Run Code
Code Wall
Lambda Parser with long ids
--ghc 8.0.2 import Control.Applicative main = print $ parse parseLe "(lx01.(x10) (ly.y)) (ly.(x) (x))" newtype Parser a = P (String -> [(a, String)]) parse :: Parser a -> String -> [(a, String)] parse (P p) inp = p inp instance Functor Parser where -- fmap :: (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b fmap g p = P (\inp -> map (\(v,out) -> (g v, out)) (parse p inp)) instance Applicative Parser where -- pure :: a -> Parser a pure v = P (\inp -> [(v,inp)]) -- <*> :: Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b pg <*> px = P (\inp -> [(f v, sv) | (f, sf) <- parse pg $ inp, (v, sv) <- parse px $ sf]) instance Alternative Parser where empty = P (const []) px <|> py = P (\s -> (parse px s) ++ (parse py s)) findSuccessParse :: [(a,String)] -> Maybe a findSuccessParse [] = Nothing findSuccessParse ((h,t):xs) = if (t == "") then (Just h) else (findSuccessParse xs) parseString :: String -> Parser a -> Maybe a parseString s (P p) = (findSuccessParse (p s)) predP :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char predP p = P f where f "" = [] f (c : cs) | p c = [(c, cs)] | otherwise = [] predStr :: (String -> Bool) -> Parser String predStr p = P f where f "" = [] f (c : cs) | str /= "" = [(str, suff)] | otherwise = [] where (str, suff) = splitGreedy [] p (c : cs) splitGreedy :: String -> (String -> Bool) -> String -> (String, String) splitGreedy pref cond [] | cond pref = (pref, []) | otherwise = ("", "") splitGreedy pref cond (s:suff) | (cond pref) && q = (pref, s:suff) | otherwise = splitGreedy (pref++[s]) cond suff where q = not (cond (pref++[s])) stringP :: String -> Parser String stringP s = P f where f s1 | s == s1 = [(s, "")] | otherwise = [] isDigit :: Char -> Bool isDigit c = ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) digitParser = (predP isDigit) numberParser = (some digitParser) charP = predP . (==) data Le = VarExpr String | Lambb String Le | App Le Le deriving (Eq, Show) parseLe :: Parser Le parseLe = parseLetter <|> parseLambda <|> parseApp parseLambda = charP 'l' *> (Lambb <$> (predStr isId) <*> (charP '.' *> parseLe)) parseApp = charP '(' *> (App <$> parseLe <*> (charP ')' *> charP ' '*> charP '('*> parseLe))<* charP ')' isId (s:str) | (s>='a' && s<='z') && (isNumeric str) = True | otherwise = False isId _ = False isNumeric "" = True isNumeric (c:cs) | (c >= '0') && (c <= '9') = isNumeric cs | otherwise = False parseLetter = VarExpr <$> (predStr isId) isLet x | (x>='a' && x<='z') = True | otherwise = False
prettier Tasty
first haskell program
perfect numbers
Monoid and friends
divisibleBy a b
boolean functions of zero arguments in haskell
Perfect numbers
Pascal's triangle in 10 lines