database of anything pertaining to that object. % with_objects([Class1,X1,Class2,X2,...],Q) is the same as nesting multiple with_object/3. % % SETTERS AND GETTERS: % The operators ::, ::= are used. They both are yfx with priority 500. % Obj::Attr::=Value sets the attribute Attr of object Obj to Value. % Obj::Attr::Value checks if the attribute Attr of object Obj is Value. % % METHODS: % The operator := is yfx with priority 1100. % If (foo(X)::bar(Y1,Y2,...) := Q(X,Y1,Y2,...)) is true -- where the % goal Q may contain the variables X and Y1,... --, then the class % foo will have a method named bar defined by that clause. % X::baz(Y1,...) will check if X is of a class that has a method named baz % so that baz(Y1,...) is true. % % INHERITANCE: % If isa(Child,Parent) is true, then the class Child inherits from Parent. % Inherited classes can see methods of their parents, unless shadowed. % Multiple inheritance is allowed. % % DESTRUCTION: % Objects created inside a with_object/3 or with_objects/2 are automatically % purged from the database. While doing so, the objects' destroy/0 method is % called, provided that it exists. % % N.B.: all methods are public. You can set any attribute on any object. % This is obviously not meant for any serious use. use_module(library(gensym)). :- op(500, yfx, '::'). :- op(500, yfx, '::='). :- op(1100, yfx, ':='). inherit(X,Y) :- isa(X,Y). inherit(X,Y) :- isa(X,Z), X\=Z, inherit(Z,Y). :- dynamic isa/2. :- multifile isa/2. :- dynamic class/2. :- multifile class/2. :- dynamic call_method/3. :- multifile call_method/3. :- multifile user:term_expansion/2. user:term_expansion(:=(Class::Method, Q), (call_method(Cl,X,Method) :- Q)) :- functor(Class,Cl,1), arg(1,Class,X). Obj::Attr::=Value :- asserta( (Obj::Attr1::Value1 :- Attr1=Attr, !, Value1=Value) ). :- dynamic (::)/2. :- multifile (::)/2. allow_method_calling :- assert( (Obj::Method :- class(Obj,Cl), !, call_method(Cl,Obj,Method)) ), assert( (Obj::Method :- class(Obj,Cl1), inherit(Cl1,Cl), call_method(Cl,Obj,Method)) ). :- allow_method_calling. genterm(X) :- nonvar(X), functor(X,_,0), !. genterm(X) :- var(X), !, gensym(obj,X). genterm(F) :- functor(F,_,N), genterm(F,N). genterm(_,0). genterm(F,N) :- arg(N,F,X), genterm(X), M is N-1, genterm(F,M). new(Class,X) :- genterm(X), assert(class(X,Class)). destroy(X) :- class(X,_), ((X::destroy, !); true), retractall(X::_::_), allow_method_calling, retractall(class(X,_)). with_object(Class,X,Q) :- new(Class,X), ((call(Q), !); true), ((destroy(X), !); true). with_objects([],Q) :- Q. with_objects([Class,X|T],Q) :- with_object(Class,X,with_objects(T,Q)). %% EXAMPLE %% person(X)::can_vote := X::age::Age, Age>=18. person(X)::older_than(Y) := X::age::Ax, Y::age::Ay, Ax>Ay. person(X)::destroy := X::name::Name, write(Name), writeln(' retired.'). child(X)::destroy := X::name::Name, write(Name), writeln(' ran away.'). isa(child,person). main :- with_objects([person, John, child, Mary], ( John::age::=25, John::name::='John', Mary::age::=10, Mary::name::='Mary', (((John::can_vote, writeln('John can vote.')),!); writeln('John can\'t vote.')), (((Mary::can_vote, writeln('Mary can vote.')),!); writeln('Mary can\'t vote.')), (((John::older_than(Mary), writeln('John is older than Mary.')),!); writeln('John isn\'t older than Mary.')) )). :- main. %% prints: John can vote %% Mary can't vote %% John is older than Mary %% Mary ran away. %% John retired.
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