Run Code
Code Wall
//Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version 3.4.0-beta4-19562-05 (ff930dec) //Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace Rextester { public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { --[[ Phantom Forces Cheat - Herrtt Supports * No Fall Damage * WalkSpeed * JumpPower * SilentAim * Headshot Percentage * Wallhacks ]] -- Default launch settings local settings = { silentaim = true, nofalldamage = false, setwalkspeed = false, walkspeed = 55, setjumppower = false, jumppower = 45, headshotchanceenabled = true, headshotchance = 25, -- gunVisuals = true, deadVisuals = true, colorEffect = true, -- fov = 350, fovcircle = true, fovsides = 12, fovthickness = 1 } local main = {running = true} local end_funcs = {} local __SETTINGS__ = {} function main:End() main.running = false for _,func in pairs(end_funcs) do func() end if (main == shared.__main) then shared.__main = nil -- k end main = nil spawn(function() for i,v in pairs(connections) do pcall(function() v:Disconnect() end) end end) shared.main = nil -- k __SETTINGS__:Save() end if shared.__main then pcall(shared.__main.End, shared.__main) shared.__main = nil end shared.__main = main local connections = {} local function bindEvent(event, callback) -- Let me disconnect in peace local con = event:Connect(callback) table.insert(connections, con) return con end table.insert(end_funcs, function() for i,v in pairs(connections) do v:Disconnect() connections[i] = nil end end) local servs servs = setmetatable( { Get = function(self, serv) if servs[serv] then return servs[serv] end local s = game:GetService(serv) if s then servs[serv] = s end return s end; }, { __index = function(self, index) local s = game:GetService(index) if s then servs[index] = s end return s end; }) local players = servs.Players local runservice = servs.RunService local http = servs.HttpService local uis = servs.UserInputService local function jsonEncode(t) return http:JSONEncode(t) end local function jsonDecode(t) return http:JSONDecode(t) end local function existsFile(name) return pcall(function() return readfile(name) end) end local function mergetab(a,b) local c = a or {} for i,v in pairs(b or {}) do c[i] = v end return c end local serialize local deserialize do --/ Serializer : garbage : slow as fuck local function hex_encode(IN, len) local B,K,OUT,I,D=16,"0123456789ABCDEF","",0,nil while IN>0 do I=I+1 IN,D=math.floor(IN/B), IN%B+1 OUT=string.sub(K,D,D)..OUT end if len then OUT = ('0'):rep(len - #OUT) .. OUT end return OUT end local function hex_decode(IN) return tonumber(IN, 16) end local types = { ["nil"] = "0"; ["boolean"] = "1"; ["number"] = "2"; ["string"] = "3"; ["table"] = "4"; ["Vector3"] = "5"; ["CFrame"] = "6"; ["Instance"] = "7"; ["Color3"] = "8"; } local rtypes = (function() local a = {} for i,v in pairs(types) do a[v] = i end return a end)() local typeof = typeof or type local function encode(t, ...) local type = typeof(t) local s = types[type] local c = '' if type == "nil" then c = types[type] .. "0" elseif type == "boolean" then local t = t == true and '1' or '0' c = s .. t elseif type == "number" then local new = tostring(t) local len = #new c = s .. len .. "." .. new elseif type == "string" then local new = t local len = #new c = s .. len .. "." .. new elseif type == "Vector3" then local x,y,z = tostring(t.X), tostring(t.Y), tostring(t.Z) local new = hex_encode(#x, 2) .. x .. hex_encode(#y, 2) .. y .. hex_encode(#z, 2) .. z c = s .. new elseif type == "CFrame" then local a = {t:GetComponents()} local new = '' for i,v in pairs(a) do local l = tostring(v) new = new .. hex_encode(#l, 2) .. l end c = s .. new elseif type == "Color3" then local a = {t.R, t.G, t.B} local new = '' for i,v in pairs(a) do local l = tostring(v) new = new .. hex_encode(#l, 2) .. l end c = s .. new elseif type == "table" then return serialize(t, ...) end return c end local function decode(t, extra) local p = 0 local function read(l) l = l or 1 p = p + l return t:sub(p-l + 1, p) end local function get(a) local k = "" while p < #t do if t:sub(p+1,p+1) == a then break else k = k .. read() end end return k end local type = rtypes[read()] local c if type == "nil" then read() elseif type == "boolean" then local d = read() c = d == "1" and true or false elseif type == "number" then local length = tonumber(get(".")) local d = read(length+1):sub(2,-1) c = tonumber(d) elseif type == "string" then local length = tonumber(get(".")) --read() local d = read(length+1):sub(2,-1) c = d elseif type == "Vector3" then local function getnext() local length = hex_decode(read(2)) local a = read(tonumber(length)) return tonumber(a) end local x,y,z = getnext(),getnext(),getnext() c =, y, z) elseif type == "CFrame" then local a = {} for i = 1,12 do local l = hex_decode(read(2)) local b = read(tonumber(l)) a[i] = tonumber(b) end c = elseif type == "Instance" then local pos = hex_decode(read(2)) c = extra[tonumber(pos)] elseif type == "Color3" then local a = {} for i = 1,3 do local l = hex_decode(read(2)) local b = read(tonumber(l)) a[i] = tonumber(b) end c = end return c end function serialize(data, p) if data == nil then return end local type = typeof(data) if type == "table" then local extra = {} local s = types[type] local new = "" local p = p or 0 for i,v in pairs(data) do local i1,camera local t0,t1 = typeof(i), typeof(v) local a,b if t0 == "Instance" then p = p + 1 extra[p] = i i1 = types[t0] .. hex_encode(p, 2) else i1, a = encode(i, p) if a then for i,v in pairs(a) do extra[i] = v end end end if t1 == "Instance" then p = p + 1 extra[p] = v camera = types[t1] .. hex_encode(p, 2) else camera, b = encode(v, p) if b then for i,v in pairs(b) do extra[i] = v end end end new = new .. i1 .. camera end return s .. #new .. "." .. new, extra elseif type == "Instance" then return types[type] .. hex_encode(1, 2), {data} else return encode(data), {} end end function deserialize(data, extra) if data == nil then return end extra = extra or {} local type = rtypes[data:sub(1,1)] if type == "table" then local p = 0 local function read(l) l = l or 1 p = p + l return data:sub(p-l + 1, p) end local function get(a) local k = "" while p < #data do if data:sub(p+1,p+1) == a then break else k = k .. read() end end return k end local length = tonumber(get("."):sub(2, -1)) read() local new = {} local l = 0 while p <= length do l = l + 1 local function getnext() local i local t = read() local type = rtypes[t] if type == "nil" then i = decode(t .. read()) elseif type == "boolean" then i = decode(t .. read()) elseif type == "number" then local l = get(".") local dc = t .. l .. read() local a = read(tonumber(l)) dc = dc .. a i = decode(dc) elseif type == "string" then local l = get(".") local dc = t .. l .. read() local a = read(tonumber(l)) dc = dc .. a i = decode(dc) elseif type == "Vector3" then local function getnext() local length = hex_decode(read(2)) local a = read(tonumber(length)) return tonumber(a) end local x,y,z = getnext(),getnext(),getnext() i =, y, z) elseif type == "CFrame" then local a = {} for i = 1,12 do local l = hex_decode(read(2)) local b = read(tonumber(l)) -- why did I decide to do this a[i] = tonumber(b) end i = elseif type == "Instance" then local pos = hex_decode(read(2)) i = extra[tonumber(pos)] elseif type == "Color3" then local a = {} for i = 1,3 do local l = hex_decode(read(2)) local b = read(tonumber(l)) a[i] = tonumber(b) end i = elseif type == "table" then local l = get(".") local dc = t .. l .. read() .. read(tonumber(l)) i = deserialize(dc, extra) end return i end local i = getnext() local v = getnext() new[(typeof(i) ~= "nil" and i or l)] = v end return new elseif type == "Instance" then local pos = tonumber(hex_decode(data:sub(2,3))) return extra[pos] else return decode(data, extra) end end end local utility do -- shit utility = {} local servs servs = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(self, index) local s = game:GetService(index) if s then servs[index] = s end return s end; }) local game, workspace = game, workspace local v2 = Vector2 local math, table = math, table local v2new = local players = servs.Players local locpl = players.LocalPlayer local mouse = locpl:GetMouse() local currentcamera = workspace.CurrentCamera local findFirstChildOfClass = game.FindFirstChildOfClass local isDescendantOf = game.IsDescendantOf local getPlayers = players.GetPlayers local getPartsObscuringTarget = currentcamera.GetPartsObscuringTarget local worldToViewportPoint = currentcamera.WorldToViewportPoint local raynew = local findPartOnRayWithIgnoreList = workspace.FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList local findFirstChild = game.FindFirstChild local function raycast(ray, ignore, callback) local ignore = ignore or {} local hit, pos, normal, material = findPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(workspace, ray, ignore) while hit and callback do local Continue, _ignore = callback(hit) if not Continue then break end if _ignore then table.insert(ignore, _ignore) else table.insert(ignore, hit) end hit, pos, normal, material = findPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(workspace, ray, ignore) end return hit, pos, normal, material end local function badraycastnotevensure(pos, ignore) -- 1 ray > 1 obscuringthing | 100 rays < 1 obscuring thing local hitparts = getPartsObscuringTarget(currentcamera, {pos}, ignore or {}) return hitparts end local charshit = {} function utility.getcharacter(player) -- Change this or something if you want to add support for other games. if (player == nil) then return end if (charshit[player]) then return charshit[player] end local char = player.Character if (char == nil or isDescendantOf(char, game) == false) then char = findFirstChild(workspace, player.Name) end return char end utility.mychar = nil utility.myroot = nil local rootshit = {} function utility.getroot(player) if (player == nil) then return end if (rootshit[player]) then return rootshit[player] end local char if (player:IsA("Player")) then char = utility.getcharacter(player) else char = player end if (char ~= nil) then return (findFirstChild(char, "Torso") or char.PrimaryPart) end return end function utility.isalive(_1, _2) if _1 == nil then return end local Char, RootPart if _2 ~= nil then Char, RootPart = _1,_2 else Char = utility.getcharacter(_1) RootPart = Char and (Char:FindFirstChild("Torso") or Char.PrimaryPart) end if Char and RootPart then local Human = findFirstChildOfClass(Char, "Humanoid") if RootPart and Human then if Human.Health > 0 then return true end elseif RootPart and isDescendantOf(Char, game) then return true end end return false end local shit = false function utility.isvisible(char, root, max, ...) local pos = root.Position if shit or max > 4 then local parts = badraycastnotevensure(pos, {utility.mychar, ..., workspace.CurrentCamera, char, root, workspace:FindFirstChild("Ignore"), }) return parts <= max else local camp = currentcamera.CFrame.p local dist = (camp - pos).Magnitude local hitt = 0 local hit = raycast(raynew(camp, (pos - camp).unit * dist), {utility.mychar, ..., currentcamera}, function(hit) if hit.Name == "Window" then return true end if hit.CanCollide == true then-- hit.Transparency ~= 1 then hitt = hitt + 1 return hitt < max end if isDescendantOf(hit, char) then return end return true end) return hit == nil or isDescendantOf(hit, char) or hitt <= max, hitt end end function utility.sameteam(player, p1) local p0 = p1 or locpl return (player.Team~=nil and player.Team==p0.Team) and player.Neutral == false or false end function utility.getDistanceFromMouse(position) local screenpos, vis = worldToViewportPoint(currentcamera, position) if vis and screenpos.Z > 0 then return (v2new(mouse.X, mouse.Y) - v2new(screenpos.X, screenpos.Y)).Magnitude end return math.huge end function utility.getClosestMouseTarget(settings) local closest, temp = nil, settings.fov or math.huge local plr local mychar = utility.getcharacter(locpl) utility.mychar = mychar local myroot = utility.getroot(mychar) utility.myroot = myroot for i,v in pairs(getPlayers(players)) do if (locpl ~= v and (settings.ignoreteam==true and utility.sameteam(v)==false or settings.ignoreteam == false)) then local character = utility.getcharacter(v) if character then local part = findFirstChild(character, or "Torso") or findFirstChild(character, "Torso") or character.PrimaryPart if part and part:IsA("BasePart") then local legal = true local distance = utility.getDistanceFromMouse(part.CFrame.Position) if temp <= distance then legal = false end if legal and settings.checkifalive then local isalive = utility.isalive(character, part) if not isalive then legal = false end end if legal and settings.ignorewalls == false then if not utility.isvisible(character, part, (settings.maxobscuringparts or 0)) then legal = false end end if legal and myroot and settings.maxdist then if settings.maxdist < (myroot.Position - part.Position).Magnitude then legal = false end end if legal then temp = distance closest = part plr = v end end end end end -- who doesnt love 5 ends in a row? return closest, temp, plr end end local Players = game:GetService("Players") local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local function assert(a, b, ...) if not a then print(...) return error(b) end end local function kick(...) LocalPlayer:Kick(...) end local function findFirstChild(parent,child,callback) if parent ~= nil and callback ~= nil then local obj = parent:FindFirstChild(tostring(child)) if obj ~= nil then callback(obj) end end end local function map(a, f) local b = {} for i,v in pairs(a) do local i2,v2 = f(i,v) if typeof(i2) ~= nil then b[i2] = v2 end end return b end local function findLocal(lookinfor) local found = {} for i,v in pairs(lookinfor.gc and getgc() or getreg()) do if typeof(v) == "function" and islclosure(v) then local upvals = debug.getupvalues(v) for i2,v2 in pairs(upvals) do if typeof(v2) == "table" then local Correct = true if typeof(lookinfor) == "table" then if lookinfor.env ~= nil then local env = getfenv(v) for i3,v3 in pairs(lookinfor.env) do if typeof(v3) == "string" then if tostring(rawget(env, i3)) ~= v3 then Correct = false break end end end end if Correct then if #lookinfor == 0 and lookinfor.env == nil then Correct = false end for i3,v3 in pairs(lookinfor) do if typeof(i3) == "number" then if rawget(v2, v3) == nil then Correct = false break end end end end else if rawget(v2, lookinfor) == nil then Correct = false end end if Correct then if lookinfor.remove then debug.setupvalue(v, i2, nil) end if lookinfor.replace then debug.setupvalue(v, i2, lookinfor.replace) end table.insert(found, v2) end elseif typeof(v2) == "function" and islclosure(v2) then local Correct = true if lookinfor.constants ~= nil then local consts = debug.getconstants(v2) consts = map(consts, function(a,b) return b,true end) for i3,v3 in pairs(lookinfor.constants) do if typeof(i3) == "number" then if not consts[v3] then Correct = false break end end end if Correct then if lookinfor.remove then debug.setupvalue(v, i2, nil) end if lookinfor.replace then debug.setupvalue(v, i2, lookinfor.replace) end table.insert(found, v2) end end end end end end return found end -- just so I can re-execute multiple times local storage = shared.gamer_storage or {} shared.gamer_storage = storage -- fuck off storage.misc = storage.misc or {} -- yup local network = or findLocal({ "fetch", "send", "ready", "servertick" })[1] assert(network, kick, "Failed to find network module") = network -- character handler local char = storage.misc.char or findLocal({ "setsprint", "setbasewalkspeed", "getstate", env = { script = "Framework" } })[1] assert(char, kick, "Failed to find char module") storage.misc.char = char local hudModule = storage.misc.hud or findLocal({ "firehitmarker" })[1] assert(hudModule, kick, "Failed to find hud module") storage.misc.hud = hudModule local effects = storage.misc.effects or findLocal({ "bloodhit", "breakwindow", gc = true, })[1] assert(effects, kick, "Failed to find effects module") storage.misc.effects = effects local sound = storage.misc.sound or findLocal({ "PlaySound", "PlaySoundId", gc = true, })[1] assert(sound, kick, "Failed to find sound module") storage.misc.sound = sound local gamelogic = storage.misc.gamelogic or findLocal({ "gammo", "setsprintdisable", "controllerstep", gc = true, })[1] assert(gamelogic, kick, "Failed to find gamelogic module") storage.misc.gamelogic = gamelogic local particle = storage.misc.particle or findLocal({ "new", "reset", "step", gc = true, env = { script = "Framework" } })[1] assert(particle, kick, "Failed to find particle module") storage.misc.particle = particle local beamobject = storage.misc.beamobject or debug.getupvalue(, 1) assert(beamobject, kick, "Failed to find beamobject module") assert(beamobject.Destroy and and beamobject.step, kick, "Failed to find beamobject module") local camera = or findLocal({ "setfixedcam", "setmenucam", "setmenucf", gc = true, env = { script = "Framework" } })[1] assert(camera, kick, "Failed to find camera module") = camera do -- Character shit, pf renames characters so yeah umh local replication = storage.misc.replication or findLocal({ "removecharacterhash", "getplayerhit", "thickcastplayers", env = { script = "Framework" } })[1] assert(replication, kick, "Failed to find replication module") storage.misc.replication = replication utility.getcharacter = function(player) if player == LocalPlayer then return char.rootpart and char.rootpart.Parent end for i,v in pairs(debug.getupvalue(replication.getplayerhit, 1)) do if v == player then return i end end end char.humanoid = debug.getupvalue(char.getstate, 1) storage.char = storage.char or {} -- Infinite jump & JumpPower storage.char.jump = storage.char.jump or char.jump char.jump = function(self, ...) if (settings.setjumppower) then char.humanoid.JumpPower = (2 * game.Workspace.Gravity * settings.jumppower) ^ 0.5 char.humanoid.Jump = true return true end return storage.char.jump(self, ...) end -- walkspeed storage.char.setbasewalkspeed = storage.char.setbasewalkspeed or char.setbasewalkspeed storage.char.oldWalkspeed = 16 char.setbasewalkspeed = function(self, speed, ...) storage.char.oldWalkspeed = speed if (settings.setwalkspeed) then return storage.char.setbasewalkspeed(self, settings.walkspeed) end return storage.char.setbasewalkspeed(self, speed, ...) end --[[ storage.char.loadgun = storage.char.loadgun or char.loadgun local modifyData = storage.char.modifyData or debug.getupvalue(char.loadgun, 1) storage.char.modifyData = modifyData local getGunData = storage.char.getGunData or debug.getupvalue(char.loadgun, 2) storage.char.getGunData = getGunData char.loadgun = function(...) local gunName, magShit, spareRounds, attachments, data, camodata, gunnumber = ... print(gunName, magShit, spareRounds, attachments, data, camodata, gunnumber) --local data = v33(u38(self), p296, p297); return storage.char.loadgun(...) end--]] --[[for i,v in pairs(gamelogic.currentgun) do print(i,v) end--]] end do -- Workspace visuals local color = Color3.fromRGB(175, 120, 180) local function editInstance(v) if v:IsA("BasePart") then v.Material = Enum.Material.ForceField v.Color = color elseif v:IsA("FileMesh") then v.TextureId = '6856098975' -- 6838365496 if v.Parent and v.Parent:IsA("BasePart") then local c = v.Parent.Color v.VertexColor =, color.g, color.b) end elseif v:IsA("RopeConstraint") then v.Visible = false elseif v:IsA("Texture") then v.Transparency = 1 end end bindEvent(workspace.CurrentCamera.DescendantAdded, function(v) if settings.gunVisuals then editInstance(v) end end) if (settings.gunVisuals) then for i,v in pairs(workspace.CurrentCamera:GetDescendants()) do editInstance(v) end end bindEvent(workspace:WaitForChild("Ignore"):WaitForChild("DeadBody").DescendantAdded, function(v) if settings.deadVisuals then editInstance(v) end end) if (settings.deadVisuals) then for i,v in pairs(workspace.Ignore.DeadBody:GetDescendants()) do editInstance(v) end end local effect = storage.colorEffect or"ColorCorrectionEffect") effect.Enabled = settings.colorEffect effect.Brightness = 0.4 effect.Contrast = 0.4 effect.Saturation = 0.1 effect.TintColor = color storage.colorEffect = effect effect.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting") end do -- camera camera.shakespring.s = 0; camera.shakespring.d = 1000; camera.shakespring.t = camera.magspring.s = 12; camera.magspring.d = 1; camera.magspring.t = 0 camera.swayspring.s = 0; camera.swayspring.d = 1000; camera.swayspring.t = 0 camera.swayspeed.s = 0; camera.swayspeed.d = 1000; camera.swayspeed.t = 0; camera.zanglespring.s = 0; camera.offsetspring.s = 0; end do -- Network hook funcs = or {} local old_send = or network.send = old_send network.send = function(self, method, ...) -- hookfunction randomly broke, idk why :( if checkcaller() then return old_send(self, method, ...) end local args = {...} if method == "closeconnection" then return end if method == "falldamage" and settings.nofalldamage then return -- Remove fall damage end if method == "bullethit" and settings.headshotchanceenabled then -- headshot % if args[3] and typeof(args[3]) == 'string' then local ran = math.random(1,100) if ran <= settings.headshotchance then args[3] = "Head" else args[3] = "Torso" end end end if method == "knifehit" and settings.headshotchanceenabled then -- headshot % if args[3] and typeof(args[3]) == "Instance" then local ran = math.random(1,100) if ran <= settings.headshotchance then args[3] = args[3].Parent:FindFirstChild("Head") or args[3] else args[3] = args[3].Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso") or args[3] end end end return old_send(self, method, unpack(args)) end end do -- Metatable hooks local old_mt = storage.old_mt or {} storage.old_mt = old_mt local _nindex = hookmetamethod(game, "__index", function(...) local self, index = ... if checkcaller() then return old_mt.__index(self, index) end if index == "CFrame" and settings.silentaim then -- its a meh.. local barrel = gamelogic and gamelogic.currentgun and gamelogic.currentgun.barrel local sight = gamelogic and gamelogic.currentgun and gamelogic.currentgun.aimsightdata and gamelogic.currentgun.aimsightdata[1] and gamelogic.currentgun.aimsightdata[1].sightpart if barrel and (self == barrel or self == sight) then local Head, dist, plr = utility.getClosestMouseTarget({ ignoreteam = true, ignorewalls = false, maxobscuringparts = 0, name = 'Head', fov = settings.fov, maxdist = 3000, checkifalive = false }) if Head then local bulletspeed = and or dist * 10 --dist = (bulletspeed ^ 2 * dist + 196.2 * dist) / bulletspeed ^ 2 local t = (bulletspeed * dist + 196.2 * dist) / bulletspeed ^ 2 local Dir = Head.Position.X, Head.Position.Y + (((196.2 ^ t) / 2) - (t * 2)), Head.Position.Z ) Dir = Dir + (Head.Parent.Torso.Velocity * (t * 2.1)) return, Dir) end end end return old_mt.__index(self, index) end) old_mt.__index = old_mt.__index or _nindex local _neindex = hookmetamethod(game, "__newindex", function(...) local self, index, value = ... if checkcaller() then return old_mt.__newindex(self, index, value) end if index == "FieldOfView" then return old_mt.__newindex(self, index, value * 3) end return old_mt.__newindex(self, index, value) end) old_mt.__newindex = old_mt.__newindex or _neindex end local clearDrawn, newdrawing do --/ Drawing extra functions local insert = table.insert local newd = local drawn = {} function clearDrawn() -- who doesnt love drawing library for i,v in pairs(drawn) do pcall(function() v:Remove() end) drawn[i] = nil end drawn = {} end function newdrawing(class, props) --if visuals.enabled ~= true then -- return --end local new = newd(class) for i,v in pairs(props) do new[i] = v end insert(drawn, new) return new end end local sett_2 = settings local settings = __SETTINGS__ do --/ Settings -- TODO: Other datatypes. settings.fileName = "PFHax_settings.txt" -- Lovely settings.saved = {} function settings:Get(name, default) local self = {} local value = settings.saved[name] if value == nil and default ~= nil then value = default settings.saved[name] = value end self.Value = value function self:Set(val) self.Value = val settings.saved[name] = val end return self --value or default end function settings:Set(name, value) local r = settings.saved[name] settings.saved[name] = value return r end function settings:Save() local savesettings = settings:GetAll() or {} local new = mergetab(savesettings, settings.saved) local js = serialize(new) writefile(settings.fileName, js) end function settings:GetAll() if not existsFile(settings.fileName) then return end local fileContents = readfile(settings.fileName) local data pcall(function() data = deserialize(fileContents) end) return data end function settings:Load() if not existsFile(settings.fileName) then return end local fileContents = readfile(settings.fileName) local data pcall(function() data = deserialize(fileContents) end) if data then data = mergetab(settings.saved, data) end settings.saved = data return data end ---settings:Load() spawn(function() while main and main.enabled do settings:Save() wait(5) end end) end local esp = {} do local esp_settings = {} esp_settings.enabled = settings:Get("esp.enabled", true) esp_settings.showteam = settings:Get("esp.showteam", false) esp_settings.teamcolor = Color3.fromRGB(155, 114, 170) -- 121,255,97, 57,255,20 esp_settings.enemycolor = Color3.fromRGB(234, 234, 234) -- 238,38,37, 255,0,13, 255,7,58 esp_settings.visiblecolor = Color3.fromRGB(234, 234, 234) -- 0, 141, 255 esp_settings.size = settings:Get("esp.size", 16) esp_settings.centertext = settings:Get("esp.centertext", true) esp_settings.outline = settings:Get("esp.outline", true) esp_settings.transparency = settings:Get("esp.transparency", 0.1) esp_settings.drawdistance = settings:Get("esp.drawdistance", 1500) esp_settings.showvisible = settings:Get("esp.showvisible", true) esp_settings.yoffset = settings:Get("esp.yoffset", 4) esp_settings.showhealth = settings:Get("esp.showhealth", true) esp_settings.showdistance = settings:Get("esp.showdistance", true) setmetatable(esp, { __index = function(self, index) if esp_settings[index] ~= nil then local Value = esp_settings[index] if typeof(Value) == "table" then return typeof(Value) == "table" and Value.Value else return Value end end warn(("EspSettings : Tried to index %s"):format(tostring(index))) end; __newindex = function(self, index, value) if typeof(value) ~= "function" then if esp_settings[index] ~= nil then local v = esp_settings[index] if typeof(v) ~= "table" then esp_settings[index] = value return elseif v.Set then v:Set(value) return end end end rawset(self, index, value) end; }) local currentcamera = workspace.CurrentCamera local worldToViewportPoint = currentcamera.WorldToViewportPoint local floor = math.floor local insert = table.insert local concat = table.concat local v2new = local drawn = {} local completeStop = false local function drawTemplate(player) if completeStop then return end if drawn[player] then return drawn[player] end local obj = newdrawing("Text", { Text = "n/a", Size = esp.size, Color = esp.enemycolor, Center = esp.centertext, Outline = esp.outline, Transparency = (1 - esp.transparency), }) return obj end function esp:Draw(player, character, root, humanoid, onscreen, isteam, dist) if completeStop then return end if character == nil then return esp:Remove(player) end if root == nil then return esp:Remove(player) end if not esp.showteam and isteam then return esp:Remove(player) end if dist then if dist > esp.drawdistance then return esp:Remove(player) end end local where, isvis = worldToViewportPoint(currentcamera, (root.CFrame * esp.offset).p); --if not isvis then return esp:Remove(player) end local oesp = drawn[player] if oesp == nil then oesp = drawTemplate(player) drawn[player] = oesp end if oesp then oesp.Visible = isvis if isvis then oesp.Position = v2new(where.X, where.Y) local color if isteam == false and esp.showvisible then if utility.isvisible(character, root, 0) then color = esp.visiblecolor else color = isteam and esp.teamcolor or esp.enemycolor end else color = isteam and esp.teamcolor or esp.enemycolor end oesp.Color = color oesp.Center = esp.centertext oesp.Size = esp.size oesp.Outline = esp.outline oesp.Transparency = (1 - esp.transparency) local texts = { player.Name, } local b = humanoid and esp.showhealth and ("%s/%s"):format(floor(humanoid.Health + .5), floor(humanoid.MaxHealth + .5)) if b then insert(texts, b) end local c = dist and esp.showdistance and ("%s"):format(floor(dist + .5)) if c then insert(texts, c) end local text = "[ " .. concat(texts, " | ") .. " ]" oesp.Text = text end end end function esp:Remove(player) local data = drawn[player] if data ~= nil then data:Remove() drawn[player] = nil end end function esp:RemoveAll() for i,v in pairs(drawn) do pcall(function() v:Remove() end) drawn[i] = nil end end function esp:End() completeStop = true esp:RemoveAll() end end local boxes = {} do --/ Boxes local boxes_settings = {} boxes_settings.enabled = settings:Get("boxes.enabled", true) boxes_settings.transparency = settings:Get("boxes.transparency", .2) boxes_settings.thickness = settings:Get("boxes.thickness", 1.5) boxes_settings.showteam = settings:Get("boxes.showteam", false) boxes_settings.teamcolor = Color3.fromRGB(155, 114, 170) -- 121,255,97, 57,255,20 boxes_settings.enemycolor = Color3.fromRGB(220,20,60) -- 238,38,37, 255,0,13, 255,7,58 boxes_settings.visiblecolor = Color3.fromRGB(234, 234, 234) boxes_settings.thirddimension = settings:Get("boxes.thirddimension", true) boxes_settings.showvisible = settings:Get("boxes.showvisible", true) boxes_settings.dist3d = settings:Get("boxes.dist3d", 1000) boxes_settings.drawdistance = settings:Get("boxes.drawdistance", 4000) boxes_settings.color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 50, 50) setmetatable(boxes, { __index = function(self, index) if boxes_settings[index] ~= nil then local Value = boxes_settings[index] if typeof(Value) == "table" then return typeof(Value) == "table" and Value.Value else return Value end end warn(("BoxesSettings : Tried to index %s"):format(tostring(index))) end; __newindex = function(self, index, value) if typeof(value) ~= "function" then if boxes_settings[index] then local v = boxes_settings[index] if typeof(v) ~= "table" then boxes_settings[index] = value return elseif v.Set then v:Set(value) return end end end rawset(self, index, value) end; }) local currentcamera = workspace.CurrentCamera local unpack = unpack local worldToViewportPoint = currentcamera.WorldToViewportPoint local v2new = local cfnew = local completeStop = false local drawn = {} local function drawTemplate(player, amount) if completeStop then return end if drawn[player] then if #drawn[player] == amount then return drawn[player] end boxes:Remove(player) end local props = { Visible = true; Transparency = 1 - boxes.transparency; Thickness = boxes.thickness; Color = boxes.color; } local a = {} for i = 1,amount or 4 do a[i] = newdrawing("Line", props) end drawn[player] = {unpack(a)} return unpack(a) end local function updateLine(line, from, to, vis, color) if line == nil then return end line.Visible = vis if vis then line.From = from line.To = to line.Color = color end end function boxes:Draw(player, character, root, humanoid, onscreen, isteam, dist) -- No skid plox if completeStop then return end if character == nil then return boxes:Remove(player) end if root == nil then return boxes:Remove(player) end if not onscreen then return boxes:Remove(player) end if not boxes.showteam and isteam then return boxes:Remove(player) end local _3dimension = boxes.thirddimension if dist ~= nil then if dist > boxes.drawdistance then return boxes:Remove(player) elseif _3dimension and dist > boxes.dist3d then _3dimension = false end end local color if isteam == false and boxes.showvisible then if utility.isvisible(character, root, 0) then color = boxes.visiblecolor else color = isteam and boxes.teamcolor or boxes.enemycolor end else color = isteam and boxes.teamcolor or boxes.enemycolor end --size = ... lastsize--, v3new(5,8,0) --getBoundingBox(character)--]] root.CFrame, getExtentsSize(character)--]] -- Might change this later idk + idc if _3dimension then local tlb, trb, blb, brb, tlf, trf, blf, brf, tlf0, trf0, blf0, brf0 if drawn[player] == nil or #drawn[player] ~= 12 then tlb, trb, blb, brb, tlf, trf ,blf, brf, tlf0, trf0, blf0, brf0 = drawTemplate(player, 12) else tlb, trb, blb, brb, tlf, trf ,blf, brf, tlf0, trf0, blf0, brf0 = unpack(drawn[player]) end local pos, size = root.CFrame, root.Size--lastsize--, v3new(5,8,0) local topleftback, topleftbackvisible = worldToViewportPoint(currentcamera, (pos * cfnew(-size.X, size.Y, size.Z)).p); local toprightback, toprightbackvisible = worldToViewportPoint(currentcamera, (pos * cfnew(size.X, size.Y, size.Z)).p); local btmleftback, btmleftbackvisible = worldToViewportPoint(currentcamera, (pos * cfnew(-size.X, -size.Y, size.Z)).p); local btmrightback, btmrightbackvisible = worldToViewportPoint(currentcamera, (pos * cfnew(size.X, -size.Y, size.Z)).p); local topleftfront, topleftfrontvisible = worldToViewportPoint(currentcamera, (pos * cfnew(-size.X, size.Y, -size.Z)).p); local toprightfront, toprightfrontvisible = worldToViewportPoint(currentcamera, (pos * cfnew(size.X, size.Y, -size.Z)).p); local btmleftfront, btmleftfrontvisible = worldToViewportPoint(currentcamera, (pos * cfnew(-size.X, -size.Y, -size.Z)).p); local btmrightfront, btmrightfrontvisible = worldToViewportPoint(currentcamera, (pos * cfnew(size.X, -size.Y, -size.Z)).p); local topleftback = v2new(topleftback.X, topleftback.Y) local toprightback = v2new(toprightback.X, toprightback.Y) local btmleftback = v2new(btmleftback.X, btmleftback.Y) local btmrightback = v2new(btmrightback.X, btmrightback.Y) local topleftfront = v2new(topleftfront.X, topleftfront.Y) local toprightfront = v2new(toprightfront.X, toprightfront.Y) local btmleftfront = v2new(btmleftfront.X, btmleftfront.Y) local btmrightfront = v2new(btmrightfront.X, btmrightfront.Y) -- pls don't copy this bad code updateLine(tlb, topleftback, toprightback, topleftbackvisible, color) updateLine(trb, toprightback, btmrightback, toprightbackvisible, color) updateLine(blb, btmleftback, topleftback, btmleftbackvisible, color) updateLine(brb, btmleftback, btmrightback, btmrightbackvisible, color) -- updateLine(brf, btmrightfront, btmleftfront, btmrightfrontvisible, color) updateLine(tlf, topleftfront, toprightfront, topleftfrontvisible, color) updateLine(trf, toprightfront, btmrightfront, toprightfrontvisible, color) updateLine(blf, btmleftfront, topleftfront, btmleftfrontvisible, color) -- updateLine(brf0, btmrightfront, btmrightback, btmrightfrontvisible, color) updateLine(tlf0, topleftfront, topleftback, topleftfrontvisible, color) updateLine(trf0, toprightfront, toprightback, toprightfrontvisible, color) updateLine(blf0, btmleftfront, btmleftback, btmleftfrontvisible, color) return else local tl, tr, bl, br if drawn[player] == nil or #drawn[player] ~= 4 then tl, tr, bl, br = drawTemplate(player, 4) else tl, tr, bl, br = unpack(drawn[player]) end local pos, size = root.CFrame, root.Size local topleft, topleftvisible = worldToViewportPoint(currentcamera, (pos * cfnew(-size.X, size.Y, 0)).p); local topright, toprightvisible = worldToViewportPoint(currentcamera, (pos * cfnew(size.X, size.Y, 0)).p); local btmleft, btmleftvisible = worldToViewportPoint(currentcamera, (pos * cfnew(-size.X, -size.Y, 0)).p); local btmright, btmrightvisible = worldToViewportPoint(currentcamera, (pos * cfnew(size.X, -size.Y, 0)).p); local topleft = v2new(topleft.X, topleft.Y) local topright = v2new(topright.X, topright.Y) local btmleft = v2new(btmleft.X, btmleft.Y) local btmright = v2new(btmright.X, btmright.Y) updateLine(tl, topleft, topright, topleftvisible, color) updateLine(tr, topright, btmright, toprightvisible, color) updateLine(bl, btmleft, topleft, btmleftvisible, color) updateLine(br, btmleft, btmright, btmrightvisible, color) return end -- I have never been more bored when doing 3d boxes. end function boxes:Remove(player) local data = drawn[player] if data == nil then return end if data then for i,v in pairs(data) do v:Remove() data[i] = nil end end drawn[player] = nil end function boxes:RemoveAll() for i,v in pairs(drawn) do pcall(function() for i2,v2 in pairs(v) do v2:Remove() v[i] = nil end end) drawn[i] = nil end drawn = {} end function boxes:End() completeStop = true for i,v in pairs(drawn) do for i2,v2 in pairs(v) do pcall(function() v2:Remove() v[i2] = nil end) end drawn[i] = nil end drawn = {} end end local visuals = {} do --/ Visuals visuals.enabled = settings:Get("visuals.enabled", true).Value local players = game:GetService("Players") local locpl = players.LocalPlayer local mouse = locpl:GetMouse() local isDescendantOf = game.IsDescendantOf local getPlayers = players.GetPlayers local findFirstChildOfClass = game.FindFirstChildOfClass local cfnew = local completeStop = false bindEvent(players.PlayerRemoving, function(p) if completeStop then return end boxes:Remove(p) esp:Remove(p) end) local currentcamera = workspace.CurrentCamera local worldToViewportPoint = currentcamera.WorldToViewportPoint local function remove(p) esp:Remove(p) boxes:Remove(p) end local circle = newdrawing("Circle", { Position =, mouse.Y+36), Radius = sett_2.fov, Color = Color3.fromRGB(240,240,240), Thickness = sett_2.fovthickness, Filled = false, Transparency = 0, NumSides = sett_2.fovsides, Visible = sett_2.fovcircle; }) function visuals.step() --if visuals.enabled ~= true then return clearDrawn() end if completeStop then return end if (visuals.enabled and (sett_2.fovcircle)) then circle.Position =, mouse.Y+36) circle.Radius = sett_2.fov circle.NumSides = sett_2.fovsides circle.Thickness = sett_2.fovthickness circle.Transparency = .8 else circle.Transparency = 0 end if visuals.enabled and (esp.enabled or boxes.enabled) then if esp.enabled then esp.offset = cfnew(0, esp.yoffset, 0) end for i,v in pairs(getPlayers(players)) do if (v ~= locpl) then local character = utility.getcharacter(v) if character and isDescendantOf(character, game) == true then local root = utility.getroot(character) local humanoid = findFirstChildOfClass(character, "Humanoid") if root and isDescendantOf(character, game) == true then local screenpos, onscreen = worldToViewportPoint(currentcamera, root.Position) local dist = utility.myroot and (utility.myroot.Position - root.Position).Magnitude local isteam = (v.Team~=nil and v.Team==locpl.Team) and not v.Neutral or false if not boxes.showteam and not esp.showteam and isteam then remove(v) continue end if boxes.enabled then -- Profilebegin is life boxes:Draw(v, character, root, humanoid, onscreen, isteam, dist) else boxes:Remove(v) end if esp.enabled then esp:Draw(v, character, root, humanoid, onscreen, isteam, dist) else esp:Remove(v) end else remove(v) end else remove(v) end end end else -- mhm boxes:RemoveAll() esp:RemoveAll() end end function visuals:End() completeStop = true boxes:End() esp:End() clearDrawn() end table.insert(end_funcs, visuals.End) end -- Ok yes local run = {} do --/ Run local tostring = tostring; local warn = warn; local debug = debug; local runservice = game:GetService("RunService") local renderstep = runservice.RenderStepped local heartbeat = runservice.Heartbeat local stepped = runservice.Stepped local wait = renderstep.wait local function Warn(a, ...) -- ok frosty get to bed warn(tostring(a):format(...)) end run.dt = 0 run.time = tick() local engine = { { name = 'visuals.step', func = visuals.step }; } local heartengine = { } local whilerender = { } run.onstep = {} run.onthink = {} run.onrender = {} function run.wait() wait(renderstep) end local rstname = "Renderstep" bindEvent(renderstep, function(delta) local ntime = tick() run.dt = ntime - run.time run.time = ntime for i,v in pairs(engine) do xpcall(v.func, function(err) Warn("Failed to run %s! %s | %s",, tostring(err), debug.traceback()) engine[i] = nil end, run.dt) end end) bindEvent(heartbeat, function(delta) for i,v in pairs(heartengine) do xpcall(v.func, function(err) Warn("Failed to run %s! %s | %s",, tostring(err), debug.traceback()) heartengine[i] = nil end, delta) end end) bindEvent(stepped, function(delta) for i,v in pairs(whilerender) do xpcall(v.func, function(err) Warn("Failed to run %s! %s | %s",, tostring(err), debug.traceback()) heartengine[i] = nil end, delta) end end) end local uid = tick() .. math.random(1,100000) .. math.random(1,100000) if shared.main and shared.main.close and shared.main.uid~=uid then shared.main:close() end local hud = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()[1] table.insert(end_funcs, hud.End) do --/ Main or something I am not sure what I am writing anymore settings:Save() main.enabled = true main.visible = hud.Visible function main:show() hud:show() main.visible = hud.Visible end function main:hide() hud:hide() main.visible = hud.Visible end setmetatable(main, { -- ok safazi be happy now __newindex = function(self, index, value) if (index == "Keybind") then settings:Set("hud.keybind", value) hud.Keybind = value return end end; }) shared.main = main local players = game:GetService("Players") local loc = players.LocalPlayer bindEvent(players.PlayerRemoving, function(p) if p == loc then settings:Save() end end) end local shais = sett_2 -- I didn't think this ui lib through local Aiming = hud:AddTab({ Text = "silent aim", }) Aiming:AddToggle({ Text = "enable silent aim", State = shais.silentaim, }, function(new) shais.silentaim = new end) Aiming:AddSlider({ Text = "headshot chance", Current = shais.headshotchance, }, {0, 100, 1}, function(new) shais.headshotchance = new end) local FieldOfView = Aiming:AddToggleCategory({ Text = "fov", State = shais.fovcircle, }, function(state) shais.fovcircle = state end) FieldOfView:AddSlider({ Text = "Radius", Current = shais.fov, }, {1, 1000, 1}, function(new) shais.fov = new end) FieldOfView:AddSlider({ Text = "Sides", Current = shais.fovsides, }, {6, 40, 1}, function(new) shais.fovsides = new end) FieldOfView:AddSlider({ Text = "Thickness", Current = shais.fovthickness, }, {0.1, 50, 0.1}, function(new) shais.fovthickness = new end) local Character = hud:AddTab({ Text = "character", }) Character:AddToggle({ Text = "no fall damage", State = shais.nofalldamage, }, function(new) shais.nofalldamage = new end) Character:AddToggle({ Text = "enable speed", State = shais.setwalkspeed, }, function(new) shais.setwalkspeed = new if (not new) then storage.char.setbasewalkspeed(char, storage.char.oldWalkspeed) else storage.char.setbasewalkspeed(char, shais.walkspeed) end end) Character:AddSlider({ Text = "speed", Current = shais.walkspeed, }, {1, 100, 1}, function(new) shais.walkspeed = new storage.char.setbasewalkspeed(char, new) end) Character:AddToggle({ Text = "enable jump", State = shais.setjumppower, }, function(new) shais.setjumppower = new end) Character:AddSlider({ Text = "jumppower", Current = shais.jumppower, }, {1, 50, 1}, function(new) shais.jumppower = new end) local Visuals = hud:AddTab({ Text = "Visuals", }) Visuals:AddLabel({Text = "Gun visuals will update when you respawn"}) Visuals:AddToggle({ Text = "Color effect", State = shais.colorEffect, }, function(new) shais.colorEffect = new storage.colorEffect.Enabled = new end) Visuals:AddToggle({ Text = "Gun visuals", State = shais.gunVisuals, }, function(new) shais.gunVisuals = new end) Visuals:AddToggle({ Text = "Dead visuals", State = shais.deadVisuals, }, function(new) shais.deadVisuals = new end) local Hud = hud:AddTab({ Text = "Hud", }) hud.Keybind = settings:Get("hud.keybind", "RightAlt").Value Hud:AddKeybind({ Text = "Toggle", Current = hud.Keybind, }, function(new) settings:Set("hud.keybind", new.Name) hud.Keybind = new.Name end) Hud:AddButton({ Text = "Exit" }, function() main:End() end) Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!"); } } }
Linked list problem with remove
Count the number of capital letters, small letters, digits, spaces and special characters.
Enumerate an enum?
Math 5.83b
Invalid cast
Dependency Injection
Sorting String Problem need help
type comparison
Classes, properties, methods, ling begining