Run Code
Code Wall
Eliminatoria minigame
mapList = {7684582,7682357,7684585,7682364,7684581,7682369,7682377,7682373,7682375,7637516,7658356,7637530,7637533,7637536,7658353,7637550,7637555,7637577,7637579,7658360,7637600,7637608,7637850,7637851,7637854,7637857,7637874,7637877,7658380,7658381,7658386,7658389,7658390,7658392,7658394,7658395,7658713,7658715,7658718,7658723,7658734,7658735,7658738,7658739,7658742,7658743,7658745,7659965,7660275,7660277,7660283,7660290,7660300,7660302,7660306,7660315,7661939,7661940,7661943,7661944,7661948,7661949,7661952,7661953,7661954,7661957,7661973,7661978,7661979,7661980,7661985,7661989,7661990,7662872,7662873,7662874,7662876,7662877,7662880,7662881,7662882,7662883,7662885,7662887,7662888,7662890,7662891,7662892,7662893,7662894,7662895,7662896,7662897,3574927,7662901,7662902,7662907,7662908,7662909,7662911,7662912,7662913,7662915,7662917,7662918,7662919,7665045,7665047,7665049,7665054,7665056,7665057,7665058,7665063,7665067,7665074,7665087,7665090,7665092,7665095,7665097,7684584,7677528,7677530,7677833,7677836,7680904,7680913,7681785,7681787,7681788,7681790,7681793,7686243,7686249,7686254,7686257,7686260,7686264,7686266,7686267,7686270,7686271,7686273,7686527,7686528,7686531,7686534,7686536,7686539,7686543,7686545,7686547,7686547,7686548,7686549,7686550,7686552,7686554,7686559,7686571,7686727,7686728,7686733,7686736,7686740,7686741,7686744,7686755,7686758,7686762,7689632,7691492,7691897,7689626,7689622,7689616,7689613,7689611,7689608,7689604,7689602,7689600,7689597,7689595,7689591,7688803,7688801,7688800,7688799,7688796,7688795,7688794,7688791,7688789,7688785,7688783,7688781,7688780,7688778,7688774,7688771,7688770,7688768,7688766,7688764,7688761,7688760,7688567,7688565,7688564,7688556,7688543,7678759,7691897,7692918,7693277,7693278,7693279,7693280,7693904,7694912,7694917,7694919,7694921,7642402,7642398,7695425} local mainAdmin = "Villaaam#0000" -- MAIN ADMIN local perm = { ['Villaaam#0000'] = true, ['Whyson2#4532'] = true} -- Admins local players = {} local data = {} local canFinish = false local kicking = false local startGame = false local finishGame = false local queueMaps = {} local maxPlayers = 200 local playersInGame = 0 local mapName = 'Villaaam#0000' local mapCode = '17' local roundWinner = '' local mapWinner = '' ---Players Name Color In the Starting Map-- local nameColor = "#FD06D9" --Change the color code in here! function mapChange() if #queueMaps > 0 then tfm.exec.newGame(table.remove(queueMaps, 1)) else tfm.exec.newGame(mapList[math.random(0, #mapList)]) end end -- [[ Disable ]] -- system.disableChatCommandDisplay(nil) for _, v in next, {'AutoTimeLeft', 'AutoShaman', 'AutoNewGame', 'AutoScore', 'AfkDeath', 'PhysicalConsumables', 'disableMortCommand', 'disableDebugCommand', 'disableMinimalistMode'} do tfm.exec['disable' .. v]() end -- [[ Functions Lib ]] -- local split = function(str, s) local res = {} for part in string.gmatch(str, "[^" .. s .. "]+") do table.insert(res, part) end return res end local showPlayers = function(name, display) if (display == nil) then display = true end local addTextArea = function(...) if (display) then ui.addTextArea(...) end end if (playersInGame > 0) then local a = 1 local list = { "<p align='center'>" } local n, i, id = 0, 1, 1 local text = '' for k in next, players do if (k ~= name) then local nick, tag = k:match('(.-)#(%d+)');tag = "<g><font size='9'>#" .. tag .. "</font></g>" n = (n + 1) if (n >= 10) then i = (i + 1);list[i] = "<p align='center'>" text = (kicking and "<a href='event:" .. k .. "'>" or '') .. nick .. tag .. '\n' n = 1 id = (id + 1) else text = (kicking and "<a href='event:" .. k .. "'>" or '') .."<font color='" ..nameColor .."'>" ..nick ..tag ..'\n' end list[i] = list[i] .. text end end local x = 6 for i = 1, #list do addTextArea(i, list[i], name, x, 80, 180, 310, 0x060606, 0x060606, .8, true) x = (x + (i == 1 and 193 or 203)) end if (kicking) then addTextArea(0, "<p align='center'><font size='16'><font face='Candara'><font color='#8B00FF'>Select a player to eliminate", name, 5, 25, 790, 25, 0x060606, 0, .8) end return #list end end local start = function() playersInGame = 0 tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P Ca=""/><Z><S><S L="795" o="66666" H="56" X="401" Y="373" T="12" P="0,0,0.3,0.2,0,0,0,0" i="-4,-398,170b5453177.jpg" /></S><D /><O /></Z></C>') for k in next, perm do ui.addTextArea(-1, "<p align='center'><a href='event:start'><font size='13' color='#FFB710'><font face='Candara'><n><b><font color='#FD06D9'>Start Game", k, 5, 25, 150, 20, 0x060606, 0, .8) end ui.addTextArea(0, "<p align='center'><a href='event:entry'><font size='13' color='#FFB710'><font face='Candara'><n><b><font color='#FD06D9'>Join", nil, 644, 25, 150, 20, 0x060606, 0, .8) for k in next, do tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(k, 0) end showPlayers(nil) end system.bindMouse("Villaaam#0000", true) system.bindMouse("Whyson2#4532", true) function eventMouse(name, x, y) tfm.exec.movePlayer(name,x,y,false,0,0,true) end -- [[ API Functions ]] -- function eventNewPlayer(name) if not data[name] then data[name] = {color=0xFFFFFF} end tfm.exec.setNameColor(name, data[name].color) if (not startGame) then local text = "<p align='center'><j>Joined" if (not players[name]) then text = "<p align='center'><a href='event:entry'><font size='13' color='#FFB710'><font face='Candara'><n><b>Join" end ui.addTextArea(0, text, name, 644, 25, 150, 20, 0x060606, 0, .8) showPlayers(name) end tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(name, 0) end table.foreach(, eventNewPlayer) function eventNewGame() canFinish = false kicking = false mapWinner = '' for name, player in next, do if (perm[name] and data[name]) then tfm.exec.setNameColor(name, data[name].color) end end if (startGame) then ui.removeTextArea(0);local a = showPlayers('?', false);for b = 1, a do ui.removeTextArea(b, name) end tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(0, 380, -325, {type = 14, width = 40, height = 10}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(1, 380, -365, {type = 14, width = 60, height = 10}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(2, 355, -340, {type = 14, width = 40, height = 10, angle = -90}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(3, 405, -340, {type = 14, width = 40, height = 10, angle = -90}) for k in next, do if (not players[k]) then tfm.exec.movePlayer(k, 380, -340) end end tfm.exec.setGameTime(63) ui.setMapName("<font color='#FD06D9'>Eliminatoria | Competidores: "..playersInGame.." / "..maxPlayers) if (roundWinner ~= '') then if (finishGame) then if (players[roundWinner] and #players[roundWinner] > 0) then local text = 'Eliminated: ' for i = 1, #players[roundWinner] do local nick, tag = '<n>' .. players[roundWinner][i]:match('(.-)#[0-9]+$'), "<ch><font size='9'>" .. players[roundWinner][i]:match('#[0-9]+$') text = text .. nick .. tag .. (i < #players[roundWinner] and '<n>,</n> ' or '<n>.</n>') end ui.addTextArea(0, text, nil, 5, 25, 200, nil, 0x060606, 0, .8) end tfm.exec.setGameTime(30) tfm.exec.setUIMapName("<n>Created by</n> <j>Villaaam#0000</j>") end end else players = {} tfm.exec.setGameTime(99999) end mapName = ( ~= '#Module' and or mapName) mapCode = or mapCode end function eventLoop(elapsed, remaining) local remaining = math.floor(remaining / 1000) if (elapsed <= 1000) then tfm.exec.playEmote(roundWinner, 0) end if (remaining < 0) then if (finishGame) then finishGame = false startGame = false start() return end if (startGame) then if (canFinish and roundWinner ~= '') then finishGame = true tfm.exec.newGame('<C><P /><Z><S><S i="-200,-250,16692e791eb.png" P=",,9999,,,,," L="400" H="10" Y="270" T="14" X="400" /><S P=",,9999,,,,," i="-66,-20,1669252905c.png" L="200" H="10" Y="300" T="14" X="400" /></S><D><DS Y="300" X="400" /></D><O /></Z></C>') else mapChange() end else ui.removeTextArea(0) start() end end end function eventPlayerWon(name) if (startGame) then if (mapWinner == '') then mapWinner = name local a = 0 for k in next, players do a = (a + 1) end if (a > 2) then kicking = true tfm.exec.setGameTime(10, false) showPlayers(name) else for k in next, players do if (k ~= name) then players[k] = nil break end end canFinish = true roundWinner = name tfm.exec.setGameTime(4, false) end tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(name,[name].score + 1) end end end function eventPlayerDied(name) local t = {} for k, v in next, do if (not v.isDead) then t[#t + 1] = k end end for i = 1, #t do if (players[t[i]]) then return end end if (startGame) then mapChange() end end function eventPlayerLeft(name) if (players[name]) then players[name] = nil if (playersInGame > 0) then playersInGame = (playersInGame - 1) end ui.setMapName("<font color='#FD06D9'>Eliminatoria | Competidores: "..playersInGame.." / "..maxPlayers) end if (not startGame) then showPlayers(nil) end if (kicking) then showPlayers(mapWinner) end end function eventChatCommand(name, cmd) cmd = split(cmd, ' ') -- [[ Adm Commands ]] -- if (perm[name]) then if (cmd[1] == 'start') then local a = playersInGame if (a > 1) then for i = -1, a do ui.removeTextArea(i) end startGame = true mapChange() end elseif cmd[1] == 'kill' and cmd[2] ~= nil then tfm.exec.killPlayer(cmd[2]) elseif cmd[1] == 'skip' then mapChange() elseif name:lower() == mainAdmin:lower() and cmd[1] == 'admin' and cmd[2] ~= nil then if perm[cmd[2]] then perm[cmd[2]] = false for name, value in next, perm do ui.addPopup(1, 0, string.format("%s is not Admin anymore.", cmd[2]), name, 250, 170, 300, true) end else perm[cmd[2]] = true for name, value in next, perm do ui.addPopup(1, 0, string.format("%s is now Admin.", cmd[2]), name, 250, 170, 300, true) end end elseif cmd[1] == 'np' and cmd[2] ~= nil then table.insert(queueMaps, cmd[2]) elseif cmd[1] == 'namecolor' then ui.showColorPicker(1661, name, data[name].color or 0xFFFFFF, "Choose name color") end end end function eventColorPicked(id, name, color) if id == 1661 then if perm[name] and data[name] then data[name].color = color tfm.exec.setNameColor(name, color) end end end function eventTextAreaCallback(id, name, cb) if (cb == 'entry') then if (not players[name]) then players[name] = {color = 0xffffff} playersInGame = (playersInGame + 1) ui.setMapName("<font color='#FD06D9'>Eliminatoria | Competidores: "..playersInGame.." / "..maxPlayers) ui.updateTextArea(0, '<n>Joined', name) showPlayers(nil) end elseif (cb == 'start') then eventChatCommand(name, cb) elseif (players[cb] and kicking) then if (playersInGame > 0) then playersInGame = (playersInGame - 1) end kicking = false players[cb] = nil local a = 1 for k in next, players do a = (a + 1) end for i = 1, a do ui.removeTextArea(i) end players[name][#players[name] + 1] = cb ui.addTextArea(0, "<p align='center'><font size='26'><font face='Candara'><font color='#8B00FF'><b>" .. name .. " <font face='Candara'><font color='#060606'>eliminated: <font color='#FD06D9'><b>" .. cb, nil, 6, 186, 790, 35, 0x060606, 0, .8) ui.setMapName("<font color='#FD06D9'>Eliminatoria | Competidores: "..playersInGame.." / "..maxPlayers) tfm.exec.setGameTime(15, false) end end start()
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