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Heap: insert and deleteMin() Implementations
// Array-Based Heap Example #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; #define INIT_SIZE 2 #define COMPARE < template<class ItemType> class Heap { private: ItemType *items; // Array to hold items int itemCount; // Number of items in heap int maxItems; // The maximum number of items that can be stored in the heap public: Heap() {items = new ItemType[INIT_SIZE+1]; itemCount = 0; maxItems = INIT_SIZE;}; int size() const {return itemCount;}; void insert(ItemType value); ItemType deleteMin(); }; // end Heap template<class ItemType> void Heap<ItemType>::insert(ItemType value) { // check if we need more space for items if (itemCount == maxItems) { ItemType *temp = new ItemType[2*maxItems+1]; memcpy(temp,items,(maxItems+1)*sizeof(ItemType)); maxItems *= 2; delete [] items; items = temp; } // add new item to last position in the binary tree itemCount++; items[itemCount] = value; int index = itemCount; bool done = false; while((index > 1) && (!done)){ if(items[index] < items[index/2]){ swap(items[index], items[index/2]); index = index/2; } else{ done = true; } } } template<class ItemType> ItemType Heap<ItemType>::deleteMin() { // save the top of the heap for return ItemType returnValue = items[1]; // move the last item in the array to the vacated root items[1] = items[itemCount]; itemCount--; bool done = false; int index = 1; while((!done) && (index < itemCount)){ int checkLeft = index * 2; int checkRight = index *2 + 1; if((checkLeft <= itemCount) && (checkRight <= itemCount)){ if((items[index] > items[index*2]) && (items[index] > items[index*2 + 1])){ if((items[index*2] < items[index*2 + 1])){ swap(items[index], items[index*2]); index = index*2; } else{ swap(items[index], items[index*2 + 1]); index = index*2 + 1; } } else{ done = true; } } else if((checkLeft <= itemCount) && (items[index] > items[checkLeft])){ swap(items[index], items[checkLeft]); index = checkLeft; } else{ done = true; } } return returnValue; } int main() { cout << "*** Array-Based Heap Program for ECE 2574 ***\n\n"; int testSize = 10; // set root and search tree Heap<int> h; // add nodes using insert srand(12321); for (int i = 0; i < testSize; i++) { int value = rand()%100; h.insert(value); cout << "Inserted " << value << " into heap." << endl; } cout << endl; for (int i = 0; i < testSize; i++) { int value = h.deleteMin(); cout << "Returned " << value << " from heap." << endl; } cout << endl; return 0; }
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