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Wild West of Meming
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Wild_West_of_Meming { public class BaseCharacterClass { //The Character's class and it's descriptions public string Name { get; set; } public string CharacterClassName { get; set; } public string Description1 { get; set; } public string Description2 { get; set; } public string Description3 { get; set; } public string Description4 { get; set; } public string Description5 { get; set; } //Moves and their descriptions public string Move1 { get; set; } public string Move2 { get; set; } public string Move3 { get; set; } public string Move4 { get; set; } public string Move1Description { get; set; } public string Move2Description { get; set; } public string Move3Description { get; set; } public string Move4Description { get; set; } //Stats public int baseHealth { get; set; } public int baseStrength { get; set; } public int baseSpeed { get; set; } public int MaxHealth { get; set; } public int Health { get; set; } public int Strength { get; set; } public int Speed { get; set; } //XP and Levels public int XP { get; set; } public int currentlevel { get; set; } public int xptillnextlevel { get; set; } public int xpfornextlevel { get; set; } public void GetName(string name) { Name = name; } public void UpdateStats() { UpdateXp(0); MaxHealth = baseHealth * currentlevel; Strength = baseStrength * currentlevel; Speed = baseSpeed * currentlevel; Description4 = "Level: " + currentlevel + " Current XP: " + XP + " XP for next level: " + xpfornextlevel; Description5 = "Health: " + MaxHealth + " Strength: " + Strength + " Speed: " + Speed; Health = MaxHealth; } public void UpdateXp(int gainedxp) { XP += gainedxp; int curlvl = (int)(0.1f * Math.Sqrt(XP)); xpfornextlevel = 100 * (curlvl + 1) * (curlvl + 1); xptillnextlevel = xpfornextlevel - XP; if (curlvl != currentlevel) { currentlevel = curlvl; Console.WriteLine("Congradulations, you leveled up! You are now " + currentlevel); Console.WriteLine("XP for next level" + xpfornextlevel); } } public void DisplayMoves() { Console.WriteLine("Move Set: "); Console.WriteLine(Move1 + ": " + Move1Description); Console.WriteLine(Move2 + ": " + Move2Description); Console.WriteLine(Move3 + ": " + Move3Description); Console.WriteLine(Move4 + ": " + Move4Description); } public void DisplayStats() { var r = new playerClass(); r.ChoosePlayerClass(Name); UpdateStats(); Console.WriteLine(Description1); Console.WriteLine(Description2); Console.WriteLine(Description3); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(Description4); Console.WriteLine(Description5); Console.WriteLine(); DisplayMoves(); } } public class playerClass : BaseCharacterClass { public void ChoosePlayerClass(string className) { XP = 100; currentlevel = 1; if (string.Equals(className, "Emo Kid", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { CharacterClassName = "Emo Kid"; baseHealth = 16; baseStrength = 17; baseSpeed = 7; Description1 = "You are an Emo Kid. Your hate for humanity and has inclined you to hide from your problems, or at the very least fight them from a distance."; Description2 = "Because of this you have mastered fighting at a range."; Description3 = "You also have a love for the dark arts making you a great mage."; Move1 = "Down the Street"; Move2 = "Enter Darkness"; Move3 = "Hair Flip"; Move4 = "Emo Glaire"; Move1Description = "A double edged sword. You deals high amounts of damage to the enemy in exchange for health."; Move2Description = "You enter the darkest part of reality, your own mind. You receive a large power boost."; Move3Description = "You flip your hair intending to hit your enemy. It barely tickles, however the enemy is very confused."; Move4Description = "You glaire at your enemy in that super edgy, stereotypical emo way. The enemy is stunned."; } if (string.Equals(className, "Swole Boi", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { CharacterClassName = "Swole Boi"; baseHealth = 16; baseStrength = 17; baseSpeed = 7; Description1 = "You are a Swole Boi. You love to solve every problem you face with all brawns and no brains."; Description2 = "Because of this you have been beaten up a lot and are used to taking damage giving you high amounts of health."; Description3 = "You also love lifting weights, making you deal high amounts of damage even though you are very slow."; Move1 = "Head Bud"; Move2 = "Chad Punch"; Move3 = "Soy Repellent"; Move4 = "Mansplain"; Move1Description = "You charge at your enemy head first like the idiot you are. You some how manage to deal high amounts of damage in exchange for a small amount of your own health."; Move2Description = "You unleash the power that has been decended for eons through the line of the most alpha of males into a single punch. This is an attack only one man can do. Only a chad can do. Only you can do."; Move3Description = "You take out a can of bug spray and spray a circle around yourself. Your enemy is unable to hit you next turn."; Move4Description = "You explain. Your enemy is confused for one turn."; } if (string.Equals(className, "Kung Fu Jesus", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { CharacterClassName = "Kung Fu Jesus"; baseHealth = 10; baseStrength = 15; baseSpeed = 15; Description1 = "You are basically Kung Fu Jesus. You are a strong, fast, tactical genius and a good healer."; Description2 = "You were brought up by Master Oogway who taught you everything you know about martial arts."; Description3 = "After the death of Master Oogway you found a new master, Jesus. Jesus gave you the power to heal yourself and others."; Move1 = "Yeet on Water"; Move2 = "Crane Kick from Karate Kid"; Move3 = "Kamehameha Wave"; Move4 = "Divine Dab"; Move1Description = "Taking inspirtation from your former master, Jesus, you yeet on water. This heals 1/2 of your max health."; Move2Description = "You do the Crane Kick, you know, the one from Karate Kid. You end up breaking your leg. You deal no damage, but hey, everyone is stunned."; Move3Description = "You transform your life energy into a massive concentrated ki wave. You inflict high amounts of damage upon your enemy a deal damage to yourself as well."; Move4Description = "You drop the fattest dab in the history of dabs. You deal serious amounts of damage on the enemy."; } } } public class EnemyClasses : playerClass { public int EMaxHealth { get; set; } public int EHealth { get; set; } public int EStrength { get; set; } public int ESpeed { get; set; } public string EMove1 { get; set; } public string EMove2 { get; set; } public string EMove3 { get; set; } public string EMove4 { get; set; } public int GivenXp { get; set; } public void ChooseEnemyClass(string enemy) { if (enemy == "Shrek") { EMaxHealth = 40; EStrength = 15; ESpeed = 15; GivenXp = 66642069; EMove1 = "I'm an Ogre!"; EMove2 = "Bad Breath"; EMove3 = "Love"; EMove4 = "Life"; } if (enemy == "Cactus") { EMaxHealth = 20; EStrength = 2; ESpeed = 2; GivenXp = 69; EMove1 = "Prick"; } EHealth = EMaxHealth; } } public class Battling : EnemyClasses { public int damage { get; set; } public int selfharm { get; set; } public bool stunned { get; set; } public bool confused { get; set; } public bool playeralive { get; set; } public bool enemyalive { get; set; } public void enemyattackstats(string enemy, bool confused) { Random rng = new Random(); int emove; if (enemy == "Shrek") { emove = rng.Next(1, 5); Console.WriteLine(emove); if (emove == 1) { damage = EStrength; if (!confused) { Health = Health - damage; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Shrek used " + EMove1 + "!"); Console.WriteLine("You lost " + damage + " heath!"); Console.WriteLine(); } else if (confused) { EHealth = EHealth - damage; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Shrek used " + EMove1 + "!"); Console.WriteLine("However, he is confused and delt " + damage + " to himself!"); Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Error 104: The enemy is neither confused, nor not confused; it is in a super position of confusion until you figure out whats wrong!"); Console.WriteLine(); } } else if (emove == 2) { damage = EStrength; if (!confused) { Health = Health - damage; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Shrek used " + EMove2 + "!"); Console.WriteLine("You lost " + damage + " heath!"); Console.WriteLine(); } else if (confused) { EHealth = EHealth - damage; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Shrek used " + EMove2 + "!"); Console.WriteLine("However, he is confused and delt " + damage + " to himself!"); Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Error 104: The enemy is neither confused, nor not confused; it is in a super position of confusion until you figure out whats wrong!"); Console.WriteLine(); } } else if (emove == 3) { damage = EStrength; if (!confused) { Health = Health - damage; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Shrek used " + EMove3 + "!"); Console.WriteLine("You lost " + damage + " heath!"); Console.WriteLine(); } else if (confused) { EHealth = EHealth - damage; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Shrek used " + EMove3 + "!"); Console.WriteLine("However, he is confused and delt " + damage + " to himself!"); Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Error 104: The enemy is neither confused, nor not confused; it is in a super position of confusion until you figure out whats wrong!"); Console.WriteLine(); } } else if (emove == 4) { damage = EStrength; if (!confused) { Health = Health - damage; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Shrek used " + EMove4 + "!"); Console.WriteLine("You lost " + damage + " heath!"); Console.WriteLine(); } else if (confused) { EHealth = EHealth - damage; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Shrek used " + EMove4 + "!"); Console.WriteLine("However, he is confused and delt " + damage + " to himself!"); Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Error 104: The enemy is neither confused, nor not confused; it is in a super position of confusion until you figure out whats wrong!"); Console.WriteLine(); } } } if (enemy == "Cactus") { damage = EStrength; if (!confused) { Health = Health - damage; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("The Cactus used prick!"); Console.WriteLine("You lost " + damage + " health!"); Console.WriteLine(); } else if (confused) { EHealth = EHealth - damage; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("The cactus used prick!"); Console.WriteLine("However, he is ocnfused and delt " + damage + " to himself!"); Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Error 104: The enemy is neither confused, nor not confused; it is in a super position of confusion until you figure out whats wrong!"); Console.WriteLine(); } } } public void playerattackstats(string move) { bool canContinue = false; while (!canContinue) { if (string.Equals(move, "Down the Street", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { damage = Strength; selfharm = Strength / 4; canContinue = true; Console.WriteLine("You used " + move + " and delt " + damage + " damge! However you inflicted " + selfharm + " damge upon yourself!"); } else if (string.Equals(move, "Enter Darkness", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { Strength = Strength * 2; canContinue = true; Console.WriteLine("You used " + move + " and doubled your health!"); } else if (string.Equals(move, "Hair Flip", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { confused = true; canContinue = true; Console.WriteLine("You used " + move + " and confused the enemy!"); } else if (string.Equals(move, "Emo Glaire", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { stunned = true; canContinue = true; Console.WriteLine("You used " + move + " and stunned the enemy!"); } else if (string.Equals(move, "Head Bud", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { damage = Strength * 2; selfharm = damage / 4; canContinue = true; Console.WriteLine("You used " + move + " and delt " + damage + " damge! However you inflicted " + selfharm + " damge upon yourself!"); } else if (string.Equals(move, "Chad Punch", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { damage = Strength * 2; canContinue = true; Console.WriteLine("You used " + move + " and delt " + damage + " damge!"); } else if (string.Equals(move, "Soy Repellent", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { stunned = true; canContinue = true; Console.WriteLine("You used " + move + " and stunned the enemy!"); } else if (string.Equals(move, "Mansplain", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { confused = true; canContinue = true; Console.WriteLine("You used " + move + " and confused the enemy!"); } else if (string.Equals(move, "Yeet on Water", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { Health = Health + (MaxHealth / 2); canContinue = true; Console.WriteLine("You used " + move + " and healed half of your max health!"); } else if (string.Equals(move, "Crane Kick from Karate Kid", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) || (string.Equals(move, "Crane Kick", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))) { stunned = true; canContinue = true; Console.WriteLine("You used Crane Kick from Karate Kid and stunned the enemy!"); } else if (string.Equals(move, "Kamehameha Wave", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) || (string.Equals(move, "wave", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))) { damage = Strength * 2; selfharm = damage / 4; canContinue = true; Console.WriteLine("You used Kamehameha and delt " + damage + " damge! However you inflicted " + selfharm + " damge upon yourself!"); } else if (string.Equals(move, "Divine Dab", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { damage = Strength * 4; //because this is totally balanced canContinue = true; Console.WriteLine("You used " + move + " and delt " + damage + " damge!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("That is not a valid move"); move = String.Empty; move = Console.ReadLine(); } } } public void Battle(string enemy) { Health = MaxHealth; EHealth = EMaxHealth; UpdateStats(); string move; playeralive = true; enemyalive = true; stunned = false; confused = false; Console.WriteLine("A wild " + enemy + " has appeard!"); ChooseEnemyClass(enemy); while (playeralive && enemyalive) { //player goes first if (Speed >= ESpeed) { //player attacks if (Health > 0) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Choose a move."); Console.WriteLine(); DisplayMoves(); move = Console.ReadLine(); playerattackstats(move); EHealth = EHealth - damage; damage = 0; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Your health: " + Health + " Enemy's health: " + EHealth); } else { playeralive = false; } //enemy attacks if (EHealth > 0) { if (!stunned) { enemyattackstats(enemy, confused); Health = Health - damage; damage = 0; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Your health: " + Health + " Enemy's health: " + EHealth); } else { } } else { enemyalive = false; } } //enemy goes first else if (Speed < ESpeed) { //enemy attacks if (EHealth > 0) { if (!stunned) { enemyattackstats(enemy, confused); Health = Health - damage; damage = 0; Console.WriteLine("Your health: " + Health + " Enemy's health: " + EHealth); } else { } } else { enemyalive = false; } //player attacks if (Health > 0) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Your turn!"); Console.WriteLine("Choose a move."); DisplayMoves(); move = Console.ReadLine(); playerattackstats(move); EHealth = EHealth - damage; damage = 0; Console.WriteLine("Your health: " + Health + " Enemy's health: " + EHealth); } else { playeralive = false; } damage = 0; confused = false; stunned = false; } else { } } if (playeralive) { UpdateXp(GivenXp); UpdateStats(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Congradulations, you killed " + enemy + " and gained " + GivenXp + "!"); } else if (enemyalive) { Console.WriteLine("HA! You ded lol..."); Console.WriteLine("Game Over."); Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to Exit."); Console.ReadLine(); Environment.Exit(0); } else { Console.WriteLine("Error 592: Both the enemy and the player are alive... how?"); } } } public class Program { public static void Main() { var r = new Battling(); string command; char first; bool exit = false; bool grind; bool canContinue; bool canContinue2; string choose; string className = String.Empty; string name; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Wild West of Memeing"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("You wake up; the sun is bright and beaming through your window, filling the room with light."); Console.WriteLine("The warmth of the sun combined with the cool morning breeze fills you with a refreshing, wholesome pleasure."); Console.WriteLine("However, it is quickly diminished by your growing pain caused by lack of purpose."); Console.WriteLine("You and your half-awake self manage to drift over to the bathroom mirror."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("You lay eyes upon your reflection and stare."); Console.WriteLine("Caught up in a moment of self-reflection you wonder, Who am I? What is my purpose in life?"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("You turn the faucet on; the warm well water rushes out."); Console.WriteLine("You cup your hands like a basin as to splash the water on your haggard face."); Console.WriteLine("I am..."); Console.WriteLine("*input your name*"); name = Console.ReadLine(); r.GetName(name); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("I am " + name + ", a"); Console.WriteLine(); canContinue = false; while (!canContinue) { Console.WriteLine("*choose a class*"); Console.WriteLine("*you can become an Emo Kid (Ranged/Mage), a Swole Boi (Warrior/Tank), or a Kung Fu Jesus (Healer/Martial Artist)*"); className = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); if (string.Equals(className, "Emo Kid", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) || string.Equals(className, "Swole Boi", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) || string.Equals(className, "Kung Fu Jesus", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { r.ChoosePlayerClass(className); r.DisplayStats(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Are you sure you want to choose this class?"); choose = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.Equals(choose, "yes", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) || string.Equals(choose, "yeet", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { canContinue = true; } else { } } else { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid class"); Console.WriteLine(); } } choose = String.Empty; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Your pep talk seemed to have worked; now sparked with a tinge of pride you head outside."); Console.WriteLine("As you open the door of the humble shack you call home, the mailman casts today’s newspaper at your feet."); Console.WriteLine("Your interest is sparked as you notice the front headline mentions something about black gold. "); Console.WriteLine("To satiate your curiosity, you pick the paper up; the head reads:"); Console.WriteLine("BLACK GOLD DISCOVERED IN TEXAS;"); Console.WriteLine("THOUSANDS LEAVE THEIR HOMES IN SEARCH OF FORTUNE"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("A jolt of excitement and motivation surges through your body as you shout, “YEET DAWGY! I’M GOIN ON AN ADVENTURE!”"); Console.WriteLine("You hastily pack up for your expedition, not knowing, nor caring what the future holds in store…"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("It’s been a month now and, despite the numerous towns you have stationed at, you are beginning to run low on food and supplies."); string ponyname; if (string.Equals(className, "Emo Kid", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { ponyname = "Fluttershy"; } else if (string.Equals(className, "Swole Boi", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { ponyname = "Big McIntosh"; } else if (string.Equals(className, "Kung Fu Jesus", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { ponyname = "Princess Celestia"; } else { ponyname = "Error 706: String className is being weird for some reason."; } Console.WriteLine("Your little pony, " + ponyname + ", is thirsty and needs some milk, you are starving and need Jesus, "); Console.WriteLine("and you are both suffering from crippling depression."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Just then you see a fire in the distance, a large fire. Like, a yuge bonfire. "); Console.WriteLine("You go to investigate and see who is responsible for the conflagration."); Console.WriteLine("Before you leave you decide to leave " + ponyname + " tied to a cactus, cos it’s Texas and there aren’t trees in Texas."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("As you begin to wrap your lead around the cactus, it yelps."); Console.WriteLine("Out of pure instinct, you smack it upside its cactus lookin head."); Console.WriteLine("Don't question that last sentence..."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("The cactus says, “Ay, I’m walkin here.”"); Console.WriteLine("“But you’re a cactus…” you say, “cactuses can’t walk…”"); Console.WriteLine("“First off it’s cacti, second that’s cactism, you cactist!”"); Console.WriteLine("Annoyed by it’s nasally voice, you initiate a fight."); Console.WriteLine(); r.Battle("Cactus"); Console.WriteLine("After that bizarre turn of events you feel almost inclined to see if you can find some more of those annoying, talking cactuses"); Console.WriteLine("and maybe while you’re at it, you might be able to punch their cactus lookin faces in."); canContinue = false; grind = true; while (!canContinue) { r.ChoosePlayerClass(className); Console.WriteLine("*grind/move on*"); choose = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.Equals(choose, "grind", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { grind = true; canContinue = true; Console.WriteLine("You decided to continue punching cactuses."); Console.WriteLine(); } else if (string.Equals(choose, "move on", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { grind = false; canContinue = true; Console.WriteLine("You decided to move on with your sorry life."); Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine("That is not a valid choice."); } } choose = String.Empty; Console.WriteLine(); while (grind) { r.Battle("Cactus"); canContinue = false; while (!canContinue) { Console.WriteLine("Do you wish to continue grinding or move on?"); Console.WriteLine("*grind/move on"); choose = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.Equals(choose, "grind", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { grind = true; canContinue = true; Console.WriteLine("You decided to continue punching cactuses."); Console.WriteLine(); } else if (string.Equals(choose, "move on", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { grind = false; canContinue = true; Console.WriteLine("You decided to move on with your sorry life."); Console.WriteLine(); } else { grind = false; Console.WriteLine("That is not a valid choice."); Console.WriteLine(); } } } choose = String.Empty; canContinue = false; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("As you approach the campsite you see that it is inhabited by an ogre."); Console.WriteLine("You have a choice to make, either you sneak in a try to steal as much as you can without getting caught,"); Console.WriteLine("or you go in guns blazing and fight the monster."); while (!canContinue) { Console.WriteLine("*stealth/fight*"); choose = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); if (string.Equals(choose, "stealth", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { Console.WriteLine("You decide to go about the situation stealthily;"); Console.WriteLine("just like a child who just flunked six tests and is trying not to let their parents find out."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("The moment you enter the camp, you are immediately filled with warmth and smell fried chicken, your favorite."); Console.WriteLine("The mere scent of the food is enough for you to crave, to mourn."); Console.WriteLine("You begin to believe that you will not be able to live unless you get that food now."); Console.WriteLine("Just then, your stomach lets out this godawful roar and it was at this moment you knew, you f***ed up."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("The ogre instantly spotted you, he started yelling and screaming bloody murder,"); Console.WriteLine("saying “I’M AN OGRE!” and “OGRES HAVE LAYERS, ONIONS HAVE LAYERS!”"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Then he snapped his fingers."); Console.WriteLine("Immediately a wave of malady splash over you."); Console.WriteLine("“I don’t feel so good” were your last words before fading into dust."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Shrek Will Return"); Console.ReadLine(); choose = String.Empty; } else if (string.Equals(choose, "fight", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { Console.WriteLine("You decide to go about the situation pugnaciously."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("You open with saying, “You there. Ogre!”"); Console.WriteLine("To which the ogre responds with, “Aye?”"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("You decide it would be best to make it seem like you are working for someone else,"); Console.WriteLine("that way he holds a grudge against this made-up person and not you."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("You say, “By the order of Lord Farquaad I am authorized to place you under arrest and transport you to a designated resettlement facility.”"); Console.WriteLine("“Oh, really? You and what army?”"); Console.ReadLine(); canContinue = true; choose = String.Empty; } else { Console.WriteLine("Error 857: choose != stealth or fight... wtf"); } } //THE FINAL BATTLE!!! r.Battle("Shrek"); Console.WriteLine("Congradulations, you did it!"); Console.WriteLine("You have been knighted, Sir Not-a-Normie by the Meme Lord"); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit."); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
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