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revenue average per current month, last 3, 6 and 12 months
--PostgreSQL 9.6 --'\\' is a delimiter select version() as postgresql_version; -- revenue average per current month, last 3, 6 (and 12) months -- like requested here: -- -- create table create table location_revenue_month ( location varchar(20), revenue money, revenue_month date); --date is more than month, very ok, --since we use it for calculation of months -- generate data -- data model and data are not aware about uniqueness of location and time in this example, it's up to You insert into location_revenue_month values ('a', 20, '2017-06-01'), ('b', 40, '2017-06-01'), ('c', 60, '2017-06-01'); insert into location_revenue_month select location, revenue+(random()*80)::numeric::money, revenue_month - interval '1 month' from location_revenue_month; insert into location_revenue_month select location, revenue+(random()*80)::numeric::money, revenue_month - interval '2 month' from location_revenue_month; insert into location_revenue_month select location, revenue+(random()*80)::numeric::money, revenue_month - interval '4 month' from location_revenue_month; insert into location_revenue_month select location, revenue+(random()*80)::numeric::money, revenue_month - interval '8 month' from location_revenue_month; -- control select select location, count(*),sum(revenue) from location_revenue_month group by location; --select * from location_revenue_month ; -- first select by current month select location, revenue from location_revenue_month where revenue_month = date_trunc('month', current_date); -- and it's a bad idea to just list "current" data, -- without giving the value of what was "current" when statement was run -- so let's add this column too -- first select by current month select location, revenue, revenue_month::date as current_month from location_revenue_month where revenue_month = date_trunc('month', current_date); -- use any other date parameter instead of current_date function -- first select by current month plus 3 month average from before -- !!! please consider left outer join if data isn't avalable for all location in time span !!! select c.location, c.revenue as current_revenue, avg(c3.revenue::numeric)::money as three_month_revenue, c.revenue_month::date from location_revenue_month c join location_revenue_month c3 --<<< change to left join according to data "situation" on c.location = c3.location where c.revenue_month = date_trunc('month', current_date) and c3.revenue_month between date_trunc('month', current_date)- interval '2 month' and date_trunc('month', current_date) group by c.location, c.revenue, c.revenue_month::date; -- now let's build the next column -- first select by current month, 3 month average, 6 month avarage select c.location, c.revenue as current_revenue, avg(c3.revenue::numeric)::money as three_month_revenue, avg(c6.revenue::numeric)::money as six_month_revenue, c.revenue_month::date from location_revenue_month c join location_revenue_month c3 on c.location = c3.location join location_revenue_month c6 on c.location = c6.location where c.revenue_month = date_trunc('month', current_date) and c3.revenue_month between date_trunc('month', current_date)- interval '2 month' and date_trunc('month', current_date) and c3.revenue_month between date_trunc('month', current_date)- interval '5 month' and date_trunc('month', current_date) group by c.location, c.revenue, c.revenue_month::date; -- now You will be able to add 12 month column -- first select by current month, 3 month average, 6 month avarage, finally 12 month avarage -- drop table drop table location_revenue_month; -- to ne honest, I didn't check back the numbers :)
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